Rise From the Humble

Chapter 848: my Guanju

Chapter 848 My Guanju

   "Zhu Zihou, what proof do you have for saying that "Guan Ju" is a folk song about love between men and women, and even blind dates?"

  When Yang Guoliang was in trouble, Ma Huating stood up again, with a dark face, and asked Zhu Pingan loudly, this time he adopted the method of besieging Wei and saving Zhao, attacking Zhu to save Yang.

"I thought that to interpret "Guan Ju" and "The Book of Songs", we must first look at the background of the formation of the "Book of Songs". The Zhou Dynasty ruled the country with music, and there were special officials who collected poems. Zhu Muduo went deep into the folks, collected folk songs, collected and sorted out the ballads that reflected the people\'s joys, sorrows, sorrows, sufferings, and people\'s lives, and handed them over to the music official, the Taishi. After the Taishi composed the music, he sang it to Zhou. The emperor listened, and the emperor of Zhou learned about people\'s livelihood through these folk songs, and used them as a reference for governance. Among them, there are those that sing praises to ancestors, some that worship ghosts and gods, some that aristocrats feast and associate with, and some that reflect folk labor, love, marriage, and social customs. "Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and said slowly.

   "What you say is commonplace and has nothing to do with your theory. How can it be used as evidence. What scriptures and classics are there to prove your theory? What is the textual research?"

  Ma Huating sneered, staring at Zhu Pingan like a cockfighting cock, picking bones from the egg.

  Didn’t you just ask Dr. Yang for his research certificate? Do you have it? ! Can you tell? !


   This is called treating another person in the same way!

  Ma Huating stared at Zhu Pingan quietly, and after saying this sentence, he seemed to let out a bad breath in his heart.

   is destined to let you down.

  Zhu Pingan looked at Ma Huating, and slightly hooked the corners of his lips. As soon as Ma Huating finished speaking, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Zhu Xi\'s "Poetry Collection Biography" said in the preface: "The so-called style of all poems is mostly from the works of Li Lane songs. ", "Guan Ju" talks about folk love songs, which is exactly in line with Zhu Xi\'s preface, this is one of them."

""Zhou Li·Diguan·Meishi" says: "The matchmaker is in charge of the judgment of all the people. All men and women who have become famous or above are written in the year, month, day and name. Let men marry when they are thirty, and women who marry when they are twenty. Anyone who marries Those who judge wives and children are all written down. In the mid-spring moon, men and women are ordered to meet, so it is time. Those who run can\'t help it. If they don\'t use the order for no reason, they will be punished. Men and women who have no husband and family will meet. "Zhou Dynasty At that time, the media official was in charge of the cooperation of the people. Anyone who married a wife and had children had to be recorded on the record. Why did the population multiply? In February and March, the media official issued a decree ordering unmarried men and women to meet. At this time, I couldn’t help running. If If you do not obey government orders for no reason, you will be punished. This is the custom of the ancients to meet men and women in the moon of mid-spring. During the various sacrificial ceremonies held in early February before spring plowing, men and women can also freely engage in love activities. "Zhou Li" stipulates that Unmarried women need to pick watery plants, so in February and March, all unmarried women went to the river to pick watery plants. At this time, it is also the time when the government orders meet men and women, and unmarried gentlemen who are "good ladies" also take the opportunity to come to the river , so there is "Guanju". This is the second."

"If you read through the "Book of Songs", you can find that the background of many love poems happened in spring, which is related to the decree of "Zhou Li·Di Guan·Mei Shi", and most of them are represented by flowers, plants, water, and birdsong. .”

"For example, "Zheng Feng·Wild Grass": \'There are wild grasses, with zero exposure. There is a beautiful person, clear and graceful. Meeting each other, it suits my wish.\' This song "Wild Grass" talks about the countryside The weeds are connected into pieces, and the dew on the grass blades is shining. A beautiful woman passed by, with beautiful features, and she was very amazing. I met her unexpectedly, and it happened to my wish."

