Rise of Rurik

Chapter 138: From Rabbit Island to Little Walnut Fort

Otto held the saber around his waist and stood at the highest point of the slope. A group of people gathered around him.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, he couldn\'t help sighing: "It\'s really a nice place. I just checked it. It\'s definitely suitable for planting."

"But chief, we started planting immediately, it was too late. Now that the wheat seeds are planted, we can\'t wait for this year\'s harvest." A man named Conusson said regretfully.

"I know. But we can plant something else." Otto slapped the man who was ten years younger than himself, but with a thick beard, "You are my old brother, and all your family members follow. The fleet is here, what a risky action."

"I don\'t regret it. I am willing to be a pioneer."

"Don\'t worry, it will develop here in the future. We have made an appointment and you will be the leader of Shilla Fort. You are faced with a hard job at the beginning. Don\'t worry, I will bring other people from the clan to help you and your brothers. We will develop Shilla Fort."

"Okay! But this position may be more appropriate for Haroldoson." Conusson asked deliberately and tentatively.

"That guy is more suitable for the battlefield, you are different." Otto paused, "Some people are suitable for war, and some are suitable for business. And you...you like to cultivate land and grow onions in Roseburg. Look, see. The land here is obviously more fertile, and there is a gentle southerly wind. It\'s really a good place, isn\'t it the most suitable place for you to lead everyone in reclaiming the land?"

When the leader said so, Conusson let out a sigh of relief.

Because once Shilla Fort is built, the era when the Ross tribe once had only one settlement is over forever.

For a long time, everyone has been accustomed to the political structure of one settlement and one big leader, but things have changed now.

The bearded Conuson is also nearly fifty years old. He is eager for honor just like other men, but all the fighting games he participated in when he was young were complete losers. I never thought that I had spent my whole life studying how to grow as many edible things as possible in the cold and barren Roseburg, and persisting in the whole life actually became the reason why I was reused.

Shilla Fort must have a leader, this leader is appointed by the big leader.

Although he lost the possibility of competing to become the leader of the Ross tribe decades ago, becoming the regional leader of Shilla Fort in his later years is not also an honor.

He solemnly assured Otto: "Great leader, we will start construction now. You will continue to Novgorod tomorrow, and those who stayed will hurry up to build. When you return, you will see that we have already Many houses have been built, and even... there are real docks for ships to dock."

"Then I will do you a lot." Otto solemnly slapped the old friend on the shoulder, and then looked at the people who were starting to build.

One hundred immigrants began to build houses, and they immediately began to use the nearby forest resources.

Many people continue to explore without stopping.

The young Kawei is full of strong curiosity about the unknown world. He not only has wonderful fantasies about the Novgorod girl who has never met but is destined to belong to him, but also has always imagined that he can become a steel sword by desperately building a steel sword. Very rich.

When Rurik becomes the leader, he and his family can get the ultimate happiness.

Now, he has some ideas for exploring the world.

He led twenty people on a boat and rowed across the turbulent river as quickly as possible to land on an island on the opposite bank. Once they landed, they were immediately taken aback by the sight in front of them.


Hare runs around on this small island.

A large group of rabbits, seeing strange things appear, hurriedly drilled into their caves in fright.

"Haha! This is a good place. Brothers follow me to catch rabbits, we eat rabbit meat at night!"

The average rabbit will repair the hole very deep and reserve multiple holes for escape.

However, this island is not ordinary. In fact, this island was originally connected to the land, but was later washed out of a waterway by the Neva River.

When the river freezes in winter, the rabbits communicate with the land, and they settle here just across the ice.

Due to the arrival of the flood season, the bottom of the rabbit hole was flooded one after another, forcing the rabbits to run to the ground.

The days of their leisurely gnawing grass came to an abrupt end, because a large group of humans landed on the island.

On that plane, Peter the Great, who was inspecting, landed on this small island during the flood season of the Neva River, and a rabbit avoiding the flood actually rushed to his boots. Ever since, this small island was named Rabbit Island, because it does live with a large group of rabbits.

Kawei drew his steel sword and greeted his companions to catch rabbits.

