Rise From the Humble

Chapter 900: The master fights, the rookie retreats

Chapter 900 Master fights, rookie retreats

   "Hehe, it\'s all my fault that I was in the midst of a discussion with Su Qing, and there was a lot of noise outside, so I didn\'t notice Master Zhu was outside the door. Please come in quickly, Master Zhu."

  Zhang Juzheng\'s embarrassment lasted only for a moment, and he soon regained his composure. With a smile, he explained to Zhu Pingan softly, and then stretched out his hand to ask Zhu Pingan to enter.

   "Well, the wind is really strong today, blowing the door open." Zhu Pingan did not expose Zhang Juzheng either, and smiled and clapped his hands in agreement.

   "Master Zhu came to Prince Yu\'s mansion when he first arrived, and it really made Hanju flourish." Gao Gong got up and glanced at Zhu Ping\'an, raised his hand quite copingly, and said in a neutral manner.

   Obviously insincere.

   Gao Gong said that he was full of splendor, but what Zhu Pingan read from his expression was: Although you are not welcome, you are all here, so come in.

   "Where is it, Ping An came uninvited, sorry for the trouble."

  Zhu Pingzhuo couldn\'t see Gao Gong\'s insincere words, shook his head with a smile, and said politely.

  The guests are divided into priorities and seated.


   Zhu Pingan became the audience.

After Zhu Ping\'an came in, Gao Gong asked Zhu Ping\'an as if he was on an errand, whether he had met King Yu and whether he had settled down well, and then he kept talking to Zhang Juzheng, continuing their previous discussion, ignoring him. The existence of Zhu Ping\'an.

   It\'s like two college students talking about national affairs, naturally ignoring the elementary school students on the side.

  A master fights, but a rookie retreats.

   Stand back and stay quietly, this battle is not for you, rookie.


  Sitting on a chair and watching Zhu Pingan, Gao Gong and Director Zhang talking eloquently, this is probably the feeling.

"It\'s not been a day or two since our treasury has been empty, but some people are in high positions but don\'t do business, dare not criticize current problems, don\'t do practical things to improve the national economy and people\'s livelihood, but only know how to use words to make sentences, flattery, and meaning. Ingratiate yourself, create a prosperous Ming Dynasty on paper. Hehe, no matter how prosperous the prosperous age on paper is, what good is it for the country and the people? It\'s ridiculous, sad and lamentable." Gao Gong sneered unabashedly.

  Although they didn’t name them, they could tell that the one who was ironic was Yan Song and his like. Well, maybe Zhu Ping’an on the side was also within the range of Gao Gong’s AOE.

  Because Gao Gong glanced at Zhu Pingan with the corner of his eye just after he finished mocking him.

Zhu Ping\'an has been an official for a year, and he is quite well-known in Qing Ci. He has participated in several sacrificial offerings organized by Emperor Jiajing, and he has done a lot of good things; "The tiger is the dragon" helped Xu Jie win the favor of the Holy One in one fell swoop; there was also the article "Kneeling in front of the Buddha for three thousand years, but I didn\'t see my Buddha\'s heart pity me". It is because the dust covered the Buddha\'s eyes, but the incense was not offered "Money" made Zhu Ping\'an stand out in the field of youth ci

  In Gao Gong\'s view, Zhu Ping\'s rapid promotion is inseparable from Zhu Ping\'s "active" contribution to Qing Ci.

  Actually, Gao Gong didn\'t care much about Zhu Ping\'an.

  If there are too many lice, don\'t you overwhelm yourself?

  Are there still few such people in the dynasty?

  Yuan Wei

   Yan Na

  Guo Pu

   So what if there is one more Zhu Pingan.


  However, Zhu Ping\'an was moved to the post of Bachelor of Attendant of Prince Yu\'s Mansion!

   This made Gao Gong feel stuck in his throat.

Gao Gong won this position for Zhang Juzheng because of the position of serving as a lecturer in Prince Yu\'s Mansion. In Gao Gong\'s view, Zhang Juzheng is the only one who can enter the Yuwang Mansion to fight side by side with him, first help King Yu to the throne, and then help Jiangshan Sheji. qualifications.