"Another example is "Zheng Feng·Qinwei": "Qin and Wei, Fang Huanxi. Scholars and women, Fang Bingyi. The woman said, \'Look at it?\' The scholar said, \'That\'s it." , enjoy the fun. Weishi and women, Yi Qi flirted with each other, and gave them peonies.\' This song is about March, when the Qin River and Wei River in Zheng State flowed far away. Unmarried young men and women came to the suburbs Playing, with orchid grass in hand. Men and women hold weed grass in their hands and go to the river outside the city to play. The woman said let\'s go there to see? It was so lively, so why not go again! So, men and women went together to the other side of Weishui River, joked with each other, and gave peonies to each other when they parted, and promised to never forget each other.”

   "Another example is "Zheng Feng·Ye You Sheng Mo", which is covered with white grass. There is a woman who is pregnant with spring, and Ji Shi lures it"

   "Another example is "Zhou Nan·Taoyao"."

   "Another example is "Wang Feng·Gentleman Yang Yang", "Wei Feng·Papaya", "Chen Feng·Dongmen Zhijian"."

  Zhu Ping\'an listed dozens of poems in one breath to support the custom of "spring and March, meeting men and women" in the Zhou Dynasty, and verified that "Guan Ju" is a folk ballad of love between men and women, which may describe this custom.

  Ma Huating was stunned, originally thinking that under his questioning, Zhu Ping\'an would falter when asked.

   But never expected.

   Not only did Zhu Ping\'an not hem and haw when asked, but he was eloquent, and he quoted scriptures eloquently as soon as he finished speaking.

   This was beyond Ma Huating\'s expectation, so that he stood there dumbfounded.

  Under Zhu Ping\'an\'s eloquence, the muscles on Yang Guoliang\'s face became more and more loose and sagging, and his face became more and more ugly.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s voice fell behind, and the lecture room was silent.

  Long time.

"If "Guan Ju" is a folk ballad about love between men and women, so common, why did Confucius list it as the first chapter in "The Book of Songs?" Yang Guoliang raised his head, looked at Zhu Ping\'an with bloodshot eyes, and hoarse his voice asked.

   "Vulgarity is elegance." Zhu Ping\'an replied.

   "Not enough for the first article." Yang Guoliang continued to stare at Zhu Ping\'an.

""Guan Ju" is listed as the first article, which is the embodiment of Confucius\' "people-oriented". "The Analects" records that the horse stable caught fire, and Confucius asked if he hurt someone? Don\'t ask about the horse, this is the embodiment of Confucius\' "people-oriented". Guan Guan Jujiu, in the continent of the river, a gentle lady, a gentleman is fond of a gentleman. A gentleman pursues a lady, and after success, he will perform the virtues of a husband and wife, form a marriage, form a family, and reproduce offspring. This is the foundation of the national economy and the people\'s livelihood. If the family is stable, the society is stable, and the world is peaceful." Zhu Pingan said slowly.

people oriented? !

   Zhu Ping\'an brought this word from modern times, and it shocked everyone at once.

  People-oriented The more people study this word, the more they feel that this word is not simple. This term can not only cover the principles that the people are more important than the emperor, and that water can carry a boat and capsize it, and it is even broader.

   Of course it\'s not easy, it\'s a national policy! The national policy that is hundreds of years ahead of you! It\'s no wonder you can\'t hold back.

Zhu Pingan slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, "Actually, it\'s not just the Book of Songs. When Confucius deleted the Six Classics, the beginning of each book emphasized people-oriented. The beginning of "Book" said \'Shun married without telling\', In order to test Shun\'s talents, Yao married his two daughters to him. Only those who can manage the family can govern the country and the world, and people are the foundation; In "Rituals", the ceremony of the scholar\'s crown is the first, and the ceremony of the scholar\'s evening is the second. When you become an adult, you will start a family, and it is people-oriented; Therefore, "Guanju", which is happy but not lewd, sad but not sad, could not be more suitable as the opening chapter of "Book of Songs."

  The connotation of "people-oriented" is too broad. When Zhu Ping\'an casually talked about "people-oriented" in the opening chapter of the Six Classics, everyone still took it seriously.

   "One thousand articles of "Guanju" in the eyes of a thousand people, this is just my "Guanju". The fallacies make everyone laugh."

   Zhu Pingan said, bowed his hands to everyone, and Shi Shi ran off the podium.



  Only the sound of Zhu Ping\'an\'s footsteps echoed in the lecture room.

  (end of this chapter)