Rise From the Humble

Chapter 890: car gods please

Chapter 890 Dear car gods please

"Following the fate of the heavens, the emperor said: Sizhi of Wuyi Palace, Xu Pu, the son of Zuo Shu of Youchunfang of Zhan Shifu, is knowledgeable and profound, courteous and respectful, well-versed in the national system, suitable for timing, and worthy of the name of a worthy man. , wrote, Sizhi of Wuyi Palace, Xu Pu, the son of Zuo Shu of Youchunfang in Zhan Shifu, concurrently served as a lecturer in King Jing\'s Mansion, and was added as a sutra banquet official.

  Eunuch Wei and Xu Pu made a simple and polite sentence, and then launched the imperial decree, and the voice of the male duck resounded through Wuyi Hall.

In the imperial decree, Xu Pu was highly evaluated. It sounds quite lofty, such as mastering the national system and living up to the virtuous name, especially the "remembering the past with beans" mentioned in the imperial decree, which is Xu Pu\'s pride Act of.

  Speaking of which, Xu Pu is also a pusher who is good at promoting himself.

  When he was young, Xu Pu was not well-known, nor was he a genius, and he was very ordinary when he was studying in a private school.

   Seeing others show off, how could the young Xu Pu not be envious and jealous.

  Finally one day, when Xu Pu read a book and saw that the ancients used beans to write down their names and go down in history, inspiration suddenly came to his mind. From this day on, the young Xu Pu deliberately reduced his mouth in the private school, and stopped bragging with his friends. He tried his best to show a calm and mature look in front of others, and even took two porcelain bottles, one white and one black. On the desk, there are often mung beans and soybeans in the pocket.

When helping the old lady to cross the road, Xu Pu would put a soybean into the white porcelain vase in front of everyone; if he accidentally uttered a dirty word, Xu Pu would put a mung bean in the black porcelain vase in front of everyone. In this way, every time he does a positive, correct and good thing, Xu Pu will put a soybean in the white porcelain bottle in front of everyone, and every time he does a negative, wrong and bad thing, Xu Pu will also put a soybean in front of everyone. Put a mung bean in the black porcelain bottle.

  Every month, Xu Pu would count two bottles of beans in front of everyone, and while counting, he would self-reflect like a madman.

  At the beginning, everyone didn\'t take it seriously.

  But when Xu Pu persisted for half a year, Xu Pu\'s reputation began to spread in the county. After waiting for a year, Xu Pu\'s name was already well known in the county, and no one would give a thumbs up when Xu Pu\'s name was mentioned.

  After tasting the sweetness, Xu Pu persisted in this practice, and now he has become accustomed to it. There are already countless bottles full of beans in the house, and they are almost all over the house. In order to prevent mice from coming in, Xu Fu specially kept a cat in the house to watch. People are like this, cheating, cheating, even cheating themselves.

   Now when Xu Pu knelt down to receive the order, several beans fell out of his sleeves.

  Listening to the words in the imperial decree, "understand the national system, be famous by beans, and live up to the virtuous name", Xu Pu was almost drunk in his heart.

   "Minister Xu Pu took the decree to thank you, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

  Xu Pu led the decree to thank you, and he couldn\'t help but be overjoyed. He finally got his bachelor\'s degree attendant from Prince Jing\'s mansion, and his success is just around the corner, hahahaha

  After receiving the decree, Xu Pu got up and thanked Eunuch Wei endlessly.

"Hehe, Mr. Xu, you are being polite. Being able to run errands for the saint is a blessing that has been cultivated in ten lifetimes." Eunuch Wei said with a smile, "Congratulations to Mr. Xu, oh, I almost forgot. said a word."

   "Elder-in-law, please tell me." Xu Pu listened to him.

  Eunuch Wei approached Xu Pu and whispered something in Xu Pu\'s ear, and then he saw Xu Pu\'s eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly.

   "Hehe, well, the imperial decree has been proclaimed, and the word has reached, and the miscellaneous family will not disturb you adults."