Their method of catching rabbits is very violent, that is, they reach into the rabbit hole to explore, so some people drag the rabbit out forcibly.

Others directly demolished the holes, and as a result, some people caught a group of young rabbits.

The good news of the discovery of a large number of hares immediately spread to the people in the settlements on the other side. Kawei happily showed off the two lively rabbits he had caught, and immediately attracted others to join the action.

The island is really too small. The Ross people landed like locusts. More than 200 people swept the island, and they caught more than 300 rabbits.

With so much harvest, the small island was naturally named Rabbit Island.

The sun is about to set, and the settlement has become a large construction site.

More than forty bonfires ignited on the grassy soil slope. The rabbits and fish caught by the Russ were turned into meat being grilled. The air was filled with the smoke and fat of charcoal fire. Mouth-watering aroma.

As night fell, there were still people logging in the nearby pine forest.

The Russ used traditional techniques to cut down the large oak that no one can hold. The big tree has been cut down. The Russ immediately chiseled the trunk and used it as a building material. Even if the light is very weak, they are still working in order to live in the wooden house as soon as possible.

Otto\'s ears were full of the crisp sound of an ax hitting wood. He ate the roast rabbit meat sent by his subordinates, gnawing comfortably.

Sitting beside him is Cornuson. This person is also gnawing roasted rabbit meat, depicting people’s discoveries in a short period of time to the chief: "It has now been ascertained that there are many sandbars near our current Shilla Fort. Their names are Already taken."

"Oh? What are the names?"

"The one on the west is called West Island, the one on the north is called Beidao, and the place where we caught the rabbits is called Rabbit Island."

Otto shrugged: "The name is pretty casual."

"Oh? Maybe we can think about the name again."

"That\'s it, a simple name is easy to remember. Alas, we haven\'t stayed here before. I never thought of the large number of rabbits in this area."

Conuson said with satisfaction: "Valhalla really bless us! We can\'t grow wheat this year. I can at best lead you to grow some cabbage and onions. I was very worried about the food problem, but it\'s different now. Maybe it\'s not just Through fishing, we catch hares and eat meat, and we can easily persist until next year."

Otto patted an old friend on the shoulder again: "You don\'t have to be too reluctant. This year I will try to increase the trade of those allies in the South. I will try my best to search for food from Novgorod. I don\'t allow Shiro Fort. Starved a person to death, and you! You have to make sure that this winter, Shilla Fort does not freeze a person to death."

"I will do it perfectly." Konuzon nodded vigorously.

The Ross people spent a peaceful night on the slopes.

In the early morning, the grass is full of dew, and the gentle south wind blows across the land.

Otto stretched out his tired body lazily. He got out of the makeshift tent and planned the next move.

The actions of the Roths are proceeding in an orderly manner. People who are about to move forward are eating their own dried meat around the bonfire, and their ears are filled with the sound of ding ding dong dong.

The sun has not yet risen, and the work of logging and construction has begun. Otto, who has eaten a few pieces of dried fish, looks around, and the construction of the foundation of a large number of houses has begun to bear fruit.

A batch of wooden poles brought from Roseburg\'s hometown made their mark. They were driven into the soil, and then the construction of the wooden house began around these wooden poles.

It still matters to collect taxes.

Looking at the sun, and then at the bustling crowd, Otto felt that he could no longer linger.

He told a group of people around him that he was ready to set off, and soon the order to set off spread to everyone\'s ears.

The young people who were ready to go on the expedition have been waiting for orders. They all stood up, carrying their necessary equipment, and rushed to the beach full of boats.

A large number of young people pushed their boats into the wide Neva River. Otto used his sword as a baton and shouted orders: "You push the boat into the river and go all out into the Great Lake! We must enter the Great Lake today! Who! First enter the Great Lake and wait there. All the brothers arrived and set off together with us."

Because of the characteristics of the Neva River, Otto believed that it was really difficult to organize his fleet on the river.

The young Kawei only followed Otto, and of course the pregnant Peravina.

All the Novgorod women who married into the Rus tribe are very happy to return to their homeland to visit. First of all, they must count on the Rus men to overcome the river.