The reason why Gao Gong invited Zhang Juzheng to the Yuwang Mansion many times for help was for this purpose. In fact, the original goal was almost achieved. With his talent and ability, Zhang Juzheng quickly won the recognition and attention of Yuwang. After the second lecture, Zhang Juzheng can enter Prince Yu\'s mansion logically.

  However, who would have thought that Zhu Ping\'an would intervene, causing Gao Gong\'s long-planned good deed to fall short.

  So, Zhu Ping\'an\'s high arch is like a thorn in his throat.

   "Hehe, in the opinion of brother Suqing, how can we make money and manage money now that the treasury is empty?" Zhang Juzheng continued Gao Gong\'s words.

  Because of Gao Gong\'s sarcasm, the spearhead was directed at the first assistant Yan Song, which was too sharp. Although Zhang Juzheng felt the same, he did not take up the topic of sarcasm out of caution, but started talking about the deficit of the national treasury.

   "There is no other, four words, \'benefit from righteousness\' ears."

  Gao Gong stretched out his hand, waved forward, and said emotionally.

   "I would like to hear more about Brother Suqing." Zhang Juzheng\'s eyes lit up, and he cupped his hands with interest.

"Whether it is financial management to generate wealth, or governing the country and the people, it should not be \'for profit\', but \'justice for profit\'. If the country\'s financial management is \'for profit\', only self-interest must be met. It will harm the public interest, and eventually lose the hearts of the people and ruin the national economy. This is not a profit, but a loss. Therefore, only by "taking righteousness as profit", putting righteousness first, and pursuing public interest can win the hearts of the people, fill the treasury, and ensure long-term stability of the country. "Gao Gong said with emotion, then shook his head and sighed, "However, people nowadays are more interested in profit, extorting miscellaneous taxes to clear the way, extracting the people\'s fat, extorting and exploiting merchants, and amassing money. Righteousness is profit, agriculture is the foundation, business is the supplement, develop production, manage money and use less, lighten the tax and pay less, sympathize with the merchants and benefit the merchants, and reduce the burden on the merchants, how can the country not be rich if the people are rich and the merchants are rich."

   "Brother Suqing\'s words are very kind. He raised the distinction between righteousness and benefit to the height of governance and financial management. Brother Suqing should be number one." Zhang Juzheng clapped his hands and praised.

   "Hehe, the uncle is too famous. From the uncle\'s opinion, how to make money and manage money?" Gao Gong shook his head with a smile, and then asked Zhang Juzheng how to make money and manage money.

   "Hehe, so-and-so is also four words." Zhang Juzheng looked at Gao Gong and replied with a smile, making a fool of himself.

   "Oh, haha, I hope that Uncle Wen will give you more details." Gao Gong laughed when he heard this.

   "There is no other, solid foundation and safe people\'s ears." Zhang Juzheng also stretched out his hand, waved forward, and replied with a smile.

   "The foundation of the people is the solidity of the country, and what Shu Da said is true." Gao Gong agreed very much when he heard this.

"Consolidate the foundation and secure the people, and the people are farmers and merchants. In ancient times, those who were the country made it possible for the business to communicate with or without, and the agricultural power is based on farming. If the business cannot communicate with the existing and in order to benefit the agriculture, then the farming will be sick; if the farmers are not able to support the business, the farming will be based on business. , then the business is sick. Therefore, the power of business and agriculture is always balanced. As for the disease, there is no way to save it. The world generates wealth, and it has its own definite number. Take it with restraint, use it with restraint, and you will be rich; take it without restraint, use it If there is no festival, there will be poverty. The wealth of the dynasty is obtained from the people, but the power of the people is limited, and there are infinite things to do, and the expenses of the dynasty are dozens of times that of the early days of the country. Prosperity, farming and merchants have repeatedly complained. I think that if you want to be unyielding in material resources, it is better to expropriate the province to enrich agriculture and invest in business; road.

   "Emphasis on agriculture rather than business, Shuda and I see the same thing." Hearing this, Gao Gong admired Zhang Juzheng even more.


   As expected of the future Chief Assistant!

   The melon-eating newcomer Zhu Pingan on the side silently praised the two in their hearts. In a feudal society where agriculture was emphasized and business was prevalent, it was very rare for the two to have such views.

  (end of this chapter)