Rise From the Humble

Chapter 965: Join in the grand event

Chapter 965 Participating in the Grand Event

Boiled peanuts, tofu mixed with shallots, shredded roast chicken, sweet and sour canal fish, West Lake beef soup, four dishes, one soup, and a pot of Suzhou wine were quickly sent to the study by You Qi. , You Qi resigned and closed the door, and went to guard outside the courtyard.

   "Bojiu and side dishes, don\'t be disgusted by Brother Wangnian." Zhang Juzheng poured Yang Jisheng a glass from the jug, and said with a smile.

   "Wine doesn\'t matter, food doesn\'t matter, as long as there is Shu Da at the table, it will be a feast for Sheng. Shu Da, please."

  Yang Jisheng twitched the corners of his lips slightly, his tone was half joking and half sincere, and after he finished speaking, he raised his wine glass and toasted Zhang Juzheng.

   "Brother Nian made fun of Juzheng, how dare Juzheng. Brother Nian, please." Zhang Juzheng raised his wine glass with both hands and respected Yang Jisheng.


   Two people drink a glass together, turn over the wine glass after drinking, the wine glass is empty, there is not a drop of residual wine left.

   "Hehe, Uncle, in fact, the more prosperous you are, the happier you are." After drinking, Yang Jisheng\'s voice suddenly changed, and he looked at Zhang Juzheng with a half-smile, his eyes gleaming with an incomprehensible luster.

   "Uh, why did Brother Nian say that?" Zhang Juzheng said in astonishment.

   "Hehe, if Shu Dashu was angry, violent Feng He, and had no city in his chest, Sheng, he wouldn\'t have come today. Only with a city in his chest can he accomplish things; if he uses his will to act, I\'m afraid it will be difficult to accomplish anything."

  Yang Jisheng got up, picked up the jug and poured a glass of wine for Zhang Juzheng, smiled and said meaningfully.

  Hearing this, Zhang Juzheng\'s eyelids twitched again, and an idiom flashed in his mind—seeing in the picture.

   Next, Yang Jisheng should tell the purpose of this trip.

In fact, without Yang Jisheng opening his mouth, Zhang Juzheng had vaguely guessed the purpose of Yang Jisheng\'s trip. If Yang Jisheng had simply discussed Zhu Pingan\'s impeachment of Gao Botai with him, Zhang Juzheng would not have been so cautious, as if he was on thin ice. You Qi guards the yard, guarding against the ear of the partition wall.

  That is.

  Yang Jisheng is really courageous.

  Zhang Juzheng couldn\'t help but mention it

   "Uncle, do you think so?" Yang Jisheng raised his glass and looked at Zhang Juzheng with a half-smile.

"Hehe, Brother Nian was just joking. Come on, Brother Nian, try this fish. This fish was just fished out of the Tonghui River by the servants of the mansion today. It is very fresh and the meat is of excellent quality." Zhang Juzheng raised his glass together After drinking, he said perfunctorily.

  The corners of Yang Jisheng\'s mouth curled up, and he looked closely at Zhang Juzheng.

   "Ahem, Brother Nian doesn\'t eat fish, why do you look at Juzheng like this?" Zhang Juzheng coughed.

   "Looking at Shuda, Sheng Yue felt more and more that he was looking for Shuda today instead of Yuanmei, and he was looking for the right one."

  Yang Jisheng said with a half-smile.

  Yuanmei? !

  Zhang Juzheng was slightly taken aback when he heard the name, and then quickly remembered that Yang Jisheng was talking about Wang Shizhen, the Jinshi of the same year who was very close to Zhu Ping\'an, and a student of his teacher Xu Jie.

  To be honest, when Zhu Pingan, Wang Shizhen and Zhang Siwei came to pay respects to the teacher Xu Jie\'s mansion, I was most impressed by Wang Shizhen, followed by Zhang Siwei, and finally Zhu Pingan.

  On the one hand, it is age, and on the other hand, it is the whole body.

   No way, who made Zhu Ping\'an the youngest, yet again rustic and honest. However, as time went by, I paid more attention to Zhu Ping\'an. As for Wang Shizhen and Zhang Siwei, I paid less attention to it.

  Wang Shizhen\'s words.

