Rise From the Humble

Chapter 963: so much

Chapter 963 So Much

   "Oh so?"

  Yang Jisheng pulled the corners of his lips downwards, and he let out a groan, as if he was not satisfied with Zhang Juzheng\'s answer. His eyes, which seemed to see through people\'s hearts, stared closely at Zhang Juzheng, leaned forward, and asked again.

   "Not so."

  Zhang Juzheng said something calmly, Fengshen\'s handsome face remained calm, as if Yang Jisheng\'s questioning was in his expectation.

   "Oh, I would like to hear more about it." Yang Jisheng nodded, retracted his body, and straightened his sitting posture.

"Juzheng heard this morning that Gao Botai has an aunt who entered Yan\'s mansion a few years ago as the maid of Lord Yan Shifan\'s housewife. She was found pregnant a month ago, and her mother was raised as a concubine with her son Gui. I heard that Gao Botai is exactly Through his aunt, Yan Shifan’s relationship was gone, and he was transferred back to the capital from the border of Datong, and succeeded as the commander of the Xicheng army and horses.”

  Zhang Juzheng picked up the teacup with his right hand, took another sip of tea, and after finishing drinking, he slowly opened his mouth while holding the teacup.

   "In my uncle\'s opinion, it\'s a little reckless for Zihou to impeach Gao Botai?" Yang Jisheng twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"No." Zhang Juzheng shook his head, and said slowly, "Gao Botai acted so boldly and bent the law for personal gain after taking office, he deserves to be impeached. Although Gao Botai was implicated in the Yan Mansion, Zihou\'s impeachment of him would not see the Yan Mansion as guilty. If Gao Botai is allowed to act recklessly like this, I\'m afraid it will cause a big mess, and it will even implicate the Yan family at that time. This impeachment may make the Yan family unhappy for a while, but I believe that after thinking about it, the Yan government will thank Zi Help them clear the door."

Yang Jisheng has been staring at Zhang Juzheng. At first, there was still expectation in his eyes, but with Zhang Juzheng\'s analysis, the expectation in Yang Jisheng\'s eyes disappeared. At the same time, the downward arc of the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious. After some analysis, Yang Jisheng let out a "huh" sound from the corner of his mouth.

   "I\'ve heard that Uncle has a city mansion for a long time, but I saw it today, as expected." Yang Jisheng shook his head in disappointment.

   "Why did brother Nian say that?" Zhang Juzheng raised his head in surprise when he heard the words, and asked with a surprised face.

"Sheng, I have heard Mr. Xu talking about Shuda many times, and he praised him a lot. Yan Shuda is proficient in practical politics, has the talent to help the world, and is calm and calm. He does not change his face when Mount Tai collapses in front of him. He has the demeanor of a general. Besides , Sheng also heard that the Hanlin Academy and other officials praised Shuda, so is it true?"

  Yang Jisheng didn\'t answer Zhang Juzheng\'s words, but asked Zhang Juzheng in this way. When asking back, Yang Jisheng stared at Zhang Juzheng\'s eyes again, catching the subtle changes in his eyes.

"Hehe, brother Nian, brother Nian is also a teacher and a student. You should know that the teacher is a kind elder who always likes to support the younger generation. He usually has the audacity to go to the teacher\'s house to disturb my meal. The teacher is afraid that my words of criticism will be heard in my ears. So it\'s all good intentions and politeness. As for the Hanlin Academy, it\'s just rumors and can\'t be taken as true." Zhang Juzheng waved his hands again and again when he heard the words, then smiled self-deprecatingly, and shook his head vigorously.

"The wind can only come from the hole, and the rumors are based on the truth. The uncle is too modest. Besides, it is precisely because he is in the same school as the master, Sheng knows Master Xu better. It is true that Master Xu is a kind elder, and he loves to support the younger generation. However, it is Master Xu who has a unique insight, sees the details, and clearly observes the talents of the younger generation, so he has become a bole who supports the younger generation."

  Yang Jisheng said with emotion.

   Zhang Juzheng was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and then smiled wryly, "Juzheng thank you brother Nian for your praise, but Juzheng knows himself better, so he is really ashamed."

