Rise From the Humble

Chapter 888: decree to

Chapter 888 Imperial Decree Arrives

  The west sky is painted, and the wind brings warmth.

  In the afterglow of the setting sun, an internal attendant was holding the imperial decree, and slowly walked into Wuyi Hall, which immediately attracted the attention of all the officials of Wuyi Hall.

  Wu Yi’s eyes followed the imperial decree, and the officials walked all the way, passed through the main hall, turned right, and headed towards the Sizhi office area.

   Wouldn\'t it be the imperial decree for Zhu Pingan\'s relocation?

   Come so fast?

  All the officials guessed subconsciously in their hearts, and their eyes became more and more red following the footsteps of the servants...

   King Jing is the number one candidate for the crown prince. Now there are only so many positions in King Jing’s mansion, and if one is occupied by someone, one will be less.

  Watching the servants step by step approaching the office room where Zhu Pingan is located, many officials in Wuyi are almost heartbroken. How many years have we been seeking a bachelor\'s degree in King Jing\'s Mansion, alas...


  When the servant holding the imperial decree pushed open the door of Zhu Ping\'an\'s office room, there was a sound of sighs from Wu Yixun.

Although this ending has been guessed for a long time, people inevitably still hold the last hope in their hearts. Now that the door has opened and the second boot has landed, the last hope of people has also been declared shattered. sigh.

  When the servant pushed open the door, Zhu Pingan was still practicing calligraphy at his desk, and there was already a thick stack of finished rice paper in hand.

   "Master Zhu, it\'s not too late to practice this word later, let\'s hurry up and pack up and prepare to receive the order."

  The servant walked into the room holding the imperial decree, looked at Zhu Ping\'an and said with a smile.

   "Thank you for reminding me, father-in-law, please wait a moment."

  Zhu Ping\'an put down the brush in his hand, put down his rolled up sleeves, and bowed his hands to the servant to thank him.

  Receiving orders is serious business.

   "I\'m tired of **** waiting for a long time."

   Zhu Pingan finished changing his clothes and cleaned his hands under the envious and jealous eyes of everyone in Wuyi. He just adjusted his clothes and said to the servant.

"No problem, Master Zhu, please accept the decree." The servant shook his head with a smile, and slowly unfolded the three-color imperial edict on the black scroll in his hand. The face of the decree was embroidered with auspicious clouds and auspicious cranes. The five-clawed golden dragon is full of magnificence.

   Seeing the imperial decree is like seeing the emperor in person.

   "The minister Zhu Ping\'an received the order."

  Zhu Ping\'an raised his official uniform, knelt down with his legs upright, his upper body straight, and respectfully received the imperial edict.

  The surrounding officials also knelt down to watch the ceremony.

   "Feng Tian Cheng Yun

  Emperor Chi said: Wuyi Zongsi Zhilang, Zhu Pingan, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, is a young man with a good character; If you are poor and do not lose your ambition, it is difficult not to let go of your lapel. When you enter the court again, you will not scratch your shoulders, and you will win my heart. Written by Zhilang Wuyi, and Zhu Pingan, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, will move to the Yuwang Mansion to serve as a lecturer and bachelor from now on. "

  The servant standing in front of Zhu Ping\'an read out the imperial edict with a loud voice and clear enunciation.


  Moved to serve as a lecturer in Yuwangfu? Lectures and banquets in Prince Yu\'s mansion?

  Did I hear you right? !

After listening to the imperial decree, all the officials of the Wuyi Hall who watched the ceremony were all stunned, and then a burst of ecstasy began to appear on their faces, and they tried their best not to laugh, but they couldn\'t laugh anymore in their hearts. up.


   I didn’t expect that

   Never expected.

  It turned out that the position that the Holy Master moved to Zhu Ping\'an was the Bachelor of Attendant of Prince Yu\'s Mansion, not the Bachelor of Attendant of King Jing\'s Mansion.

In the morning, when Sizhi’s Xiao Huangmen revealed that Zhu Ping’an was going to be appointed as a lecturer in Prince Jing’s Mansion by the Holy Master, everyone who was interested in Prince Jing’s Mansion felt that the sky was about to collapse, but now after listening to the edict read out by the servant, it feels like It was as if Pan Gu opened up the world, and an imperial decree separated and reshaped the collapsed world.

   There was never a moment when Jue\'s male servant\'s voice was so pleasant.

  Although the imperial decree was announced to Zhu Ping\'an, the officials who aspired to serve as lecturers in King Jing\'s Mansion at this moment felt that the imperial edict was for them.

   Unexpected joy.

   Moved Zhu Ping\'an to serve as a lecturer in Yuwang\'s Mansion, haha, this is really good, so wonderful, holy sage, long live long live long live

at this time

  Everyone couldn\'t help feeling a little sympathetic to Zhu Ping\'an.

   How envious and jealous I was of Zhu Pingan before, now I feel so much sympathy for Zhu Pingan.


   What a pity.

the more you hope, the harder you fall. At this moment, Zhu Ping\'an should be very, very disappointed, very, very sad.

   Definitely so.

At first I thought that I could become a Bachelor Attendant of Prince Jing\'s Mansion, with a bright future and a bright future, but in the blink of an eye, all of this turned into a moon in a mirror, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, from a Bachelor Attendant of Prince Jing\'s Mansion to a Bachelor of Yuwangfu. There is a difference of one word, but the future is very different.

  One is the minister of the dragon, and the other is the former minister of the vassal king. The light and darkness are clear at a glance.

   Poor, poor.

  After the imperial decree was read, many people cast their sympathetic eyes on Zhu Ping\'an, and of course there were also many voices of gloating.

Ha ha

   that\'s ridiculous

In the morning I have to write to you to thank you, but you still put on a bad face; in the afternoon, I read books and practice calligraphy, pretending that I am the most honorable and unashamed; I look like I\'m going to be developed, but now I\'m stupid.

  Let’s change from a Bachelor of Attendant in King Jing’s Mansion to a Bachelor of Attendant in Prince Yu’s Mansion.

Not only that, but pay attention to the key sentence in the imperial decree: "Wuyi Xun Si Zhilang, Zhu Pingan, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, will move to the Yuwang Mansion as a lecturer and lecturer from now on. It means that from today onwards, you, Zhu Ping\'an, are no longer the Secretary Zhilang of Wuyi Palace and the Bachelor of Imperial Academy. office.

  Wuyidian Si Zhilang\'s official position is small, but it is the position of the prime minister, which can be regarded as "joining the cabinet".


  From today onwards, you, Zhu Pingan, will no longer have this kind of honor.

Ha ha

   Deserved it!

   Let you stink!

  For a while, all kinds of emotional eyes focused on Zhu Ping\'an.


Different from everyone\'s imagination, the "unlucky" Zhu Pingan, who was in the center of everyone\'s sympathy and gloating eyes, was already in ecstasy when he heard the servant read out the imperial decree to "move to serve as a lecturer in Yuwang\'s mansion". I almost couldn\'t help but clap my hands to celebrate.

  Yes, it worked.

   Feng Bao did not disappoint himself.

  Concubine Lu Jing did not disappoint herself

This is just great

   "Minister Zhu Ping\'an took the order to thank you, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

  Zhu Pingan endured the ecstasy in his heart, touched the ground with both hands, and kowtowed to the leader to thank him.

   It\'s just that in the eyes of everyone, Zhu Ping\'an tried his best to endure, but it was "the baby is wronged, the baby is sad, but the baby can\'t cry", so the sympathy and gloating in the eyes of everyone became more abundant.

  (end of this chapter)