Rise of Rurik

Chapter 262: Kewen War Three: The Lord of Salmon Descends

Finally, Jeflo’s crossbow team has arrived!

"Brothers! The first nine! The last ten! Kneel on one knee!"

"Aim at the enemy you see and shoot!"

Jevlo arranged his men in a line, and then everyone shot their crossbows horizontally. With the addition of Jeflo\'s arrows, the 20 heavy crossbow arrows hit by the Rusmen immediately achieved results.

Of those Corvins who were half exposed, wielding short spears and whistles desperately, or holding up a rock, no less than ten people were accurately hit.

The crossbow arrow pierced the enemy\'s body, depriving its combat power on the spot, causing the arrow hitter to fall from the stone wall.

After this volley, the Kovin\'s line of defense immediately appeared a huge gap.

Otto, who was feeling stressed, couldn\'t help but slapped his thighs and laughed, then tore his throat to give orders to the mercenaries such as Jeflo; "You guys, shoot me all the turtledoves on the stone wall!"

Yevlo didn\'t rush: "Brothers wind up! Don\'t be afraid of strangling your hands! Hurry up!"

Evlo stepped on the steel plate with both feet, and both hands pulled the hemp rope bowstring deliberately soaked with seal grease, and he put it on the delicately designed trigger with force.

The others also performed exactly the same operations, and the efficiencies of pulling strings and arrows were similar to each other.

Less than thirty seconds after the first arrow, the second arrow has been loaded.

It can be said that with such a speed, it is quite good for a crossbow.

"Put it up! Aim at the target! Shoot!"

Therefore, from the perspective of Kehas, the leader of Kewen, he witnessed the terrifying short arrows in his more than a dozen people, and the hunter\'s intelligence was not false. In his desperation, he didn\'t have time to sigh, and he had to organize a group of people to board the stone wall to block the gap in the line of defense.

However, the men who stood quite densely, stabbed with short spears, and even threw short spears, fell down one after another.

"Ah! How could this happen!" Kejas, in amazement, hurried to check the condition of the deceased. Seeing that the deceased\'s whole body was beaten through, and someone was completely pierced through the heart, he had to yell: "This Is it a weapon used by the gods of death? What kind of arrow is this!"

He stomped and stood up, hurriedly ordering some soldiers on standby in the mountain fort: "Give me continue to climb the stone wall and drive the enemy back."

However, faced with as many as thirty corpses falling from the stone wall and more than a dozen companions lying on the ground and howling, everyone was terrified.

Seeing his subordinates were so indifferent with fear, Kejas was sad.

He yelled at his fellow clan, "Are you all going to be slaves of the Varanges? Go to fight for me, hurry up!"

Kaihas saved his morale in vain, but his men were still indifferent, and his face was filled with inexhaustible fear.

Just as Kehas gave orders, more people fell from the stone wall, and undoubtedly, most of these people fell on the arrows of the Ross people. What\'s more, he was stabbed and killed by a spear that suddenly appeared in the shield wall.

The stone wall that the Rus attacked was already full of flaws.

Otto saw everything clearly. At the beginning, the team\'s attack encountered a lot of resistance. As the crossbowmen led by Jeflo participated in the battle, the offensive resistance was finally gone!

The Corvins have no more time, and the opportunity for Kaihas to plug the gap has been lost.

More than a dozen Ross warriors stepped on the backs of their companions and directly climbed over the stone wall.

What pleased the Ross soldiers who participated in the battle half a year ago was that they could not attack the enemy\'s gates, but could cross the stone wall directly.

The Russ rushed into the mountain fort. Their offensive path saw a sudden large number of arrows and the casualties of many companions, especially the tragedy of a companion being blocked by an arrow.

The defense line of the stone wall was broken everywhere, and there were Ruths who entered over the wall everywhere. Once inside the mountain fort, it is equal to flat ground combat, but such combat is clearly the biggest disparity!

Kewen had to retreat, and Kaihas raised his sword and called: "Those who are still alive, retreat to the cellar, we must desperately protect our women and children!"

The Corvins just retreated, they did not flee. Because the residents of this tribe know that escaped from the bunker of the tribe is only the result of freezing to death and starvation. As for going to other tribes, stop this strange idea early!

Because of the Salmon Lord tribe, the relationship with several other tribes is quite bad.

The Ross people quickly built a shield wall formation in the mountain fort, and the number of warriors who entered the stone wall soon exceeded a hundred.

As more than a dozen warriors with amazing strength removed some of the stones and wood that blocked the gate, all the warriors flocked in.

Rurik entered the scene of the fight under the **** of his mercenaries.

Seeing a large number of corpses on the ground, as well as severely wounded and moaning enemies being stabbed by his own clansmen, the air was filled with a stench, and Rurik\'s spirit was greatly stimulated.

Even if he had already checked forty years old in his psychological years, seeing such a **** scene, his soul was more than shocked?

Rurik just wanted to end all this early, and the battle must end quickly with the victory of the Rus.

