Rise From the Humble

Chapter 919: May you go out half your life and come back as a teenager

Chapter 919 May you go out of half your life and return as a teenager

  Zhu Ping\'an saw that Li Shu was very interested in Wang Xizhi\'s writing, and as soon as he entered Jingxiang Garden, he gave "Ping An Tie" as a gift to Li Shu.

   This is the first time Zhu Ping\'an gave himself a gift.

   Such an expensive gift, just because he showed a little interest, Zhu Pingan gave it to himself without blinking.

Li Shu was very excited and touched, and her heart was full of joy, but she still pretended to be calm in her small mouth, saying that the copybook is called "Ping An Tie", your name is Zhu Ping\'an, the copybook is destined for you, why did you give it to me Woolen cloth.

   "That\'s exactly the case, so I want to send you off." Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly, with a pun, and there was something in the words.

  "Bad guy." Li Shu glanced at Zhu Pingan, her eyes were about to overflow with water, she let out a coquettish cry, put the "Ping An Post" in her hand, and asked Zhu Pingan to write a postscript on the blank space in the copybook.

  Zhu Pingan thought for a while, then picked up a pen and wrote in the blank space of the copybook in lower case letters:

  May you go out half your life and return as a teenager.

  Live a long and safe life without disturbance!

  —Xiahe Zhu Ping\'an

After Zhu Pingan wrote the postscript, Li Shu\'s eyes became brighter, and she took out an exquisite portable seal without hesitation, and stamped her collection seal on the postscript of Zhu Pingan: "Shanghe Book Demon ".

  Li Shu left the copybook in the study, saying that someone will reframe it tomorrow, and it will be hung in the study in the future.

When it was time for dinner, Brother Xiongzi Rui ate very fast. When he was on the table, he ate his bow left and right. I was already full, and after eating, I wiped my mouth and let go of my feet and ran to the study.

  Children, it’s normal to eat and play when they’re full. Zhu Ping’an and the others didn’t care about the brats and continued to eat.

  After dinner, Li Shu asked Qin\'er and the others to re-pave the floor last night, preparing to sleep in the courtyard for a while like last night.


  After the floor was laid, Zhu Pingan and the others were about to go to the courtyard to enjoy the shade, when they heard a bang in the study and a vague "ah" from the bear boy.

What\'s wrong?

  When Li Shu, Zhu Ping\'an and the others heard the words, they quickly walked into the study to have a look.

After walking into the study, I saw the little bear put his hands up in a panic, the copybooks were lying under the table, the inkstone on the table was overturned, the ink ingot was tilted to one side, and a small amount of ink flowed on the table. A piece of rice paper was dyed black.

  The "bang" sound just now was probably the sound made by the copybook falling on the ground and the inkstone turning over.

"Ah, that\'s a copybook with a thousand words of gold, huh..." Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er, exclaimed in distress when she saw the copybook fell to the ground, and picked up the copybook, checked it and found it was intact Without damage, he exhaled.

   "Ah, the priceless inkstone... Huh..."

   Baozi’s little maid just got up and saw the overturned inkstone on the table, checked it, and found that it was a false alarm, so she took another breath.

at this time.

  Bear boy stood behind the table, looking at Zhu Ping\'an and the others in a panic, as if he was found guilty of doing something wrong.

  I am just preparing to study ink, I want to practice calligraphy by copybook...

  Who knew that it was so difficult to grind ink, and in a hurry, I accidentally knocked the copybook on the ground, which shocked me, and knocked over the inkstone again.

   Broken, broken.

I seemed to be in trouble. The copybook with one word enough to eat candied haws for a lifetime fell to the ground with a thud, and the inkstone that was enough to eat candied haws for two lifetimes also flipped over... Seeing how nervous sister Huaer was, I heard that the bumpkin brother-in-law is poor Everyone borrowed money from the fifth sister, and finally wrote poems to earn such valuable copybooks and inkstones... Wouldn\'t I have to be scolded by my bumpkin brother-in-law?

  The key is that I haven’t practiced my handwriting yet, and I have done it like this when I studied ink, how stupid and shameful, how does sister Niuniu think of me...


   It\'s embarrassing

   Just at this critical moment, the bear child suddenly had a big brain hole, a flash of inspiration, and an excellent idea came into his mind.

"Ahem, just now, just now, a big gray mouse scurried onto the table, knocked off the copybook, knocked over the inkstone, and then ran away..." The bear child blinked his small eyes , explained with a lack of confidence and a guilty conscience.

"Ha ha…"

Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help laughing when he heard the words, stepped forward and touched the bear\'s head, then squeezed the bear\'s small fat face, and said with a smile: "Is that big mouse three feet one inch in length and weighing more than 70 centimeters?" Jin, with a chubby little face, small eyes, big ears, when he tells a lie, the guilty little fat blushes like a monkey\'s butt?"

   "Hmm...that\'s the mouse... No, who do you think is as red as a monkey\'s butt?!"

The bear listened and nodded again and again, feeling happy in his heart, the country bumpkin brother-in-law is really an idiot, he was fooled by him so easily... But listening to it, the bear boy felt that something was wrong, the more he listened, the more he felt that the country bumpkin brother-in-law seemed to be turning around The one who bent over was talking about himself, and said that his face was like a monkey\'s butt, hmph, how can a monkey\'s **** compare to my face, he shook his head involuntarily, and broke his little fat face out of Zhu Ping\'an\'s hands come out.

   cluck cluck...

  Seeing this, Li Shu, Hua\'er, Qin\'er and others couldn\'t help stretching out their slender hands to cover their small mouths, giggling non-stop.

   "Stupid Brother Rui... Please put down the ink stick in your hand when you are lying..."

  Little Lolita Niuniu glanced at the ink ingot in the bear\'s hand, rolled her big cute eyes at the bear, and complained in a childish voice. It can be seen that you got into trouble when you were studying ink, knocked off the copybook, knocked over the inkstone, and you said something about a mouse, you think everyone is as stupid as you...

   "Huh?! Ah..."

  After hearing what little Lolita Niuniu said, Brother Rui, the bear child, realized belatedly that he was still holding an ink ingot in his hand, and quickly hid behind his back, like a little fat pig with a super slow reflex arc.

  Of course, this hidden action is in full view.

   cluck cluck...

   Li Shu and the others laughed even louder when they saw this.

  Little Lolita Niuniu didn’t even bother to roll her eyes, and turned her head away from him, as if she was drawing a line with the brat, saying that I didn’t know him.

  Listening to the series of silver bell-like laughter in the room, the bear child felt the deep malice towards him from the whole world.


Xiongzi blamed all of this on Zhu Ping\'an, hum, it\'s all because the country bumpkin brother-in-law is too powerful, so he racked his brains to chase after him, and it was the country bumpkin brother-in-law who said that on purpose just now, making the fifth sister and the others laugh. made fun of myself...

   After laughing, everyone figured out the whole story amidst the blushing confession of the bear kid.

  Then, the bear kid got permission from Zhu Ping\'an and Li Shu to come to the study room to read the copybooks and practice calligraphy at any time.

  The bumpkin brother-in-law didn\'t scold him? ! Also allow yourself to come to the study to read the copybook at any time? !


   Then I can barely forgive you for saying that my face looks like a monkey\'s ass.

  The brat thought so arrogantly.

   The inscription and postscript are excerpted from the composition "May You" by Zhang Yongyan, a second-year junior high school student.



  (end of this chapter)