Otto didn\'t have time to say goodbye to Conusson. He was in a hurry. When the flagship slipped into the river, he couldn\'t wait to shout slogans and direct the oarsmen of the boat to do their best.

The Neva River entered the summer flood season, and the water flow in the river increased sharply.

The average width of the river is 350 meters, and the depth is generally 25 meters. Since ancient times, almost all the water of Lake Ladoga has been injected into the Gulf of Finland through this river.

When winter comes, the Neva River is completely frozen, only the riverbed still has a large amount of lake water flowing into the sea, which is also the time when its flow is lowest.

It is a flood season, and more than 3,000 cubic meters of water flow through the river bed every second. What kind of concept is this equivalent?

A Viking boat floats on the surface of the river, and the people on the boat do nothing. After a minute, the boat can be pushed away by the current forty meters. In one hour, the boat will travel 1.3 nautical miles away.

The simple paddling of the Ross people can keep the boat at a speed of 5 nautical miles for a long time. After being offset by the flow of the river, they can barely maintain a net speed of 4 nautical miles.

How far is the voyage waiting for them? A full 40 nautical miles!

They set off when the sun just rises, and must paddle endlessly for ten hours on the way. When the sun sets, the boat is carrying a crowd of tired people before they can float into Lake Ladoga.

Fortunately, according to the direction of the Neva River, they went straight to the southeast at first, and were fully able to use the south wind to operate against the wind. After a big turn, the river ran to the northeast, and the boat layed its sails flat, still being able to take advantage of the south wind.

The wind gives the Rus people a certain amount of strength, and the main driving force for the boat to move forward is still paddling.

They are all people with super endurance. In order to challenge a difficult and great retrograde, they prepared a large amount of dried fish and a little precious oatmeal.

lunch time? nonexistent.

When you get hungry, you quickly grab a piece of dried salted fish and put it in your mouth to chew. The movements in your hands can\'t stop, let alone disrupt the rhythm of the whole team.

The dragon head warship of the Ross people has become a dragon boat in the literal sense, that is, it does not have the super assault speed of a dragon boat at all, and the whole boat rushes to the great lake at a faster speed.

"Brothers, work harder! The river runs to the north! The children who came here for the first time hold on, you will soon see a big lake, that is the biggest lake you have ever seen in your life!"

Otto has noticed the fatigue that he is showing, which is understandable, because he is the same.

People must have a goal. He is calling on everyone to appreciate the beauty of Lake Ladoga as soon as possible. For this, everyone still needs to work hard.

Fortunately, all actions were planned. The Ross people organized another 30 ships on this trip, half of which were carrying 500 people, and the other half were towed pure empty ships just for tribute.

In the evening, the boats arrived at Lake Ladoga one after another, and the huge lake made young people who came for the first time take it for granted that it was another sea.

The cold and pure lake water made them sober.

When the water of Lake Ladoga began to flow into the water injection port of the Neva River, there was a small natural sandbar, and the southern part of the sandbar was clearly formed as a protrusion by the river.

This place has strategic value. Wouldn’t it be good to build a small settlement here as a rest stop for ships?

After entering Lake Ladoga, the fleet immediately headed south. They did not go straight to the entrance of the Volkhov River, but simply found a place to rest on the shore.

They soon found a wonderful place, and a short distance from the protrusion, there was a gravel beach that was almost purely east-west. For unknown reasons, there is a lack of water and grass on the river beach, and the river beach is full of crystal gravel, which is most suitable for boats to land on the beach.

Ottoben had the idea of ​​building another settlement. He ordered his tired subordinates to land on the river beach. Look at this wonderful river beach. It would be a shame not to use it.

Perhaps this is the inevitability of history. Anyone who lands on this beach will think about building a settlement.

On another plane, Kievan Rus established a trading stronghold on the beach where Otto landed. With the development of the times, the rising Principality of Moscow, in order to resist the aggressiveness of the Swedes, gradually built trading strongholds into military fortresses, especially the construction of castles on the sandbars at the throat of the river, and also erected forts, called "Little Walnuts". Fort", so that it is as hard as a walnut.

The Little Walnut Fort has also become the eastern gate of the historical St. Petersburg city group.

