Rise From the Humble

Chapter 886: break (3)

Chapter 886 Breaking the Game (3)


   The foodie attribute is suddenly exposed to the highest level!

   How embarrassing.

  For a moment, Zhu Ping\'an felt his face was so red that he felt a little hot. He patronized to eat yesterday, so he didn\'t think so much, and now he felt a little embarrassed.


   This is royal.

No matter how tall the royal meal is, it is still a meal. Isn’t the meal just to fill the stomach? How can a meal in the royal family be so complicated? There are so many twists and turns in a simple meal, and it can be promoted as an official interview questions.

  It seems that in the future, you will have to pay extra attention to every word and deed in the palace.

   "Ahem. Food is the most important thing for the people, let alone the royal meal bestowed by the sage. Naturally, we should eat more."

Zhu Pingan coughed, and explained a sentence with a lack of confidence, but the explanation was obviously useless, and it was better to respond to the modern saying, explaining is to cover up. After Zhu Pingan explained, Feng Bao and Xiao Zhuozi The two laughed even bigger.

   "Yeah, Mrs. Zhu is right, hehehe." Feng Baoren smiled and endured until the end but failed.

   "Okay, just laugh if you want to."

  Zhu Ping\'an spread out his hands, and couldn\'t help laughing as he spoke.

Ha ha

  Feng Bao and Xiao Zhuozi also laughed.

"Dr. Yang is not enough to be the prince\'s teacher, Mr. Zhang is not a good teacher, Mr. Zhu is kind, Mr. Zhu, you are the best candidate to serve as a lecturer in King Jing\'s residence in the heart of the Holy Majesty. Concubine Lu Jing also needs to listen to the Holy Majesty, Mr. Zhu Don\'t worry, I can assure you that the position of a lecturer in Prince Jing\'s residence must be in the purse of Mr. Zhu."

  After laughing, Feng Bao stretched out his hand and patted Zhu Ping\'an\'s shoulder with a smile, comforting Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Eunuch Feng, that\'s what I\'m worried about." Zhu Pingan shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"Well, I understand. Bystanders are obsessed with the authorities. I am outside the bureau, and Mr. Zhu is in the bureau. If you care about it, it will be chaotic. It is a rare opportunity to serve as a lecturer in King Jing\'s mansion. The monthly salary of King Jing\'s mansion is 30% higher than that of the same level, and in the future, the little one will be in trouble." Master Zhu wants to be safe, right, well, I will find a chance to say a few words to Master Xiao Zhu later with Concubine Lu Jing." Eunuch Feng nodded and assured Zhu Ping\'an.

  Feng Baojue understood.

  In his opinion, King Jing himself is smart and capable, and he is valued by the emperor, and his mother and concubine are favored in the harem, so he has a better chance of aspiring to be the crown prince than King Yu. It is better to say that the prince lecturer is not so much a lecturer in King Jing\'s mansion. After King Jing ascends the throne in the future, the prince lecturer will enter the cabinet steadily and become a generation of cabinet elders.

   Reach the sky in one step.

   What a rare opportunity this is.

   is too important.

  This kind of opportunity must not be missed.

  So, Feng Baoshe thought about it, thinking that Zhu Ping\'an wanted to ensure that the lecturers in Prince Jing\'s mansion were safe, and worried that Empress Lu Jing would drag her legs and blow the wind around her pillow, and then let the ducks in her hands fly away.

  Feng Bao’s guarantee made Zhu Pingan dumbfounded. I was already worried about moving to be a lecturer in Prince Jing’s Mansion, but if you say something nice to Concubine Lu Jing, I’m even more worried.

   "Eunuch Feng, it is a rare opportunity to serve as a lecturer in Prince Jing\'s residence, but it may not be suitable for me."

  Zhu Ping\'an approached Feng Bao and said in a low voice. He didn\'t say it directly, but rather tactfully expressed that he didn\'t want to be a lecturer in Jingwang\'s residence.