   Eunuch Wei bowed his hands to everyone smiling, took his leave and left.

   "Eunuch, walk slowly."

  Everyone sent off Eunuch Wei all the way, sending Eunuch Wei out of the gate of Wuyi Palace, and then they stopped and watched Eunuch Wei and his party leave.

   After Eunuch Wei left, everyone congratulated Xu Pu one after another.

   "Congratulations, Mr. Xu. I am really envious of serving as a lecturer in Prince Jing\'s Mansion."

   "Hehe, that\'s right. The future of the position of a lecturer in King Jing\'s Mansion is limitless. I will need Master Xu to support me a lot in the future."

   "Congratulations to Mr. Xu, congratulations to Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu\'s rise to the top is just around the corner. I will need Mr. Xu to take care of me in the future."

   "Master Xu is well-deserved to serve as a lecturer in Prince Jing\'s residence. In the future, Master Xu will have a lot of good words for King Jing."

   Soon Xu Pu was surrounded by many officials who congratulated Xu Pu on his concurrent appointment as a lecturer in King Jing\'s Mansion. The ears of those who listened to the congratulations were all calloused.

  While congratulating Xu Pu, many people did not forget to make fun of Zhu Pingan and use Zhu Pingan to accompany Xu Pu.

"Hehe, congratulations to Mr. Xu, oh, I almost forgot, and Mrs. Zhu, congratulations to Mr. Zhu. Our Wuyi Hall is really a double blessing. A scholar of Yuwangfu was born just now, and now another Jing is born. The palace attendant is a bachelor, haha, our Wuyi Palace is really a good place."

   "Needless to say, our Wuyi Palace is the closest place to the Holy One, so it is naturally a good place. Master Xu, Master Zhu will develop in the future, don\'t forget our colleagues in Wuyi Palace."

  The above yin and yang weirdness congratulate Zhu Ping\'an\'s words are not bad, and there are not a few people who step on Zhu Ping\'an and praise Xu Pu like the following Chi Guoguo.

   "In the morning, I heard people say that I thought Master Zhu was the Bachelor of Attendant of King Jing\'s Mansion. I didn\'t expect that Master Zhu was the Bachelor of Attendant of Prince Yu\'s Mansion in the end, and Master Xu was the real Bachelor of Attendant of King Jing\'s Mansion."

"Hehe, the threshold of Prince Jing\'s Mansion is not like that of other mansions. The threshold is high, and ordinary people can\'t get in by taking chances. Only those who are as knowledgeable as Mr. Xu, master the national system, have a reputation as a bean, and live up to his virtuous reputation can enter. You have to go. You have self-knowledge. Of course, I said it’s not Mr. Zhu, so don’t think too much about it, Mr. Zhu.”

   "I believe this, Mr. Zhu is a scholar in the palace of Prince Yu, Mr. Zhang, you really treat Mr. Zhu as a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

   "Oh, it\'s extremely, it\'s extremely. Hehehe."

  For a while, Zhu Pingan became another focus besides Xu Pu, but the focus of Zhu Pingan carried the sympathy and gloating of the people, while Xu Pu was full of congratulations and compliments.

  Many people, while congratulating Xu Pu, thought of building a relationship with King Jing through Xu Pu, and it would be best if they could enter King Jing\'s mansion.

They are all thinking about the few remaining vacancies in King Jing\'s Mansion. Although these vacancies are not of high status and the official positions are very small, it doesn\'t matter. In the future, when King Jing succeeds to the throne, they will be the former ministers of King Jing\'s Qianlong Mansion. With this aura, their official careers will be smooth and smooth in the future.

  Zhu Pingan watched this scene with cold eyes, slightly twitched the corners of his mouth, and put on a "unlucky" and "sick" look on his face.

  Huangquan Road is sparsely populated, and there are always car gods competing for the top and bottom. The hillside is still there today, and the old driver is nowhere to be seen!

   Dear car gods, please.

this road

   Please forgive me for not accompanying me.

  (end of this chapter)