Rise From the Humble

Chapter 855: bad guy

Chapter 855 Bad guy

  In the evening, the setting sun burned half of the sky red, and then reluctantly dragged a long shadow, slowly falling to the horizon. The night, with the warm evening wind, descended quietly, covering the entire land.

   "Hurry up, hurry up, you haven\'t had enough to eat! I don\'t know, sir, am I dying of thirst?!"

   Sitting in the sedan chair, Ma Huating lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, opened his chapped and white lips, and scolded the servants who carried the sedan chair.

   "Master calm down, master, you have to sit still."

  The galloping servant who was carrying the sedan chair didn\'t dare to refute.

   "Ouch, hold on!"

The sudden acceleration caused Ma Huating to lean back, almost fell on his back, and couldn\'t help shouting at the outside of the car again angrily. After cursing, thinking of a certain instigator, he couldn\'t help chattering again: "The bright moon shines on the screen window, everyone Is Kongming and Zhuge Liang the right match?! This damned Zhu Zihou has made me thirsty to death!!"

  On Qianmen Street, the sedan chair Ma Huating was riding in galloped forward at the speed of a carriage, stirring up clouds of dust

   "Are you in a hurry to reincarnate?!"

  Pedestrians on the road saw this scene and couldn\'t help but slander.

  Similar to Ma Huating is Yang Guoliang, a doctor of the Five Classics of the Imperial College.

Yang Guoliang was also sitting in a sedan chair, but he didn\'t urge his servants to lift up the sedan chair like Ma Huating did. Instead, he sat firmly in the sedan chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind. However, his chapped lips kept opening and closing, and he could vaguely hear something like a beast in clothes. Zhu Ping\'an, the black sheep of peace.

   "Ah Choo. Who is thinking about me behind my back?"

Zhu Pingan returned to the Marquis of Linhuai in the night, sneezed several times along the way, and when he arrived at the Marquis of Linhuai, he sneezed once, rubbed his nose, muttered to himself, and handed over the horse to the Liu Dadao and the others went to the inner courtyard by themselves.

   "Uncle is back..."

  Zhu Ping\'an just stepped into Ting Yuxuan, when he heard the voice of the little girl chattering and complaining inside.

   "My husband is back."

   Soon, Li Shu led Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er, and came out of the wing with a few maids, and greeted her with a smile.

Li Shu wore a sea-colored open-sleeve skirt, not pure white, but white with pink, pink with a hint of purple, translucent material, soft and close-fitting, wearing it on Li Shu\'s body, showing her figure very well, The goose-yellow tube top can be seen dimly inside, which is very attractive.

  When the light is very light, I know that the flowers are more colorful, and I still hold the pipa and half cover my face.

  Li Shu, a little girl, knows the true meaning of girls\' dress, so she is wearing a translucent Haitianxia-colored skirt, which is as hazy as a dream, elegant and beautiful, and extremely attractive.

  Zhu Ping\'an just glanced at it, and couldn\'t take his eyes off it.

  This sultry goblin...

  Zhu Ping\'an felt his lips were a little dry, and thoughts that were not suitable for children appeared in his mind.

   "You villain, where are you looking..." Li Shu\'s pretty face blushed, and she dug Zhu Pingan\'s eyes, pouted her cherry mouth, and became coquettish.

Li Shu\'s mouth is coquettish, and she looks disgusted on her face, but her heart is as sweet as eating honey. A woman is a person who pleases herself. Zhu Pingan\'s wicked and stupid appearance makes Li Shu feel that her efforts are not in vain. Dressed up for so long.

  If Zhu Pingan didn\'t react at all, Li Shu would be really angry.

   "Miss, my uncle\'s eyes look like wolves..." Baozi\'s little maid covered the boy and smiled.

   "Giggle... yes, my uncle\'s eyes look like he\'s about to eat Miss..." The other little girls also covered their mouths and sniggered.

"Ahem, what are you thinking! I met an imperial doctor in the imperial hospital, and he taught me a little bit of experience. I think you are looking, hearing, and asking." Zhu Pingan coughed, his old face flushed, and he found a loophole for himself. Lots of excuses.

"Oh, it\'s my concubine who blamed you. Miracle Doctor Zhu doesn\'t know Miracle Doctor Zhu. What did you see?" Li Shu\'s big watery eyes, covered in mist, dug Zhu Pingan\'s eyes, with a half-smile asked.

The term concubine body is a humble name for women in ancient times, and it is usually a modest name for the hostess of a wealthy and powerful family. , does not mean that those who claim to be concubines are concubines.

   "I think the lady is a little anemic, ahem, shall I replenish your blood tonight?" In the first half of the sentence, Zhu Ping\'an was still serious, coughed, and approached Li Shu with a smirk and said.

  To replenish blood? !

  Hearing this, Li Shu\'s fair and flawless pretty face turned red in a flash, like a ripe peach, water would drip out when pinched.

  Others couldn\'t understand Zhu Ping\'an\'s words, so how could Li Shu not understand.

  The last time Zhu Ping’an was so uneasy and kindly said that he wanted to replenish blood for himself. At that time, he was stupidly asking how to replenish it. In the end, the villain asked himself if he had ever heard the saying that one drop of essence and ten drops of blood, and then... just...

   "Bad guy!"

  Thinking of this, Li Shu gave Zhu Pingan a hard look with her charming eyes, her black pupils turned up, rolled her big white eyes, spat, and scolded Zhu Pingan coquettishly as a bad person.

   Then, he took another step forward, stepped on Zhu Ping\'an\'s toes hard, turned left and right, rolled a circle, then twisted his willow waist, swung his upturned little butt, and walked into the room without looking back.

After Li Shu twisted her little **** and walked away, the little maid of Baozi also twisted her waist closely, followed by a baby-fat bun\'s face, which was flushed even more than Li Shu\'s, as if she was about to bleed , Just like a overcooked prawn.

Before the little maid turned around, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, her eyes seemed to be dripping water, she glanced at Zhu Ping\'an, then quickly lowered her little head again, tightly clamping her thighs, in a strange posture, chasing after Zhu Pingan. Li Shu walked into the room.

   "Why is this little girl blushing so much?"

  Zhu Ping\'an scratched his head, a little confused.

  Zhu Ping\'an didn\'t know, but the little maid of Baozi knew the code word of "enriching blood".

  Last time, when Zhu Pingan was "replenishing blood" for Li Shu in the study, Baozi\'s little maid happened to be on duty outside the study, so she naturally knew what Zhu Pingan\'s so-called "replenishment of blood" alluded to.

  At that time, when Zhu Pingan said to replenish Li Shu\'s blood, Baozi\'s little maid opened her mouth in surprise when she heard it outside the study, and innocently sighed: It turns out that my uncle knows medical skills.

  After hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s sentence "Have you ever heard the saying that one drop of essence and ten drops of blood?", the little maid of Baozi didn\'t turn around for a while.

   When she heard the embarrassing voices coming from the study, the little maid of Baozi tightened her thighs and reacted belatedly.

  (end of this chapter)