Rise From the Humble

Chapter 916: Wen Zhen Zuibai

Chapter 916 Wen Zhen drunk white

  A burst of commercial bragging made Jingwangfu Zuibai Poetry Club full of love everywhere, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

  The selection of the best works is also proceeding in an orderly manner amidst commercial exchanges. So far, ten best works have been selected. Among the poems of Prince Yu\'s Mansion, only the works of Yin Shidan and Zhang Juzheng are listed, and the rankings are also at the back.

   "Your Highness, Zhu Ping\'an and Master Zhu\'s poems are finished."

  In the cheerful atmosphere of King Jing’s mansion, the servant once again presented the rice paper to King Jing in a jolt.

  The servant Qian Dongyang noticed it as soon as he entered the door holding the rice paper, but he didn\'t take it seriously and turned a blind eye. With the foreshadowing of Zhu Ping\'an\'s first two sentences, now Zhu Ping\'an\'s poems can no longer stir up a ripple in Qian Dongyang\'s heart.

  Xu Pu is still there.

  Even Li Dongtang, who was the most curious at the poetry meeting, now has no curiosity about the second half of Zhu Ping\'an\'s poem.

  Actually, King Jing who got the rice paper didn\'t care at first.

   It was precisely because he didn\'t care, that when he set his eyes on the rice paper and saw the second half of Zhu Ping\'an\'s song, he couldn\'t help but let out a "huh" again.

  Hearing King Jing\'s surprised "Huh", Qian Dongyang and others couldn\'t help but raised their heads from the business exchange, and looked at the rice paper in King Jing\'s hand.

  Could it be that Zhu Ping\'an\'s poems have reached a new level again? !

  The first two sentences are bad enough, but the last two sentences are so bad that His Royal Highness King Jing is surprised. The second half of Zhu Pingan\'s poem will not be a doggerel, right? !

  Qian Dongyang and others thought so.

  After reading it, King Jing was stunned for a moment, then handed the rice paper with wet ink to Qian Dongyang who was closest to him.

   After Qian Dongyang took the rice paper, he turned his attention to the verses indifferently.

  Looking at a pair of Xiangjiang jade together, the second concubine once shed tears.

  The first half of the poem has already been read, Qian Dongyang glanced at it and turned his attention to the second half of the poem: The Han family has ruled the world for four hundred years, and it is all in the time of Liuhou.

Huh? !

  After Qian Dongyang saw the second half of this magical turning point, his expression reaction was exactly the same as that of King Jing, and he couldn\'t help but let out a voice of surprise.

   "Is it so bad?! Boss Qian, you always let the lower officials open their eyes."

   Seeing this, Li Dongtang, who was very curious, couldn\'t help but leaned forward, widened his eyes curiously, and read out loud after seeing it:

  Looking at a pair of Xiangjiang jade together, the second concubine once shed tears.

  The four hundred years of the Han family have been in the world, all in the time of Liuhou!

After reading it, Li Dongtang made a belated "hissing" sound. With the second half of the poem, this poem will be reborn and the finishing touch will be improved. This poem is no longer an ordinary poem, and it is enough to be included in the top ten best works. middle.

  From the perspective of the whole article, Zhu Ping\'an did it on purpose. The first half of the song is not warm, it is paving the way for the second half of the song. The more inconspicuous the first half of the song is, the more the silver bottle is broken and the water is pouring out in the second half of the song, and the iron cavalry stands out and swords and guns are fired!

  After Li Dongtang finished reading, the Zuibai Poetry Club was also quiet.

   After a full three seconds, the Drunken White Poetry Club had voices and discussions again.

  It’s similar to the Pergola Poetry Club. Some people think that Zhu Pingan’s writing is good. The number one scholar is worthy of being the number one scholar.

   "Young man, it is a good thing to be confident, but if you are too self-confident, talking on paper and boasting, you will follow in Zhao Kuo\'s footsteps."

   "That\'s right, there is no hair on the mouth, but the tone is not small."

   "The Han family has ruled the world for four hundred years, and it\'s all in the time of Liuhou... A young man with a weak crown, how dare he say it..."

   "The childishness has not faded, but the big words are not ashamed."

