Rise From the Humble

Chapter 861: Gaji Zetan

Chapter 861 Awkwardly Zetan

  The moon and stars are sparse, and the night dew is silent.

   Zhu Pingan, who was on duty at night, thought it would be difficult for him to fall asleep, but unexpectedly, he fell asleep unconsciously after counting more than a hundred buns.

   "Hoo. Hoo. Hoo."

  The snoring sounded rhythmically, echoing the cries outside the window, playing a continuous nocturne.

  The bun girl lying on the bed in the master bedroom has a muddy head, and her face is wrinkled like a bun. She tosses and turns, staring at the curtains in a daze, staring at the wall in a daze, and buried in the pillow in a daze for a while.

   My head is muddled and my heart is in a mess.

   Tossing and turning.

  Holding her shoulders with a pair of small hands, she rolled to the east of the bed for a while, and then to the west of the bed for a while, but no matter how she rolled, the thin blanket on her body was well wrapped.

  Because the thin blanket was covered by my uncle.

   "Maybe I won\'t be able to sleep tonight"

  When the little maid of Baozi stared at the curtain in a daze, she thought so in her heart.

   Just as the little maid of Baozi was thinking this, Zhu Ping\'an\'s rhythmic snoring sound came over during the night.

   Hu. Lu. Hu. Hu.

  The little maid of Baozi couldn\'t help but pricked up her ears, and opened her cherry-like mouth slightly. It turns out that my uncle can also snore.

it\'s wired

   Listening to my uncle\'s snoring, why do I feel so at ease.

  I don’t think about anything anymore, I don’t think about anything in my heart anymore, my head is no longer muddled, and my heart is no longer confused.

  Before, it was like a small boat teetering in the stormy sea.

After my uncle’s snoring sounded, the stormy sea seemed to calm down suddenly. The boat that was crumbling was now sailing quietly in the vast sea. The soft moonlight shone on the boat and the sea, dyeing the boat and the sea. Qinghui.

   no longer tossing and turning.

   The wrinkled bun face also relaxed.

The little bun girl was lying on her side facing the direction of the night, like a baby, holding a thin blanket with both hands and feet, and she closed her eyes in peace amidst the continuous snoring, and her long eyelashes were laid out peacefully I fell asleep gradually.

   soon fell asleep.

  I don\'t know what I dreamed in my dream.

  A bun\'s face bloomed like a flower, revealing two lovely dimples, the corners of the mouth also curved up beautifully, and even a black hair seemed to bloom on the pillow like a flower.

   "Grandpa, lighten up."

  In a quiet bedroom, a young girl muttered indistinctly in her dreams, and no one was destined to hear her.

  The next morning, Yin time, that is, four or five o\'clock.

Zhu Pingan\'s biological clock played a role, and he opened his eyes on time from a familiar dream. The night outside the window gradually faded away, only a faint sense of light came in, and things could be seen blurred. She looked like she had just woken up, and the sound of girls washing and sweeping the court could be faintly heard outside.

  After opening his eyes, Zhu Pingan stretched out his hands, stretched his waist, rubbed his eyes, lifted the thin blanket, and sat up slowly.

  After sitting up, Zhu Pingan realized that what he was covering was not like a thin blanket, but a piece of clothing.

  I am also naked, with only a pair of shorts on my lower body.

The clothes of the ancients were relatively loose, and they used more fabric than modern clothes. In summer, it was also hot at night. In order to cool off, Zhu Pingan took off his pajamas, leaving only a pair of shorts. The thin blanket covered his stomach, so he didn\'t realize it at the time, but after he sat up, he realized that he was covered with a piece of clothing last night.

   Pick up the clothes.

   Zhu Pingan saw that the clothes in his hand were pink clothes through the faint light outside the window.


   It still looks like a pajamas.

  The nighttime clothes can\'t be Li Shu\'s, and the clothes are semi-new. It looks like they have been worn many times and washed many times. With Li Shu\'s habit of cleanliness, it is impossible for a piece of clothing to be changed and washed so many times.

  The clothes that are worth night can be narrowed down. They can only be Li Shu\'s personal maids, and Hua\'er is the most valuable among the personal maids, and Qin\'er has also been valued a few times.

  There is still a difference in height and weight between the two of them.

  Zhu Ping\'an unfolded his clothes and took a closer look.

   Haven\'t waited to see.

  A scent spread to the nostrils.


  The fragrance after bathing, mixed with the faint body fragrance of girls.

   The taste is somewhat familiar.

   Soon Zhu Pingan remembered that this smell was exactly the smell that came from Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er last night when she pushed down the little maid to cover her with a thin blanket.

  Then, the owner of the clothes is the painting.

   cough cough

  Although it\'s a bit embarrassing, it\'s just covering the clothes, it\'s nothing, it won\'t have any effect.

  Furthermore, if I don’t say anything, no one will know, it’s as if it didn’t happen.

   Just let it go.

  Zhu Pingan coughed in embarrassment, and was about to put the clothes in his hand aside, but when Zhu Pingan was about to put the clothes away, he suddenly found that the clothes were wet, a wet heart-shaped mark.

Uh? !

  Zhu Ping\'an felt dizzy, and a voice rang in his heart.

   Could it be a wet dream? !

  Zhu Ping\'an suddenly looked down.


   Sure enough, a heart shape was also wet on the shorts.


   This is really embarrassing.

   My first name.

  Zhu Ping\'an looked up at the window at forty-five degrees, his lips moved slightly, and he let out a long breath after a long time.

   Would you like to destroy the corpse? !


  Zhu Pingan shook his head and vetoed this idea. If he did this, the little maid of Baozi would definitely look for her clothes if she found them missing.

washed? !

  No time. Besides, there is a special laundry room in this mansion, and Li Shu and a girl do laundry. Yesterday, she washed a piece of clothing by herself, and Qin\'er was rushing to wash it.

  If you go to wash the picture pajamas by yourself, you will definitely be discovered, and then...

  What should I do then?

  When Zhu Pingan was at a loss, his eyes glanced over the head of the bed inadvertently, er, there was a set of clean official robes stacked neatly on the head of the bed, and there were all kinds of middle clothes beside the bed, all of which were neatly arranged on the head of the bed.

   Obviously someone came in and put in the clothes he was going to wear today.

   cough cough

   That is to say, before I woke up this morning, someone had already come in.

   That is not to say.

  Maybe the person who came in in the morning discovered the fact that he covered himself with pictures and slept in pajamas, and even the fact that he had nocturnal emissions.

   It is not possible, but certain.

  Zhu Pingan glanced again, and found a pair of clean shorts in the most conspicuous place among the bedside clothes.

  If you haven’t found it, why prepare a pair of shorts.

  Thinking deeply.

   Zhu Ping\'an suddenly felt that his face was burning hot and hot. If there was a mirror, Zhu Ping\'an would find that his face was as red as Guan Gong.

  If he played Guan Gong on the stage, Zhu Ping\'an wouldn\'t even need makeup.

  Embarrassment is calm.

  Dong Chuang had already had an incident, and no matter what he did, it was irreparable. Instead, Zhu Pingan calmed down, took a breath, put Hua\'er\'s pajamas aside, picked up the bedside clothes, changed them, and got out of bed.

  He walked out of the room as if nothing happened.

  (end of this chapter)