Rise From the Humble

Chapter 902: Peace is also four words

Chapter 902 Peace is also four words

   Gao Gong\'s sneer just now, Zhu Ping\'an, who has a keen hearing, heard it clearly, and also noticed the curvature of Gao Gong\'s mouth many times today.

It is clear.

  Gao Gong had a bad impression of himself, probably because he classified himself into the category of empty talk, wrong country, whimsical, nerd, etc.

   This is not a good sign.

  Gao Gong was a powerful official in the post-Jiajing era, Longqing era, and early Wanli era. Especially in the Longqing era, Gao Gong was in the top class because of the deep relationship between kings, ministers, teachers and students established with King Yu.

Zhu Pingan knew that it was too late for him to enter Prince Yu\'s mansion at this time, and Gao Gong was already deeply trusted and relied on by King De Yu at this time. It\'s behind the high arch.

   King Yu\'s greatest hobby is women, and his greatest advantage is incompetence. He has been aggrieved under the shadow of Emperor Jiajing and King Jing for more than 20 years. After he ascended the throne, he indulged in sensuality, entrusting state affairs to his ministers.

  The master is weak and the minister is strong.

  After King Yu came to the throne, it was the era of Gao Gong.

  Gao Gong is also a domineering and self-righteous person. If he cannot be recognized by Gao Gong, it will be difficult for him to make a difference after King Yu ascends the throne and Gao Gong assumes power. I believe that with Gao Gong\'s domineering and conceited character, he will never be promoted and reused for those who dislike and despise people, and even if he enters the center of power with his own ability, he will be expelled by Gao Gong. Gao Gong didn\'t do this kind of thing once or twice. Just as a cabinet minister, he expelled four more than Gao Gong. First, he defeated Xu Jie, and then expelled Chen Yiqin, Zhao Zhenji, Li Chunfang, Yin Shidan and others .

  So, today, Gao Gong must be impressed.

  The impression mentioned here is not the one that made Gao Gong sneer, but a positive one.

   Better to get high arch approval.

   This is related to my future career, and whether I can successfully realize my revenge and ideal.



  I\'m going to pretend, and I have to pretend...

   With hundreds of years of experience ahead, can\'t you leave a deep positive impression on Gao Gong? !

The above-mentioned gold cash out is naturally operable, and it has actually existed in history. In modern times, Western countries took advantage of the fact that the price ratio between gold and silver in Japan was much higher than that in the international market, and shipped a large amount of silver from silver-producing countries such as Mexico. Going to Japan to exchange gold, severely squeezed Japan\'s wool.

  Of course, it must be after the Japanese pirates have been wiped out and the sea ban has been lifted.

   Moreover, this wool can only be collected for a period of time, which can be as short as a year or as long as several years. When the Japanese gold leaves a large amount and the price of silver falls, it will naturally not be able to collect it. However, if it is operated properly, I believe that even if it is squeezed out for a period of time, it will definitely be an astronomical sum, enough to double the treasury\'s gold.

  Zhu Ping\'an is not going to explain this too much. The conditions are not yet ripe, so it is useless to explain it.

   If you explain a lot, it may also deepen Gao Gong\'s negative impression of himself.

  I believe that with Gao Gong’s knowledge, he must have also seen the operability of gold cash out, but he has such an attitude because he has a bad impression of himself and thinks that he has not noticed the inoperability at all.

  If Gao Gong can objectively and rationally view the strategy of cashing out gold, I believe that with Gao Gong\'s insight, he can find merits.

  In other words, if the cash out of gold was proposed by Zhang Juzheng, I believe Gao Gong must have a different attitude.


  As long as Gao Gong\'s opinion of himself changes, these will not be a problem.

  The key for Gao Gong to change his view of himself is to answer the question that Zhang Juzheng repeated twice just now, "I wonder what advice Mr. Zhu has?"

  This question, just now Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng both gave the answer, Zhu Pingan also had to give his own answer, and he had to be different from the two of them, otherwise Gao Gong would despise him if he repeated their views.

  Tell Zhu Ping\'anlai that this question is an interview question, and his answer is related to Gao Gong\'s attitude, and it is related to his future in Yuwang Mansion and even in the future.

  The national treasury is empty, how to make money and manage money?

  This question is not difficult to answer.

  From the Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China to modern times, history has given multiple answers, and it depends on how Zhu Pingan chooses.

   "What is Master Zhu\'s opinion, please don\'t cherish yourself with a broom." When Zhu Ping\'an was making a choice, Zhang Juzheng\'s voice came again.

   Gao Gong also turned his gaze to Zhu Pingan, burning like the sun outside the window.

   "Mr. Gao and Mr. Zhang are in front of you. How can Pingan dare to call it a high opinion? It\'s just some superficial ideas, which may make the generous family laugh." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands to Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng, and shook his head with a modest smile.

   "Master Zhu is too modest." Zhang Juzheng bowed his hands in return, and then smiled, "I also ask Master Zhu to give me some advice."

  Gao Gong didn\'t express anything, picked up the teacup at the side, scratched the cup as if no one else was there, and took a sip.

   "Since that\'s the case, Ping\'an will make a fool of himself." Zhu Pingan said with a wry smile.

   "We are all ears." Zhang Juzheng said happily.

  Gao Gong took another sip of tea, he didn\'t seem to care about Zhu Pingan\'s answer, and his eyes fell on Zhu Pingan vaguely.

   "Hehe, it\'s a coincidence that Ping An\'s answer is also four words."

  Zhu Pingan let out a chuckle, the sunlight coming in from the window reflected on his simple and honest face, confident and brilliant.


   is also four words? !

  Hearing this, Zhang Juzheng couldn\'t help being slightly taken aback.

   Is it really a coincidence? Certainly not. My answer just now was not actually four characters. I extracted four characters from the answer just to echo Gao Gong. Speaking of which, extracting these four characters is actually more difficult than the answer. Of course, to me, this is nothing. If I want, five words, six words, seven words, no matter how many words Gao Gong\'s answer is, my answer can also be a few words.

   In addition to the word count, so is the content of the answer.

  Because my knowledge is not inferior to Gao Gong, so as long as I want to, I can reach the point of mutual understanding with Gao Gong.

  Therefore, Zhang Juzheng believed that Zhu Pingan\'s answer would not be so coincidental. It was also four words, which must have been refined by Zhu Pingan in order to echo himself and Gao Gong.

  Of course, the number of words alone does not explain too much, it depends on Zhu Pingan\'s answer.

  If Zhu Ping’an’s answer, like the number of words, is in harmony with Gao Gong and himself, then

   Doesn\'t that mean that Zhu Ping\'an

  Thinking of this, Zhang Juzheng straightened his body involuntarily, stared at Zhu Pingan intently, and his ears perked up.

   Rare undivided attention.

  (end of this chapter)