Now, what he saw was his father, holding up the patterned Damascus sword, leading a shield wall made up of more than two hundred people. Everyone roared "rua" and "rua", coerced with all kinds of weapons. Science and literati shrunk into a ball. Behind these main forces, there are also a group of spear-wielding warriors, stab the dying enemy wounded.

Rurik saw that these Corvins wearing leather coats and hats were guarding some very important big wooden houses with haystacks.

Could it be that this is their granary? Or there are a lot of gold and silver coins in it?

It was the current scene, as if his father wanted to kill all these armed Kowenmen in one fell swoop.

Correct! If it were Otto, he would do it!

Rurik\'s head was a little confused. He really didn\'t want the valuable Corvins to be wiped out by the Red-Eyed Rosses, so he commanded Yevlo loudly: "Bring the brothers to rush over."

"Okay! I order everyone to put arrows on the crossbow and destroy all the enemies!" Yevlo responded excitedly.

"Bah!" Rurik yelled, "Let\'s go quickly! Jeflo, you roar very loudly. Give me a language that the Kovins understand and order them to stop resisting."


"Hurry up! Before the Warriors kill them all, I will stop all of this."

Yevlo already understood. To put it bluntly, he was acting as a communicator, forcing the Kewen people to obediently surrender to avoid all death.

Soon, Jeflo pulled Rurik\'s arm and forcibly got into the Ross formation, which was shrinking and encircling, and quickly rushed to the front row.

Yevlo yelled desperately in Finnish language: "Corvin! Put down your weapons! Kneel down! Don\'t die!"

The Kowen tribe fighters present were all stunned, and they didn\'t expect someone from the enemy to say something they could understand.

Otto was a little dissatisfied with Evlo\'s sudden appearance. It seemed that this persuasive surrender was also requested by his son Rürik.

The Ross warriors are still shrinking the encirclement, all of their beards and beards have been dyed red, and their fangs are always open. The Ross warriors clearly don\'t want to give the enemy vitality. The shield wall formed by them is also indestructible. .

Otto snapped at Yevlo: "What are you talking about? Get out!"

Jeflo couldn\'t help being timid, he knew he was from Rurik, so he had to obey Otto\'s command.

In the tight team of his own people, Rurik rushed to his father\'s side by virtue of his dexterous body.

He grabbed his father\'s leather armour, and looked up at Otto\'s eyes resolutely: "Dad, you can\'t kill them."

Otto was taken aback, and a big hand squeezed Rürich\'s neck directly, and he reprimanded: "Don\'t you understand? This is war! War cannot be merciful!"

Rurik felt that his neck was pinched in pain, "Dad, spare them! We need new slaves, don\'t we?"

Otto was unmoved.

Rurik twisted his body and reluctantly said: "At least, you have to give them a chance to surrender! If... if they refuse, my mercenary will shoot them first!"

Only then did Otto let go of his big hand. "It looks like I can give them a chance."

Muttering to himself, Otto yelled: "Brothers! Stop!"

The trained tribal warriors obeyed the command of the chief leader, and the shrinking encirclement stopped, but the spearheads and swords were still aimed at the Corvin warriors of Liushen Wuzhu.

From the perspective of the Kewen people, the situation seems to have turned around. Those who had been frightened by the powerful army of the Rus finally got a moment of respite.

Otto glanced at Jeflo and commanded loudly: "Jeflo, persuade them to surrender! Tell them, kneel down and surrender, so as not to die. If you continue to fight, continue fighting."

Evlo understood.

The battlefield is suddenly quiet!

More than 200 warriors of the Kowen tribe surrounded a very large wooden haystack. They gathered in a cluster surrounded by each other. The extremely tight battlefield environment prevented them from using their weapons flexibly.

On the other hand, the Russ, a round shield with various patterns painted on one side to form a wall, swords, spears, and bows and crossbows that can be fired at any time, just command an order, and the final result is naturally the destruction of the Corvins.

Behind the Ross people is a terrible scene of blood drifting. The wounded who fell to the ground were all assassinated, and the moan of the wounded was naturally not heard at the scene.

The Ross people held their breath, as did the Corvin people.

Only Jeflo announced the ultimatum loudly: "Men of the Grey Squirrel Clan! We are the Russians! Now, we order you to throw away your weapons and kneel down. Be our servants to avoid death! Otherwise everyone will be wiped out! "

No one responded for the time being, but a lot of science and scholars could be heard whispering.

Otto’s old face convulsed involuntarily. He turned his head and said to his son: "Rurik, I said, if they don’t kneel down, I will kill them."

Rurik clearly observed all the actions of the enemy through the gap in the shield. He swallowed deeply and tried to overcome the feeling of suffocation and depression. He responded in a low voice: "I didn\'t intercede for them. Now we have given them a chance. They refused and I have nothing to say."

Otto nodded, and he grasped the hilt of the sword, clenching it tighter.

"Perhaps, we don\'t want to have more illusions about them. I will give them a little more time. If they don\'t kneel down, I will order to continue the attack."

Rurik nodded, agreeing with his father\'s decision.

Yevlo repeated his words to persuade him to surrender, and some of the Cowen fighters with trembling legs finally made a positive move.

At first some boys threw their short spears and knelt on the ground.

