Rise From the Humble

Chapter 879: take a bath

Chapter 879 Bathing

   "Hehe, I\'ll let you see if I\'m Sima Yi later."

  Hearing Zhu Pingan\'s aggressive words, Li Shu\'s pretty face froze for a moment, a blush appeared on her face, and her small cherry mouth slightly opened into an O shape, thinking that this villain knew what Sima Yi meant.

  After being stunned for a second, Li Shu realized belatedly that Zhu Pingan\'s words were too...too that

   Bad guy!

  There are so many people.

  Li Shu\'s pretty face couldn\'t help but suddenly flushed with embarrassment, so red that it was about to drip water, like a red hibiscus just out of the water, or like a red peach blossom wet by rain.

   "Bad guy."

Li Shu raised her red and pretty face, rolled her eyes with watery eyes, rolled her eyes at Zhu Pingan with a charming look, pouted her charming red lips, and let out a coquettish cry like an angry little milk cat .

   This little goblin.

  The sound of bad guy made Zhu Ping\'an\'s bones soften a little, and his blood seemed to be boiling.

   Can\'t help looking at Li Shu with burning eyes, breathing a little rough.

In the line of sight, Li Shu\'s pretty face is fair and beautiful, the most charming and charming in the world. On the flawless ceramic skin, the pair of charming and cute white eyes are set off by the delicate red lips, exuding a deadly charm. Sexy and seductive.

  Zhu Ping\'an worked hard for a long time before resisting the urge to **** Li Shu\'s delicate red lips into his mouth.

  Be patient a little longer.

  Be patient a little longer.

  It\'s not too late to taste it after bedtime at night. Zhu Pingan breathed heavily, and with difficulty moved his eyes away from Li Shu\'s red lips.

   Then I saw Hua\'er, the little girl with buns who lowered her head and blushed like a boiled crab.


  Why is this girl so blushing? ! Could it be that this big-breasted and brainless little girl also understood her code word? However, what I said was also teasing Li Shu, why are you blushing?

  Look at this little head that is almost buried in his chest in shame.


  This girl has developed a bit too much, it seems to be more turbulent than the modern Liu Yan, maybe the absorbed nutrition has lost its way, and the nutrition that should have grown in the brain has gone to the chest.

  Of course, Zhu Ping\'an also knew that Li Shu was a little jealous, so he turned his eyes away after the little maid of Baozi swept her eyes away.

   "Hehehe, uncle, hurry up and enter the house. Miss is afraid that you will not be full in the palace, so she specially prepared a large table of dishes."

  Qin\'er said with a giggle.

  This is a common practice. When courtiers go to the palace to have a banquet and eat imperial meals, the mansion usually prepares another table of rice for the courtiers to eat when they come back.

Because of the royal meal, the courtiers eat with the emperor, the pressure is huge, and they only dare to sit on one-third of the chair with their buttocks. If you say it will leave an unbearable impression in front of the emperor, if you say it too big, it will be considered disrespectful, and the official career in that lifetime will be over, so how dare you let it go? Basically, it’s just a taste, and you can eat enough No wonder. Therefore, there will be another table of meals prepared in the mansion, waiting for the courtiers to come back from the palace to fill their stomachs.

  Those with round bellies like Zhu Pingan who always eat in the palace are special cases among special cases.

   "Oh, I\'m afraid that some people will no longer look down on the simple food at home after having eaten the imperial meal in the palace."

   Li Shu still remembered the Qiu who was just molested by Zhu Pingan in front of his servants. After Qin\'er finished speaking, she gave Zhu Pingan another look, and said in a coquettish ending.

"How could it be? The name of the imperial meal in the palace sounds nice, but the taste is not as good as the one at home. Today I eat the imperial meal in the palace, and all I think about are the hibiscus prawns and sweet-scented osmanthus shark\'s fin at home. , Kirin vegetables, chicken with peach kernels, and silk with money.” Zhu Pingan shook his head, and replied solemnly, he was very familiar with the dishes at home.

   "Ah, my uncle is really a prophet. The few dishes my uncle mentioned just now happen to be available on the dining table today."

  Qin\'er opened her mouth wide in surprise.

   "Food." Li Shu looked at Zhu Pingan and rolled her eyes, and let out a coquettish cry, but her pretty face was full of smiles, and there were two dimples on her mouth.

What a nice view.

  At this time, Zhu Ping\'an finally understood King Zhou You a little bit, why did he want to play the princes with the flames of fire, and also made Bomei laugh.

  For Li Shu\'s smile.

   Also as a price for what he said just now, Zhu Pingan sat at the dining table again, eating a meal with "enjoyment" and "gluttony" on his face.

   "Huhu. This is called gourmet food. The imperial cuisine in the palace is really in vain. If you want me to say, the imperial chef in the palace should come to our house to learn how to cook. What is it?"

   "Well, delicious, delicious"

   "This dish is a hundred times more delicious than the one in the palace."

  Zhu Ping’an ate and commented. In the end, he couldn’t even straighten his waist. Like a pregnant woman who has been pregnant for several months, he has to support his waist when walking. In the end, in the name of seeing Jingxiang Garden, Zhu Pingan walked around the yard twice to digest and feel better.

   It\'s getting dark, it\'s time to go to bed.

   "I went to take a shower"

   Li Shu talked to Zhu Pingan coquettishly, and went to the bathroom under the service of Qin\'er and Hua\'er.


  Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes lit up when he heard the words. Since he can take a bath, it means that Li Shu is completely refreshed today.

Ha ha.

  Little fairy, let you see if I am Sima Yi tonight.

   It happened to be able to exercise and digest on the bed. Zhu Pingan touched his belly, and the corners of his mouth curled up in an arc.

About half an hour later, Li Shu came out of the bathroom wiping her wet hair. The action of wiping made her hair fluffy, as if it had been lightly permed. The classics brought out a modern beauty, which was more attractive and appealing. lure.

  The moonlight rises

   The screen window was fainted, and the light entered the room, complementing the candlelight.

Li Shu, who was wiping her hair, walked slowly towards Zhu Pingan. She wore a white gauze nightdress, half-covered, with a plain waist and a tight grip, as if walking from a painting. The closer she walked, the more Zhu Pingan saw more clearly.

  Li Shu had just taken a bath, her snow-white skin was rosy, and her pretty face was also flushed from the steam.

A gust of evening wind blew through the screen window, lifted the skirt of Li Shu\'s white gauze pajamas, and exposed a section of snow-white, moist and well-proportioned long legs to Zhu Pingan\'s sight, feasting Zhu Ping\'s eyes and speeding up. Heartbeat, increased body temperature.

  This little fairy is really terrible

  Why is it so hot, Zhu Ping\'an feels that his throat is a little hoarse from the heat.

   "It smells like a lot of sweat, so hurry up and take a shower."

  Li Shu moved lightly with lotus steps, and walked up to Zhu Pingan lazily, as if she wanted to say something to Zhu Pingan, but when she got close to Zhu Pingan, Qiong\'s nose moved slightly, and then stretched out **** to push Zhu Pingan.

  (end of this chapter)