Rise From the Humble

Chapter 881: was disgusted

Chapter 881 is disgusted


  Li Shu thought she did something bad with Hua\'er\'s pajamas last night? !

  Zhu Ping\'an raised his head suddenly, and saw Li Shu\'s big watery eyes rolled up in disgust on the bed, and Hua\'er, the little bun **** the side, just took a look at him and then buried her head under her neck in shame.

  Is this because everyone thinks that they have done bad things with Hua\'er\'s clothes? !


  Zhu Ping\'an felt that all the blood was flowing backwards to his face, it was so hot that his face seemed to be on fire.

   Well, I don\'t need to look to know how blushing I am.

However, before Zhu Pingan could explain, he heard Li Shu call her husband delicately, and then saw Li Shu who was smiling like a little fox, lifted the quilt all of a sudden, and jumped out of the bed like a bird nest. Jumping down, he trotted towards Zhu Pingan with enthusiasm on his face.

  Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help stretching out his hands, ready to hug the enthusiastic Li Shu.

  A fragrant wind hits

  Then, Zhu Pingan felt a soft touch on his chest, and when he looked down, he saw Li Shu\'s small hands on his chest.

   then continue

  A thrust came

  Zhu Ping\'an was pushed out of the house unexpectedly, and then, with a "bang", Li Shu enthusiastically invited Zhu Ping\'an to have a "closed door".

   "Hua\'er and I are going to bed." Li Shu\'s faint voice came from behind the door.

  Then, the sound of Li Shu\'s footsteps went farther and farther away, and disappeared after seven or eight steps, probably going back to bed to sleep.

  Zhu Ping\'an tried all kinds of means outside the door, but they were all useless, and there was no response in the room. Finally, he had to go to the next room alone in desperation, and slept alone all night.

  When a person was lying on the bed, Zhu Pingan was still at a loss, why?! Why did this happen.

   Logically speaking, my choice and actions last night should definitely be a bonus item for Li Shu in the small vinegar jar.

  Under the situation last night, I can sit still, let alone in ancient times, even in modern times, it is a bonus item.

  It\'s really a needle in the bottom of a woman\'s heart.

   Can\'t figure it out.

Zhu Pingan thought for a long time but couldn\'t figure out why, so he scratched his head, counted sheep while looking at the ceiling, and tried to fall asleep, but waited until the watchman knocked on his clapper vaguely outside, "It\'s three o\'clock, It\'s safe and sound," Zhu Ping\'an gradually fell asleep.

  While half asleep and half awake, someone vaguely felt someone walked into the room and climbed onto the bed.

  Zhu Ping\'an opened his eyes in a daze, and by the moonlight, he saw the person coming. It turned out to be Li Shu, the little fairy.

   Seeing Zhu Pingan woke up, Li Shu who came quietly was startled, her pretty face was flushed, and she was about to get out of bed.

Ha ha.

   Don\'t even think about leaving once you\'re here, Zhu Pingan hugged Li Shu with one hand, pulled her back to the bed, and covered her up without hesitation, the delicate skin of the delicate person under her was as soft and smooth as silk.

   After the fact.

  Zhu Ping\'an lowered his head and kissed the small cherry mouth of the delicate girl in his arms, hey, why does it feel that the taste is not right?

  Why does Li Shu\'s small mouth smell like silk?

  Zhu Pingan opened his eyes wide in doubt. First, darkness appeared in front of his eyes, and then he tried to focus, and then saw a blurred outline, and then his vision gradually became clear as his vision adapted to the darkness.

  Silk pillows!

how come?

  The one I\'m holding is obviously Li Shu? !

  Where is Li Shu? !

  Zhu Pingan was shocked, and then he woke up suddenly, and suddenly realized that it was just a dream.

   Speechless all night.

  Early the next morning, before dawn, Zhu Pingan got up early, cleaned the bed, changed his clothes and went out to wash.

   After washing, the breakfast in the living room outside was just set.

  The breakfast was very rich, all of which Zhu Pingan loved to eat, and it was more than twice as rich as the usual breakfast. In addition, there was a small plate of refreshing pickled cucumbers.

  Zhu Ping\'an just glanced at it, then moved his index finger, his mouth and stomach were full of appetite.

   "Strange, what day is today?"

  Zhu Ping\'an looked at the sumptuous breakfast and whispered to himself.

   "Ah, does your husband have dark circles under his eyes?" Zhu Ping\'an just entered the living room, and Li Shu appeared in front of Zhu Ping\'an with a smile, looking at Zhu Ping\'s dark circles, and asked exaggeratedly.

  The little girl following behind brought another plate of steaming freshly baked scallion egg pancakes.

   Come again.

   This little goblin.

  Zhu Ping\'an looked up at Li Shu speechlessly, and happened to see a bit of ashes on Li Shu\'s pretty face, and couldn\'t help but a warm current surged into his heart, and blurted out a sentence, "I can\'t sleep well without you."

   "What are you talking about, just watch."

   "What\'s going on in the morning?"

Li Shu didn\'t expect that Zhu Ping\'an would say such love words in front of so many people, her pretty face flushed with embarrassment all of a sudden, although her heart was as sweet as honey, her face was like a little milk cat whose tail was trampled on , gave Zhu Pingan a hard look.

  My uncle loves Miss so much. I confess to Miss in front of everyone. I don’t care about the reservedness of a scholar. I am so envious of Miss. My uncle and Miss are so affectionate.

  The little girls in the room looked like single dogs, stunned by Xiu, all of them had red faces, lowered their heads, and the hearts of girls were thumped by Su.

  (end of this chapter)