Rise From the Humble

Chapter 936: The child does not teach, the father too

Chapter 936 It\'s the father\'s fault if the son doesn\'t teach

  One night of peach blossom rain, soaking Wu Ling\'s quilt. Get up again at dawn, and then wet the towel on the pillow.

  In the early morning, the sky was slightly bright.

  At the door of the master bedroom, Hua\'er, Baozi\'s little maid, blushed and stopped Qin\'er who wanted to go in and help Li Shu get up.


  Qin\'er was stunned, and didn\'t understand why Hua\'er stopped her. The lady said last night that she would get up early this morning to greet the old lady.

   At this moment, an indescribable sound overflowed from the bedroom. The sound was inaudible, but extremely penetrating.

ah? !

Qin\'er opened her small mouth wide in surprise, almost yelled, and quickly covered her small mouth with her hand, her pretty face turned red all of a sudden, even her earlobes were red, as if she was about to bleed, she raised her head Look at the painting.

   Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er nodded with a blushing face.

  The sun was rising in the east, and the golden light was shining everywhere. Zhu Pingan went out with a cloth bag on his shoulders, his legs were still trembling when he walked...

  Qin\'er and Hua\'er can finally enter the bedroom to help Li Shu get up. Li Shu, with disheveled hair, is like a flower moistened by spring rain.

   "Miss, so beautiful..."

   "Miss\'s skin has improved again."

   When Hua\'er and Qin\'er were helping Li Shu to wash and wash, they cried out coquettishly, like two chirping magpies.

  After Zhu Ping\'an went out, he found a secluded canal to practice calligraphy and morning reading as usual, and he wore an insect repellent sachet with him, so he didn\'t have to worry about mosquito bites.

Sitting on the steps by the river, facing the river, Zhu Ping\'an concentrated on practicing brush calligraphy for half an hour. After relaxing his wrists, he took out "The Art of War" from the cloth bag on his shoulders, and studied it with great interest. up.

  Nowadays, the northern captives and the southern Japanese, the Chinese nation has been repeatedly ravaged by horseshoes and Japanese knives, and the people have been ravaged repeatedly, suffering unspeakably.

  Zhu Pingan, who is familiar with history, knows that the Japanese invasion in the southeast is just a foreplay, and the Japanese invasion will be in full swing next year! Next year, Japanese pirates, like locusts, will ravage and loot the southeast coast on a large scale and with high frequency, causing the lives of Jiangnan people to suffer.

  A little further in time, a bigger crisis is brewing between the white mountains and the black waters

  Da Ming was full of disasters.

  Learn the art of war well to be prepared.

It took Zhu Pingan about half an hour to finish studying the chapters of "Sun Tzu\'s Art of War", looked up at the sun, and felt that it was getting late, so he carefully put the books, bamboo tubes and brushes into the cloth bag, ready to go Zhu Ji has breakfast.

When he got up and was about to leave, Zhu Pingan saw a black shadow close to his cheek, and then with a plop, he saw a palm-sized stone thrown into the river under his feet, and a large splash of water splashed on his clothes. superior…

   "Haha, I thought it was a fool."

  A naughty boy on the shore looked at Zhu Ping\'an in a mess, and couldn\'t help laughing out loud.

   What a brat...

Hearing the urchin\'s joyful and unaware voice, Zhu Pingan was speechless. He lowered his head and glanced at the tumbling stone washed by the water, and was afraid for a while. ? !

  This behavior is too dangerous!

  Zhu Ping\'an raised his head and was about to teach Xiong Zi a lesson, but he saw a woman beside Xiong Zi. However, the woman not only didn\'t blame the bear, but instead hugged the bear, and checked the bear\'s hand like a heart, and checked it twice in reverse and forward direction, and asked if it was scratched by a stone while checking , the brat shook his head triumphantly.

   "It\'s fine if you don\'t have one, the stone is so dirty, how will you eat it later, wipe it off..."

  The woman breathed a sigh of relief after she was sure that the bear boy hadn\'t been scratched by the stone. She took out a handkerchief and wiped the bear boy\'s hands carefully.

  In short, the woman turned a blind eye to the dangerous behavior of the bear child throwing stones; she also turned a blind eye to Zhu Pingan who was almost injured.

   "Madam, please discipline your son and throw stones..." Zhu Ping raised his head, cupped his hands from a distance, and said loudly to the woman.

  However, before Zhu Ping\'an could finish speaking, the woman on the shore interrupted her impatiently.

"Aren\'t you okay! You are still a scholar, what quality is it, the child is still young and ignorant, you are old and not young, what is more serious than a child, I really don\'t feel ashamed to panic, I\'m sorry to pay you a piece of clothing, what are you shouting for?" Shout... just like you, what books do you still read, you deserve to fail the imperial examination for the rest of your life..."

The woman was impatient and domineering, not only interrupted Zhu Ping\'an\'s words, but also put on a victim\'s posture, stretching out her hand to protect the bear, while pointing at Zhu Ping\'an\'s nose from afar Shoved Zhu Ping\'an.


   For a while, Zhu Ping\'an was stunned by the woman\'s words.

  What\'s the situation? !

  When encountering this kind of thing, isn’t it normal for parents to stop and educate the bear child that throwing stones is wrong, and then ask the child to say sorry and apologize? !

  How does this instead blame and humiliate the victim? ! Children are ignorant, and parents are also ignorant? ! What\'s more, in many cases, children\'s ignorance is a manifestation of lack of parenting.

The child does not teach, the father too!

  Is it hard to understand such a simple truth? !

Zhu Pingan was stunned, took a deep breath, and slowly shook his head, "Ma\'am, it\'s not a reason for children to be small. Education must start from the baby... Good and evil are done by others, and misfortunes and blessings are their own. If you don\'t pay attention to your children when you are young Education, grown up..."

It was exactly the same as before, Zhu Pingan still didn\'t finish his sentence, and was interrupted by the woman arrogantly again, "Didn\'t you say it, my child is young and ignorant, why are you shouting! Scared my son, what are you talking about?" Are you guilty?!"

  After that, the woman was dissatisfied and said, "What a disaster, what a disaster, be careful what you say, a hair of my son is much more valuable than yours..."


   This is unreasonable.

   "The child is young and ignorant, and the parents are also ignorant? Taking a step back, I can forgive the child for being ignorant, but the parents are uneducated, sorry..." Zhu Ping\'an became angry. If the tiger doesn\'t show his power, you treat me as a sick cat.

   "Who are you saying is uneducated, do you know who my son\'s father is?!"

  The woman spat hard at Zhu Pingan, put her hands on her hips and yelled at Zhu Pingan, her temper was more than a hundred times stronger than Zhu Pingan\'s.

  Why, met the ancient version of Secretary Yan? !

  Zhu Ping\'an was immediately annoyed, "Who is your son\'s father, shouldn\'t you know best?"

"What\'s the meaning?"

The woman was startled for a moment, then became angry from embarrassment, and spat at Zhu Ping\'an again, "Hey, you still dare to mock my old lady, hehe, you really have the guts of a bear, believe it or not, a word from my official can make you laugh You lost your head?!"

"Do not believe."

  Zhu Ping\'an flicked his sleeves and shook his head.

  (end of this chapter)