  Hearing what Zhang Juzheng said, Yang Jisheng shook his head, smiled, took a sip of tea from the teacup on the table, and moistened his throat.

  The study room fell silent.

   There was silence.

  The sky outside the window is already dusk, and the setting sun has already fallen into the west mountain, leaving only a little yellow afterglow.

   one second

   two seconds

  Zhang Juzheng seemed to be sitting a little uncomfortable, moved his buttocks back, and readjusted his sitting posture.

"Ha ha."

  When Zhang Juzheng had just adjusted his sitting posture, Yang Jisheng laughed again, breaking the silence in the study.

"The big ones are the arrogance of the clan, the arrogance of the common officials, the obedience of the officials, the unrepaired frontier preparations, the great loss of wealth, and the others are the burdens of sages. It is not possible to list them all, but the five are especially great. Comparing the author. I heard that the clans of the present and the princes of the past have their favorites and fashions, and they are all the common people\'s observations, and the changes of customs are related."

  After laughing, Yang Jisheng put down the teacup to moisten his throat, and began to recite silently word by word in a deep voice.

  Hearing Yang Jisheng\'s silent recitation, Zhang Juzheng\'s expression changed suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly, and his breathing became short of breath.

   Zhang Juzheng couldn\'t be more familiar with the articles that Yang Jisheng recited silently. He is so familiar with every word and every sentence.

  Every word, Zhang Juzheng clearly remembers the process of their birth.

   Because this is his article.

   "On Current Politics".

  Zhang Juzheng closed his eyes, two years, two years have passed, but the scene two years ago seems to be just like yesterday.

  Every word, every sentence, was considered and considered by myself, revised and revised, revised and revised, and the draft was changed several times. It took me half a year to write this short, thousand-character essay on current affairs.

  How many sleepless nights

   It can be said that every word is soaked with my own painstaking efforts.

Zhang Juzheng closed his eyes, took a deep breath, suppressed the churning memories in his heart, then slowly opened his eyes, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "Brother Nian, why did you turn out this old sesame seed and rotten millet? It is an immature work, Juzheng\'s head is dazzled by reading, clumsy in government affairs, ignorant of facts, but ignorant of the heights of heaven and earth, imitating the "Chen Zhengshi Shu" written by Jia Yijia Taifu of the Western Han Dynasty, now I feel ashamed."

   "Immature? Clumsy in government affairs?"

  Yang Jisheng couldn\'t help but shook his head when he heard the words, "If it is said that Shu Da is clumsy in government affairs, then looking at the world, is there anyone who is proficient in government affairs?"

   "Brother Nian is careful with his words, Juzheng is really ashamed." Zhang Juzheng smiled wryly.


  Yang Jisheng said with emotion, "Sheng said this in front of the uncle, and he said it in front of everyone else."

"Brother Nian praised Juzheng so much, Juzheng is really ashamed, and he owes Brother Nian." Zhang Juzheng was stunned for a moment, shook his head, and smiled bitterly in a low voice, "Juzheng\'s book is so naive, after submitting it, there was no news of it. "

Two years ago, after Zhang Juzheng submitted this memorial, he was full of expectations, and his whole body was as excited as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. At that time, Zhang Juzheng deeply believed that this memorial of his would definitely stir up people with a single stone. Thousands of waves made Emperor Jiajing\'s eyes shine and he was amazed. After submitting the memorial, Zhang Juzheng had been practicing over and over again in his heart when he returned home, preparing for how to behave after being summoned by Emperor Jiajing. Another month of disappointment passed. It was a long time later that Zhang Juzheng accepted the fact that Zou Shu was sinking into the ocean and failed to splash a single wave.

   "Uncle deserves it."

Yang Jisheng shot up the case and said, "This peerless memorial has been lost. It is not because of the uncle\'s inappropriate words, but because the uncle\'s status is too low, and people speak lightly. Today\'s political crisis, Shuda has seen through it two years ago. The clan, talents, bureaucrats, Armaments and finances, such five major problems, Shu Da explained in one sentence. Such, keen insight, such a strategy of governing the country, Shu Da still said that he is clumsy in government affairs?!"

  (end of this chapter)