Rise From the Humble

Chapter 869: Friends come from far away

Chapter 869 A friend came from afar

   "One hundred and twenty-three, one hundred and twenty-four, one hundred and thirty-eight"

  In the pastry shop of Meimeiju, the little maid Xier tilted her head and counted with her fingers, but she didn\'t know what she was counting.

   "What are you counting?"

   Just as the little maid Xi\'er was concentrating, a voice without a trace of emotion sounded faintly behind her.

Accompanied by this faint voice, Princess Ning\'an appeared behind the little palace maid Xi\'er with a dark face. Another little palace maid beside her wanted to remind Xi\'er that it was the princess who was going to ask questions, but As soon as she saw the princess\'s dark face, the little maid immediately stood beside her with her hands obediently, as quietly as Zhang Nianhua.

   "I\'m counting the people who eat at Zhuji. The opposite has just opened not long ago, and there are so many people in their store, which is more than our total in the past six months."

The little palace lady Xi\'er had a relatively long reflex arc, and because she was concentrating on counting the number of Zhu Ji on the opposite side, she couldn\'t hear Princess Ning\'an\'s voice at the first time. After hearing someone asking what she was counting, she subconsciously counted five He answered ten times, and even put himself in the shoes of others. Judging from the booming business of the Zhuji store opposite, he felt that the business of his store was bleak. There was a tone of envy and jealousy in his voice.

  Xi\'er turned her head while answering, and the black-faced Princess Ning\'an suddenly appeared in sight, and Xi\'er\'s emotional voice stopped abruptly, like a stupid duck being strangled by the neck.

  I coughed so hard.

  My heart trembled even more, this time I was doomed.

  If he knew that Princess Ning An was asking this question, he wouldn\'t answer that even if he killed himself.

  Since Zhuji opened the store, the princess’s complexion was not good, especially when waves of customers came into Zhuji fast food in an endless stream, the princess was as jealous as a rabbit, and her face turned blue.

   "Oh, there are one hundred and thirty-eight guests on the opposite side, you look so carefully." Princess Ning\'an looked at the little palace lady Xi\'er with a smile, but the smile on her face was fake, not on the surface.

   It\'s really dark clouds overwhelming the city.

"Uh..." Although the little palace maid Xi\'er is not very clever, she has been by Princess Ning\'an\'s side for so many years. She can still tell whether Princess Ning\'an is happy or not. Hearing what Princess Ning\'an said, she trembled. I don\'t know how to answer.

"Uh, what, you\'re playing with me in Cao Ying, and your heart is in Han. I\'ve been reminding you to look at the store to attract business, but I didn\'t expect you to devote all your attention to Zhu Ji on the opposite side. Hehe, it seems that it\'s me. The temple of Meimeiju is too small to accommodate a Bodhisattva like you, that’s all, since you care so much about Zhu Ji, and I see that the opposite side seems to be too busy with business, then I’ll just send you to the opposite side to do it. A cook is ready."

  Princess Ning\'an looked at the little palace maid Xi\'er with a half-smile, slowly stretched out her little hand, pinched an orchid finger, and pointed to the opposite side.

   "No princess, the maidservant made a mistake, and the maidservant will never dare again." The little palace maid Xi\'er turned pale with fright when she heard Princess Ning\'an\'s deterioration.

   "Hmph! Next time, be careful with your skin!" Princess Ning\'an snorted coldly, turned around and left with a flick of her sleeves.

  Xi\'er, the little court lady, survived the catastrophe, breathed a sigh of relief, her chest heaving uncontrollably.

  Princess Ning\'an was sitting in the store, looking at Zhu Ji\'s customers coming and going, not to mention how envious and hated she was in her heart.

  Damn, hate, hate!

  Are these people blind? Opposite is a peddler who sells broken pigs into the water. Why are they rushing in?


   It tastes good.

  However, no matter how delicious it is, it will be a waste of pigs! I heard that the cook on the opposite side is a wild cook from the countryside.

  My shop is full of desserts made by the royal chef. The flour is ground from high-quality wheat tribute from all over the world. All ingredients are carefully selected, and only nobles in the palace are eligible to enjoy them.

  The princess showed great kindness and praised you, but you still didn’t appreciate it, so you didn’t eat the imperial meal and snacks, and went to eat the broken pigs!

   They are all blind people!


  Princess Ning\'an\'s eyes are getting redder and redder, like a pair of rubies.

  In fact, it\'s not just Princess Ning\'an, the shopkeepers of Sihai Restaurant, Shilixiang and other restaurants nearby are also jealous like rabbits.

  After hearing the news of the opening of Zhuji Fast Food, these shopkeepers all put down their work and appeared near Zhuji Fast Food, silently watching the opening of Zhuji Fast Food, a new rival.

  As for the store, they won\'t go in, and they won\'t contribute to Zhu Ji\'s business.

  In fact, in the past, they would not regard small shops like Zhuji fast food as their opponents, but last time they tasted the braised pig meat provided by Zhuji for free, they had to pay more attention to Zhuji.

   It’s really Zhu Ji’s stewed pork that’s so delicious.

It\'s not that they haven\'t done work these days, and they want to steal Zhu Ji\'s unique recipe and cooking method for braised pigs, but Zhu Ji is obviously prepared, and they are very strict about braised pigs, and there are people guarding them day and night They couldn\'t even get close to the pot and stove, so they had to give up their plan to steal the recipe.

  After seeing Zhu Ji’s continuous stream of diners, the eyes of these shopkeepers became more and more red, and their hearts couldn’t help getting more and more angry.

   "Hehe, Mr. Ma, I heard that Zhu Pingan\'s small shop selling pigs is just ahead. Let\'s go and have a look and see how \'hot\' Zhuangyuanlang\'s business is."

Ouyang Zishi held a folding fan in his hand, and the gentleman appeared gracefully on the street where Zhuji Fast Food is located. He smiled and said to an official beside him that when the word "hot" was mentioned, the corner of Ouyang Zishi\'s mouth A sneering smile broke out.

   Zhu Ping An!

  Hmph, robbed my champion, robbed my Hanlin Academy, and got entangled with my established fiancée!

  In the past few days, there are memorials, treasury checks, and sutra lectures. They dance very well and show off their limelight.

  I\'ve been upset with you for a long time, but I have no good plan, and because my uncle told me to keep a low profile in the near future.

Ha ha

   I didn\'t expect Li Lingzhi to be stunned, you, a number one scholar, would go into business, and you would still be in the lowly and dirty pig business, which became a joke in the officialdom.

  I passed by to see a joke, so I don’t violate my uncle’s instructions.

Ha ha

  I can already imagine the scene of Zhu Ping\'an\'s shop being filthy and filthy, and it must be very interesting to go back and tell everyone about it.

   "Hehe, okay, but just look at it. If it\'s for dinner, I\'m definitely not in his Zhuji. I can\'t compare with Zhu Ping\'an, but I can\'t afford to be a pig."

  The official next to Ouyang Zishi replied with a smile, oh, when he looked up, he realized that this official was also an acquaintance of Zhu Pingan\'s——Ma Huating, a lecturer in King Jing\'s residence.

  It is also true that Ouyang Zishi was assigned to Jingwang Mansion to watch the government after he was selected as a Jinshi, and Ma Huating happened to be the attendant and lecturer of Jingwang Mansion. It is normal for the two to know each other.

  (end of this chapter)