A large number of bonfires were lit again, and the aroma of barbecue began to fill the air.

No matter how exhausted, the Ross people’s fishing industry is not abandoned. When they were still floating on the lake, a large number of hemp ropes that helped the iron fish hooks were hooked with bait and thrown into the lake.

Soon, the Ross people were surprised to find that they had caught a group of different kinds of fish, many of which were big ones.

The most common fish is sea bass, followed by Ladoga salmon.

Five men joined forces to force a fierce jackfish on.

The easy-to-obtain large amount of fresh fish soothes the sore muscles of young people\'s arms.

As the leader, a large number of young people showed his courtesy, and the plump steak of the pike caught became his dinner.

Taking a bite of fish, Otto did not forget to care about his nephew, Peravina.

He handed over a small piece of fish steak sprinkled with oil and salt, and said: "Eat it, my child. Remember, you are now eating a meal to feed two people."

Peravina nodded and stretched out her hand, she closed her mouth to prevent embarrassment from the greedy Harazi.

During the whole day, the people of Rus fought in the river. She marveled at how perseverance these people can keep paddling non-stop from morning to evening. Because when traveling in the sea, the Ross people pay more attention to the use of wind, and only after entering the river does paddling become the mainstream.

For the first time in her life, Peravina participated in a long journey upstream, thinking that after a day of struggle, they still had the strength to fish, and if the people in her hometown were enemies, wouldn\'t they be looking for death?

She was somewhat fortunate that the White Tree Manor where her natal family was located was the most willing to cooperate with the Russ among all the manors in Novgorodri. Since you can\'t hide from the powerful Roths, wouldn\'t it be good to be a group of servants with peace of mind?

After living with the Ross people for half a year, Peravina still cannot fit into the new group well, and the grievances in her heart may be resolved with the birth of the child.

She understands at least one thing. People in her hometown always say that Rosger and other Varangas are a group of hungry wolves who can eat people without spitting out bones. In fact, they are people who follow another way of life.

Facing the big boss Otto, Peravina still remained cautious. She sat on a small piece of animal skin on the sand, facing the warm campfire, eating grilled fish steaks.

Marrying into the Rus tribe does have a big advantage, that is, every meal has salt. There was a time when I had to eat sparingly in my hometown, and salt was even scarce. Now, she couldn\'t imagine how she lived her previous life without salt in a meal.

Otto stared at her puffed belly subconsciously as she looked at her stuffy head eating meat.

"Peravina, I have already thought about it. We will set off tomorrow and arrive in Novgorod in one day as possible. I will take the army and spend the night at your White Tree Village staff!"

Peravina was startled, almost instinctively thinking of something terrible.

She asked in horror: "Dad, do you want to collect tribute at night?"

Otto looked at the beating flames: "If I can, I want to collect it as soon as possible. And your sisters of the same race, marry as many of our tribes as possible. You see, I brought a lot of young people here, that is To choose a wife for them. I believe that your manor will support it."

"This...I don\'t know."

Peravina really didn\'t know the manor\'s thoughts, because she herself was the most ordinary woman, and it was probably because of her beautiful face that she was chosen by the man in front of her to become the wife of her nephew.

Otto continued: "Nothing, that guy has no right to refuse. I don\'t want to use force in the first place. They\'d better obey my arrangement~www.novelhall.com~ So you see, I ask you to follow the ship, Is it just permission to go back to your hometown to visit relatives?"

"Isn\'t it?"

"My child, I just want to show you and other women to people in your hometown. Tell them that all married women are well taken care of. Your child should be born in the fall. The baby just born is too delicate, so don’t follow us in the fall. So by this time next year, you will return to your hometown with your baby, and you must personally tell your relatives that your life is very happy."

Peravina nodded, she still didn\'t care about the significance of the big boss\'s actions.

She has fallen in love with Arik deeply. After eating the delicious grilled fish steak, she can\'t help touching her belly, and praying in her heart for her husband, Arik, who is expedition for revenge, will win a great victory.

what! Peravina, she didn\'t even notice that she should have spent her short life as a peasant woman in Novgorod.

Today, her mentality has become more and more humanized.

The same is true for other women.