Rise From the Humble

Chapter 921: King Yu's Worry

Chapter 921 King Yu\'s Worry

King Yu\'s mansion is in such a financial crisis. According to King Yu\'s character, it is estimated that a small cabinet will be called for discussion soon. After Zhu Pingan entered the office room, he did not boil water and tea as usual, but sat at the desk while warming Read "Tang Taizong Li Weigong Questions and Answers", while waiting quietly for King Yu to call.

   Sure enough, Zhu Ping\'an had only turned two pages of the book when a servant came to ask Zhu Ping\'an to go to King Yu\'s study to discuss matters.

  The name of King Yu\'s study is: Yuantang, engraved on the door plaque in gilt regular script.

  When Zhu Pingan saw the name of King Yu\'s study for the first time, he thought of the Qian hexagram in "Book of Changes" that "the dragon is hidden in the abyss, and the sky will rise to nine days". A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a prince who does not want to be an emperor is not a good prince. Zhu Ping\'an believed that King Yu named the study "Yuan Tang" must have this meaning.

King Yu\'s study room is a three-bedroom room, with a relatively rare layout of one front and two back. understood.

However, Zhu Pingan has heard that the innermost room is also a dormitory, but it is quite secretive. It is said that occasionally there will be maids who serve King Yu called by King Yu to make the bed. out…

   "Master Gao, good morning."

  Walking in front of the study, he met Gao Gong who was coming from another direction, and Zhu Pingan offered to bow his hands in salute.

"Morning, Zihou." Gao Gong nodded with a slight smile, "Yesterday I got a new copy of Mi Fu\'s running script copybook. I heard that Zihou likes calligraphy very much. He keeps practicing every morning, so he can play with Zihou. More than a month."

   "Really? Then I would like to thank Mr. Gao." Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes lit up, and he cupped his hands in thanks.

   After a brief exchange of greetings, Gao Gong entered the study, followed by Zhu Pingan.

   "Chen Gao Gong/Zhu Ping\'an, I have met His Royal Highness King Yu." After entering the study, Gao Gong and Zhu Ping\'an bowed their hands to King Yu at the same time.

   "Master Gao, Zihou, please be seated quickly." Seeing the two people coming in, King Yu quickly stepped forward to give him a hand, and invited them to be seated without ceremony.

   "Thank you, Your Highness."

  Zhu Ping\'an and Gao Gong thanked each other.

  Gao Gong took his seat directly, while Zhu Pingan greeted Chen Yiqin and Yin Shidan, who had arrived earlier, before taking his seat.

  After the small cabinet arrived, King Yu directly dismissed the servants who were serving him, and strictly ordered no one to approach the study.

   "Today, I invite all of you to come here. I think you all know the reason."

  After dismissing the servants, King Yu paced exhaustedly and sat down in front of the chair, looked around at everyone, and said in a hoarse voice.

  Wang Yu sat very low, as if he was going to sink into the chair. It felt like he had walked for three days and three nights without sleep, but still didn\'t reach the end, and finally couldn\'t hold on, and collapsed halfway.

  Gao Gong, Chen Yiqin, Yin Shidan, and Zhu Ping\'an all nodded slightly.

   Year-old gift.

  Everyone understands.

   King Yu has not received the gift of the year for three full years. This is no secret among the ruling and opposition parties, let alone the officials of Prince Yu\'s mansion.

"Yes, Gu is now at the end of his rope. To tell you the truth, there are only less than one hundred copper coins left in Gu\'s account." King Yu leaned on the chair, patted the handle of the seat lightly, with an anxious expression on his face And weary confession.

   Well, what does it feel like to be a dignified prince with less than a hundred copper coins left.

  Zhu Ping\'an heard the words and expressed deep sympathy to King Yu.

  In addition to this, there is also a feeling of being a fallen person at the end of the world. King Yu hasn\'t received the yearly gift for three years, and he himself has been punished. He hasn\'t received his salary for two months, and the days of zero salary will continue for ten months before it ends. Moreover, not long ago, he was fined 160 taels of silver by the unscrupulous Emperor Jiajing for his meritorious service in checking the treasury. If Li Shu hadn\'t supported him, he wouldn\'t even be able to make up the fine...

  Of course, Zhu Ping\'an\'s life has become much better since he opened Zhu Ji Fast Food.

   Although Zhu Ji’s store is not big, its business is very hot. Although it can’t reach the level of making money every day, it can still get three to five taels of silver into the account every day after excluding labor, food and other costs. After a month, it is much more than a salary.

"Your Highness, don\'t worry, I went to the Ministry of Households today to urge him to urge him. Why is it that His Highness\'s New Year\'s Gift is not issued every time? If the New Year\'s Gift is paid on time, why should Your Highness have to worry about it?" Yin Shidan got up when he heard the words, with an angry expression on his face road.

Hearing this, King Yu shook his head, stretched out his hand to press down, motioned Yin Shidan to sit down, and then laughed at himself: "Master Yin doesn\'t need to go, the Ministry of Households will not allocate funds. Gu sent three people to the householder yesterday. The Ministry has urged, three times and three reasons, or pressing or delaying, all of which will not be issued. Hehe... Gu, the son of the dignified emperor, feels like a joke. He is like a beggar in the household department, begging again and again, Being turned away again and again..."

  The son of my majestic emperor, who belonged to me, was deducted for three years. I sent people to the household department to collect it again and again, and was sent away like a beggar again and again. It is a big joke.

  Laughing, thinking about it, King Yu felt powerless and uncomfortable, and the corners of his eyes were moist.

   "As the saying goes, there must be a way for a car to reach the mountain, and a boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. His Royal Highness, King Yu, rest assured."

   "There are always more solutions than difficulties, Your Highness, please be patient."

   Seeing King Yu like this, Gao Gong and Chen Yiqin hurriedly got up to comfort King Yu and cheer him up.

  From Zhu Pingan\'s point of view, Gao Gong and Chen Yiqin are like two old birds, comforting the injured young bird Yu Wang.

Zhu Pingan is familiar with history, and knows that Gao Gong and Chen Yiqin are like ministers, masters and fathers to King Yu. Both of them are sincerely thinking about King Yu. Multi-party mediation, otherwise King Yu would have been out of the game long ago.

This is the time when King Yu needs comfort the most, and Gao Gong and Chen Yiqin cannot be allowed to focus on the front, so Zhu Pingan also got up after the two, and bowed his hands to King Yu seriously and said: " The Lord is worried about the humiliation of his ministers, and the Lord has humiliated his ministers to death. Your Highness is in a setback today, and if you dare not die, you will share your worries for His Highness."

   "Don\'t worry, Your Highness, the ministers will help His Highness solve problems." Yin Shidan also got up to comfort King Yu.

"Thank you, masters." With repeated comforts from Gao Gong, Zhu Pingan and others, King Yu calmed down a little, but only a little. As long as he thinks that the finances are tight and he can\'t even provide food, King Yu Unavoidably helpless, full of frustration and powerlessness, so after speaking, he got up with a worried expression and asked Gao Gong, Zhu Ping\'an and others: "It\'s just that the mountains and rivers are at the end of the day, and I can\'t eat three meals a day. In order to continue, the Ministry of Households did not distribute the yearly gift, what can I do? I also ask all the teachers to enlighten me."

  The people depend on food.

  When marching and fighting, the soldiers will mutiny if there is no supply of military rations; the same is true in the palace. If the palace can\'t even supply three meals a day, how can you expect the officials and servants of the palace to serve you again?

  How could King Yu not be worried?

  (end of this chapter)