   "Well, yes, it\'s a rare opportunity to be a lecturer in Prince Jing\'s Mansion, so it\'s not suitable for you"

Because of preconceived reasons, Feng Bao didn\'t realize that Zhu Ping\'an didn\'t want to go to King Jing\'s Mansion at first, so he nodded and repeated Zhu Ping\'an\'s words. He didn\'t realize what Zhu Ping\'an said until Feng Bao said the words "not suitable". is not suitable for him.


  After realizing it, Feng Bao was stunned all of a sudden, as if he had been struck by five thunders, his eyes widened for a moment and he stared at Zhu Pingan blankly, his pupils were dazed and out of focus.

   "Master Zhu, don\'t you want to be a lecturer in Prince Jing\'s Mansion?!"

   After a long time, Feng Bao took a deep breath, looked around vigilantly again, and after making sure that there was no one there, he approached Zhu Ping\'an and asked in a low voice with an incredulous expression on his face.

  Feng Baojue\'s incomprehensible. What a great opportunity for the Master Attendant of King Jing\'s Mansion. When King Jing succeeds in the future, the Bachelor of Attendant of King Jing\'s Mansion will follow him to the sky. He will be a proper elder in the future.

  Why, Zhu Pingan didn\'t want this great opportunity.

   Could it be that Zhu Ping\'an is not optimistic about King Jing? !

  Zhu Ping\'an is more optimistic about King Yu? !

   Isn\'t it? !

   No matter how you look at it, King Yu is not as good as King Jing. Except that King Yu was born a few months earlier than King Jing and occupies a "long" status, he is not as good as King Jing in everything else.

  If the title of "long" is useful, the Holy One would have made the elder King Yu the crown prince long ago, and the Holy One has shown his attitude by not appointing the crown prince.

Before, Zhu Zaiji, the eldest son of the emperor, was established as the prince when he was born. Zhu Zai, the second son of the emperor, was established as the prince when he was three years old. King Yu was the third son of the emperor, and he has not been established as the prince until now. This does not mean that the emperor Are you not satisfied with King Yu? If you are satisfied, the Holy One would have made King Yu the crown prince long ago.

   There is another incident that happened last year, which is more convincing.

  Before that day, Prince Zhuang Jing had passed away for a long time, and there were many voices in the ruling and opposition circles who suggested that the Holy One should establish a crown prince early to revitalize the court and stabilize the country.

  So, after a fasting feast, the Holy Majesty called Elder Yan Songyan and Master Xu Jiexu to Qinzheng Hall.

  Feng Bao happened to be in charge of cleaning the Hall of Qinzheng arranged by Huang Jin, and witnessed this scene.

"Weizhong, Huating, I have heard a lot of voices suggesting an heir. Look at my two sons, who is more suitable to be the chair under my butt?" Emperor Jiajing sat on the dragon chair, looking down at Yan Song and Xu Jie patted the dragon chair and asked.

"Returning to Zhenjun, there are a lot of government affairs, and there are many things under there. I have been busy all day, and I really haven\'t thought about it. Besides, I am not familiar with His Royal Highness King Yu and King Jing. I don\'t know anything about your highness\'s habits and abilities, so I really don\'t know which highness is more suitable." Yan Song pouted his buttocks and couldn\'t stop asking.

   "Huating, what about you?"

   Emperor Jiajing squinted his eyes, his gaze fell from the top of Yan Song\'s head to that of Xu Jie\'s.

   "Since ancient times, the elders have been established but not the young ones, and His Royal Highness King Yu shall be established as the heir according to the order." Xu Jie didn\'t think too much, and replied like this after Emperor Jiajing finished asking.

  After Xu Jie finished speaking, Feng Bao saw Yan Song kneeling on the ground, and looked at Xu Jie like an idiot.

  Feng Bao didn\'t understand it at the time, but later he understood.

After Xu Jie finished speaking, Emperor Jiajing didn\'t do anything at the time, but the next day he found a reason to summon Xu Jie to the palace and scolded him severely. Woolen cloth.

  So, in Feng Bao\'s opinion, His Majesty\'s heart is for His Royal Highness King Jing.

  That\'s why Feng Baocai didn\'t understand Zhu Ping\'an even more.

  (end of this chapter)