Rise From the Humble

Chapter 905: welcome banquet

Chapter 905 Reception Banquet

   "Master Gao, Master Zhang, please stay."

  Zhu Ping\'an bid farewell to Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng who sent them out the door, and turned to go to his office room.

   Visited Gao Gong today, the effect is ideal.

  When entering the door, Zhu Ping\'an knocked twice but was ignored; when leaving, Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng sent out the door.

  Reject before sending.

   From the comparison of the attitudes of Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng before and after, it can be seen that Zhu Ping\'an\'s visit was quite effective.

When Zhu Pingan came out of Gao Gong\'s office, it was more than half of the time, and the reception banquet would start in about half an hour, and there was not enough time to visit other colleagues in Prince Yu\'s Mansion, and his office had not been cleaned yet. So after Zhu Pingan came out of Gao Gong\'s office, he went straight back to his own office.

  As for other colleagues, it is not too late to visit after the welcome banquet.

  He returned to his office with ease. After returning to the office, Zhu Pingan found that there was a lot of greenery in the office.

There are eight more potted plants in different sizes in the room. The tallest potted plant is Podocarpus pine, which is placed on the old trunk. Different varieties of chrysanthemum and black bamboo.

  The breeze blows, and the greenery in the room is slightly rippling, which is very pleasant.

"I don\'t know what kind of bonsai the adults like. The young ones chose some for the adults according to the preferences of most people in the house. If the adults don\'t like it, the young ones will let the adults change the bonsai again." Liu The steward bowed to the side and asked.

   "No need to replace it, it\'s very good, I like it very much, thank you Guanshi Liu for your trouble." Zhu Pingan looked around with satisfaction, and thanked Guanshi Liu with his hands clasped.

   "My lord, you are welcome." Guanshi Liu said hastily.

  Then, Manager Liu arranged for someone to move some furnishings and some living utensils to Zhu Ping\'an\'s room.

"My lord, let\'s rest first, and I won\'t disturb the little ones. If the adults find that there is something missing in the future, whether it is the four treasures of the study or daily necessities, etc., the adults will ask someone to order, and the little ones will be replenished for the adults as soon as possible. "Liu Guanshi said before leaving.

   "Hehe, then thank you Guanshi Liu. In the future, Guanshi Liu shouldn\'t find me troublesome."

Zhu Pingan responded with a smile, and he was not polite anymore. After all, it belonged to Prince Yu\'s mansion, and he was working for King Yu, so he didn\'t need to be polite because of his feelings and reason. Besides, the Holy One deducted so much salary from him, so why should he pay his father\'s debts? Yes, it makes sense.

   "How can it be troublesome? It\'s a small blessing to be able to serve adults." Liu Guanshi shook his head quickly.

   "Hehe, it should be the blessing of Ping An." Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

   "My lord was joking, let me rest first, and wait for the reception banquet to start, and I will inform you when I\'m young."

   Guanshi Liu bowed and left, closing the door behind him.

   "Thank you."

  Zhu Pingan watched Guanshi Liu leave, and then walked slowly around the office.

  The area is sufficient, the functional division is excellent, the office supplies are complete, the daily necessities are complete, and the sun is bright and green.

  The first independent office in my life, all kinds of satisfaction.

The lounge was well organized. Zhu Pingan didn\'t make too many adjustments. He mainly tidied up the outside room. According to his own habits, he rearranged the desks, sorted the books on the shelves, and then wiped the tables and chairs with a damp rag. The item was wiped clean.

   It took about twenty minutes.

After tidying up, Zhu Pingan opened the doors and windows to ventilate the air. He sat in front of the desk and set up a pen, ink, paper and inkstone. He took a copy of "Orchid Pavilion Preface" from the shelf and opened it on the desk. The pen practiced writing:

   "In the ninth year of Yonghe, at the age of Kuichou, at the beginning of late spring, we will meet at the Lanting in Shanyin, Kuaiji, to repair the deeds. All the sages have arrived, and the young and long have gathered together. Here."

"Preface to Lanting Pavilion" written by Wang Xizhi when he was 51 years old is the first calligraphy in Chinese running script. Zhu Pingan found this copy of "Preface to Lanting Pavilion" when he was just sorting out the bookshelf. , So when practicing calligraphy, I opened this volume of "Lanting Preface" and tried to imitate it.

  There are 20 characters in the text of Lanting Preface, plus one character in the inscription, there are 21 characters in the whole post. Twenty-one characters, twenty-one strokes, twenty-one aesthetics, each with different postures and aesthetics, none of which are repeated, and there are no worthy scholars under the prestigious name of a calligrapher.

  Zhu Ping\'an had just finished copying "The Preface to the Orchid Pavilion". As soon as he put down his pen, Guanshi Liu came in to deliver a biography, and invited Zhu Ping\'an to a banquet—a reception banquet prepared by His Royal Highness King Yu.

  After washing his hands, Zhu Ping\'an tidied up his clothes, and then followed Guanshi Liu to the address of the reception.

The reception banquet of Prince Yu\'s Mansion was placed in the garden, next to the lotus pond. The servants of the Prince\'s Mansion built a huge pergola to shade the sun. They said it was a pergola, but in fact the design was not vulgar at all. The pergola was designed as a pavilion. The style is full of elegance and extravagance.

  The pergola is made of high-grade Xiangfei bamboo, which can be rolled and extended for ventilation. Curtains are hung around the pergola. On the one hand, the curtains can shade the sun, and on the other hand, the curtains can also leave gaps for ventilation. The curtains are also woven with mottled bamboo and Xiangfei bamboo, with exquisite landscape patterns woven on them, which is very elegant.

   There are eight refrigerators lined up in the center of the pergola. The refrigerators here are not modern refrigerators, but ancient refrigerators.

  The refrigerator placed in the pergola is similar in style to a big tripod. It is made of bronze and stands on four legs, more than 20 centimeters above the ground. The lid of the refrigerator is made of jujube wood plank, and a bronze brick is pressed on the plank. Ninety-nine and eighty-one small holes are drilled in the plank, through which the cold air from the ice cubes diffuses out. To achieve the cooling effect. Of course, compared with modern air conditioners, this is more than a million miles away.

  The ice cubes in the refrigerator were bought from outside today by the steward of Yuwang Mansion.

  Actually, it is said that the royal family has a special manufacturing office responsible for the royal summer ice regulations. Every winter, there are special ice pickers in the manufacturing office who are ordered to mine ice in the Yuhe River, and cut the ice in the Yuhe River into cubes of specified size, and pull them into a royal ice cellar outside Xiyuan, where they will be stored in the summer. For royal use.

  As the prince, King Yu can receive the ice rules directly from the Manufacturing Office.

  However, just as Prince Yu’s welfare package was stuck by the Ministry of Households and other departments, so is Yuwang’s ice case. Every time people from Prince Yu’s Mansion were ordered to go to the manufacturing office to collect ice regulations, they would be stuck by the manufacturing office with various normal or abnormal reasons, such as broken keys, ice cellar repairs, the deadline for issuing ice regulations, etc. The officials in charge of the ice regulations went to Xiyuan to deliver ice, etc.

  The Yuwang Mansion receives less than one ice cube from the manufacturing office every ten days, and only one point can be received for ten ice cases. The ice cubes received were barely enough for King Yu and his concubines in the backyard. As for places where ice was used for large summer banquets, King Yu\'s Mansion had to spend money to buy it outside.

   The ice used in this reception banquet was bought by the steward of Prince Yu\'s Mansion from outside.

  (end of this chapter)