This kind of bad-mouthing of Zhu Ping\'an is even worse than the pergola poems. They belong to King Jing\'s Mansion, and Zhu Ping\'an belongs to Prince Yu\'s Mansion. The two sides have different positions. Everyone in King Jing\'s Mansion is even more reluctant to admit it in their hearts and mouths. Zhu Ping\'an\'s poems, so diss Zhu Ping\'an\'s voices come and go, one sentence after another.

  Actually speaking, Zhu Ping\'an is not very old, so he left them with a more obvious reason to talk.

   King Jing sat on the main seat, noncommittal, and tapped the table lightly with his fingers, as if he was following the singer\'s beat.

  Although Xu Pu didn\'t participate in dissing Zhu Ping\'an, it was very useful to hear the words of dissing Zhu Ping\'an from the people around him. He looked at those who dissed Zhu Ping\'an with encouraging eyes, and silently encouraged them.

   "A young man after all." Qian Dongyang shook his head and said with emotion.

   Qian Dongyang just sighed with emotion. Although he didn\'t say it clearly, after everyone heard the words, diss Zhu Ping\'an dissed even more vigorously.

   "Your Highness."

  Amidst a burst of diss, the waiter trotted over again holding a piece of rice paper with wet ink on it.

   "Is there anyone next door writing poetry?"

   "According to the calculation, the poetry next door has been done, right? The rest are all small fish and shrimp."

   "What good poetry can be found next door."

  Everyone was not very curious about this and didn\'t care.

   "Who made it?"

   Before taking the rice paper, King Jing asked casually.

   "Master Zhu Ping\'an made it." The servant offered rice paper with wet ink in both hands, and replied with his head down.

  Zhu Ping\'an? !

   Was it Zhu Ping\'an again? ! This kid actually wrote another song? !

  Although I don\'t want to admit it, in fact, Zhu Ping\'an\'s last poem was already very good. Didn\'t expect to write another one? !

  When everyone heard the words, they became quiet all of a sudden, and Zhu Ping\'an\'s voice of crazy dissing one after another also disappeared.

  This time, none of the crowd took Zhu Pingan\'s poems lightly.

  The same is true for King Jing.


After receiving the rice paper, when King Jing set his eyes on the rice paper, he was already prepared to pay attention to it, but after seeing Zhu Ping\'an\'s works on the rice paper, King Jing couldn\'t control himself again, and lost his voice, "Yeah. "He said, and then the more he looked down, the more excited King Jing seemed to be, and the rice paper in his hand was shaking a little.

  After reading it, King Jing glanced in the direction of Prince Yu\'s Mansion with a sense of disappointment, and then passed the rice paper in his hand to Qian Dongyang.

Qian Dongyang noticed the change in King Jing\'s expression just now, so he was more prepared, but when he saw "Youth Da Ming Zhi" on the rice paper, he still couldn\'t help but change his face in astonishment, and then couldn\'t help but read the work in his hand. come out:

"Young people are wise and wise; young people are rich and bright; young people are strong and bright and strong Trembling. Falcons try their wings, and the wind and dust spread. Strange flowers are born for the first time, and they are the emperor. The generals grow their hair, and they have their own awns. The sky wears its green, and the earth wears its yellow. Even if there are thousands of years, there will be eight wastes. The future is like the sea, The days to come will be long. Beautiful, I am a young man of the Ming Dynasty, who is not as old as the sky! I am a young man of the Ming Dynasty, who is boundless with the country!"

  After reading the work, the whole room was shocked! Everyone was stunned as if hearing Lei Zhen, goosebumps all over their bodies.

Strong encouragement, strong enterprising spirit, strong appeal, strong sense of pride in Daming, strong sense of responsibility Even though they are no longer young, but after listening to it, they can\'t help but feel a rush of excitement and enthusiasm, and feel a surge of enthusiasm for me. The impulse to fight for life on top of the world, let alone a teenager listening to it.

   It is conceivable that this work will spread like lightning quickly throughout the entire capital and throughout Daming, inspiring generations of youths.

  With this work, it must be famous in Ming history!

  Everyone felt that as soon as "Youth Da Ming Zhi" came out, all the excellent works of the Zuibai Poetry Club were eclipsed.

  (end of this chapter)