Although he sang poems with Li Panlong and others, and formed a poetry club, and regarded himself as the "Later Seven Sons". attention.

  Poem name literary talent

   Can govern the country and the world? !

The scholarly spirit that Yang Jisheng mentioned just now probably refers to Wang Shizhen. However, Zhang Juzheng did not reveal the slightest of these thoughts, but smiled modestly, and said perfunctorily: "Yuanmei arrived in Beijing not long ago, and Li Daren , Mr. Xu and others have formed a poetry society, which is very powerful and looks like the head of the poetry circle.

   "Hehe. Uncle already has a conclusion in his mind, why bother to perfunctory Yang." Yang Jisheng poured himself a drink, twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled slightly.

  This is a bit harsh.

  For a while, Zhang Juzheng didn\'t know how to answer.

   "It\'s not as prosperous as Shuda\'s city mansion, so I won\'t go around in circles with Shuda. Today I came to Shuda to discuss important matters."

  Yang Jisheng put down his wine glass, looked at Zhang Juzheng with burning eyes, and said in a crisp voice.

  Consulting on important matters

   Zhang Juzheng couldn\'t help but twitched his eyelids when he heard the words. Although he had roughly guessed the purpose of Yang Jisheng\'s trip before, but at this moment when Yang Jisheng said that he had an important matter to discuss with him, Zhang Juzheng still couldn\'t help but feel palpitations.

  Yang Jisheng\'s major event is a fatal event. At this moment, Zhang Juzheng really wanted to close the door to see off the guests.

  You said Wang Shizhen is a scholarly spirit


  Aren’t you more academically motivated than Wang Shizhen?

  Current affairs

  General trend

did you see it yet? !

   Now is definitely not the time to do such a big thing. The teacher Xu Jie is in the cabinet, and even if he doesn’t hold a group inside, has no desires outside, and moves with the camera, how can you and I go against the trend of the general trend. At this time, it is time to keep a low profile, be cautious in words and deeds, and wait for the time to move. Wouldn\'t it be self-defeating and self-destructive to do such a big thing?

  Brother Nian, brother Nian, you are just angry with your book business, why bother to pull me.

  Zhang Juzheng\'s expression changed, he hesitated to speak.

"Just now I said that Zihou is nowhere near the itch, but in fact, the uncle\'s Shangshu is nowhere near the itch." Yang Jisheng didn\'t allow Zhang Juzheng to refuse at all, picked up the flagon and poured himself a glass, and then said generously, "This is the first time for Zihou The impeachment of Zhao Daying, the second impeachment of Gao Botai. These are all clowns. There are tens of millions of clowns like them in the whole Ming Dynasty. If the real culprit is not eliminated, these clowns will emerge in endlessly, like leeks. Like grass, it will never run out.”

Speaking of this, Yang Jisheng poured himself a glass of wine again, his face flushed, he stretched out his hand emotionally, slapped the table heavily, lifted it up again, and made a gesture of uprooting weeds, excitedly Said: "Only by getting rid of the culprit, can these clowns be uprooted, and future troubles will never come."

  Yang Jisheng slapped the table with great strength, and all the wine and vegetables on the table jumped more than an inch, and several peanuts jumped out of the plate.

  The more emotional Yang Jisheng was, the more Zhang Juzheng could see Yang Jisheng\'s determination, and his heart couldn\'t help but tense up.

   "Who is the culprit? Uncle dare not say, Sheng dare. There is no one else, only thief Song Er!"

As Yang Jisheng said, he knocked the wine glass in his hand on the table heavily, staring at Zhang Juzheng with scorching eyes, "Serious thieves are causing disaster to the Ming Dynasty, and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty are silent. The people of the world are miserable. Sheng, how can they sit and watch. To destroy the country Thieves, there is no need to delay. Looking at Daming, the only person who can accomplish this great event with Sheng is Uncle Daer. ​​Uncle, would you like to join me in this grand event?"

   "Why is there no more wine, Brother Nian, wait a moment, Juzheng will add a jug of wine."

   Before Yang Jisheng finished speaking, Zhang Juzheng\'s buttocks seemed to be made of pins and needles. He bounced off his seat, and was about to go out with the jug in his hand.

  (end of this chapter)