Yes, this is a boy in the literal sense. Since every tribal man has the responsibility to defend his homeland, a boy who grows to ten years old must naturally assume the obligation to participate in combat.

The boy who was violently frightened was the first to collapse, and at this moment they were willing to believe the enemy\'s words.

Some people began to kneel, and more people began to follow suit.

It was seen that the Ross people did not take the opportunity to act. After a while, all the Corvin soldiers knelt on the ground.

Otto let out a sigh of relief, but Yevlo\'s words were not over yet.

Holding an iron sword and hatchet in his hand, Jevlo drilled directly out of the Rus\' shield wall, and approached the kneeling Corvin very boldly.

He arrogantly ordered: "Could it be just to lay down your weapons? Throw all your weapons at my feet and let me make sure that there are no fools trying to sneak attacks."

In this way, a large number of short spears and wooden bows were thrown to Jevlo\'s side.

Rurik really understood that these people had surrendered.

He raised his head and said: "Dad, remember our agreement. They surrendered, they are our slaves. For this kind of person, they must not be killed."

Otto\'s expression became very gentle, or that his heart encountered another shock.

It was the first time Otto had encountered such a thing because he had lived for fifty years. Hundreds of enemies knelt down and announced that he would be slaves.

In this way, Otto raised his chest in chain mail, holding a patterned steel sword, and leaving the shield wall to face all the Klings.

He glanced at the grand occasion with a sharp look, the sword pointed at all the enemies, and then he became keenly interested in the huge haystack wooden house.

Evlo received Otto\'s new order and asked loudly, "Which of you is the leader? Climb over to me! Climb to the feet of our leader."

At this moment, Kewen leader Kehas, who was already on his knees, didn\'t care about humiliation or humiliation. The fact is that the enemy is too strong, the "Lord of Salmon" tribe resisted desperately, and finally ended up in the current dilemma. The hearts of the people have collapsed, and the tribe has completely lost.

But everyone still has a silver lining.

Kaijas disheveled his gray hair like a dog, panting and crawling to Otto\'s side.

He dared not face this tall guy for a while.

Otto held Kejas\'s chin with his hide boots, the meaning couldn\'t be more obvious.

Kejas, who knelt and straightened, saw Otto\'s face clearly, and when he looked at his face, he didn\'t feel the terrible murderous aura, as if they would keep their promise.

"Are you the leader of the gray squirrel tribe?" Yevlo faithfully translated Otto\'s words.

But Kehas\'s response surprised Jeflo.

"What\'s the matter?" Otto asked. "Jeflo, what did he say?"

"The big boss... this man said that they are... a tribe of salmon masters."

"Huh? They are not those squirrels?"

Evlo asked immediately, but got an even stranger answer.

Otto understood now, he felt that he was bringing his brothers to crusade against the gray squirrel tribe, but it turned out to be another one. But the leader made it clear that the name of this mountain fort is "Grey Squirrel Hill".

After another piece of news verification, the problem finally came to light.

There is indeed a "Gray Squirrel Mountain Fort" in this area. It is not far from the territory of the Salmon Lord tribe. Both sides are scholastics. However, the competition between the two sides has long been transformed into armed combat.

Otto can be sure that he was deceived, but it doesn\'t matter, the leader will be executed sooner or later, but now there is just one more reason to execute him. After all, I took my brothers to conquer the Kewen people. If you conquer all the Kewen tribes in one go, it would be better.

All the Corvin tribes will be conquered, and then turned into the big fat sheep of the powerful Ross tribe under the control of their sons.

The situation was still tense, and Rurik suddenly got out of the shield wall and ran to his father\'s side.

Otto was taken aback.

Regardless of his father\'s surprise, Rurik opened his mouth and said, "You! Be my servant! Don\'t die!"

Kehas, along with all the kneeling Corvinans, could understand the words of the boy holding the sword that suddenly appeared, although the words were really lame.

In fact, what Rurik said was a piece of vocabulary. He didn\'t speak the ancient Finnish dialect of the scholars, but the authentic ancient Sami language. In the final analysis, it belonged to the ancient Finnish language, with a large number of vocabulary with only very subtle differences.

In Otto’s surprise, Rurik intends to take a step forward and announce that all surrenders will become his servants~www.novelhall.com~I don’t care which tribe you are, you are all Kovins. I! Rurik! I am your master now! Surrender to me and be my slave. I will restrain my people and protect your lives. "

"If you hand over the tribute, we will stop the attack."

"You will give me tribute every year in the future, and you will be our shelter."

"Otherwise, you will die."

The sword-holding Rurik seemed a little naive, but behind him was a group of strong warriors. Rurik is really clear that in fact, this action of his people is an expansion of the "North Hunting". In the final analysis, everyone is for treasure, especially all kinds of leather. These Kewen people have stored a lot of leather with a high probability.

As for the capture of slaves, Rurik guessed that most of his people were too lazy to do so. Unless it is a young woman who is captured, that becomes another matter. Young fighters don\'t want female slaves, they only want wives, nothing more than ethnicity. They just want to marry more women and have more children under their own financial ability.

Almost all young Ross men reported such simple thoughts.