Rise From the Humble

Chapter 846: It hurts, old man

Chapter 846 Heartbroken, old iron

  Ping An puzzled, please enlighten me!

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s voice resounded in the lecture hall, echoed in Yang Guoliang\'s mind, and echoed in the minds of everyone in the lecture hall.

   From the road to simplicity!

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s question is very simple, but it directly points to the root of Yang Guoliang\'s theory of "the style of the king, the virtue of the concubine".

  If there is no skin, there will be no hair!

   If Zhu Ping’an’s question cannot be answered, then Yang Guoliang’s theory, no matter how lofty and politically correct it is, is nothing but a bubble.

  While Yang Guoliang was thinking hard about Zhu Ping\'an\'s question, other people in the lecture room were also racking their brains to think about Zhu Ping\'an\'s question. Why did the gentleman refer to Zhou Wenwang and the lady refers to Zhou Gouhou? !

   Bells, drums, qin and se, are these musical instruments only the king of Zhou is entitled to enjoy? !

  Obviously not, the King of Zhou could use bells, drums, zithers, and zithers. The nobles also used these instruments for banquets, and ordinary people could also use these instruments when they offered sacrifices and got married. It\'s just that the levels are different, and the pomp that can be used is different. According to the level of the ritual and music system in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the king of Zhou can use four sides and eight qi ("佾" means "column", eight people in each row, eight qi and sixty-four people), and the princes can use three sides (missing the north) and six yi. Doctors can use two sides (missing north and east) and four qi, and scholars can use one side (only south) and two qi. Common people can also use musical instruments at weddings, funerals, and sacrifices, but the number of people can\'t exceed that of "scholars". Rich people, when they are happy, can ask two people to play the piano or drums by themselves, or something.

  How do you explain that gentleman and lady refer to Zhou Wenwang and Zhou Queen?

  Everyone racked their brains and couldn\'t figure it out.

   "Dr. Yang, please enlighten me." Zhu Pingan stood on the stage and cupped his hands again.

   "Lady. Gentleman"

Yang Guoliang stood blankly under the stage, his face was ashen, his forehead was dripping with sweat, and his palms were full of sweat. His brain seemed to be pressed down by an invisible boulder, and he couldn\'t function anymore. His lips were a little pale, and he muttered Soliloquy.

  A breeze blew outside the window, carrying the scorching heat from the outside, blowing into the lecture hall, and blowing on Yang Guoliang\'s face.

  The wind was weak, and only one page of the book was turned, but when it blew on Yang Guoliang\'s face, Yang Guoliang staggered.

   Is it too windy?

   Or is this hall too hot?

  Why do I feel that I can\'t stand upright? Yang Guoliang, who seems to be dizzy, tried his best to maintain his balance.

"Ha ha."

  At this moment, a laugh suddenly came from the lecture room, full of air and calm, full of confidence.

  Accompanied by laughter, the person under the podium stood up.

  With his hands behind his back, he stared at Zhu Ping\'an with contempt. He was tall and straight, like a hero standing on the cusp of the storm and trying to turn the tide.

  His figure is so majestic.

It\'s him!

   Ma Huating, Bachelor of Attendance at King Jing\'s Mansion.

  When Yang Guoliang\'s mind went blank and he didn\'t know how to answer, Ma Huating, Master Ma stepped forward.

Ma Huating\'s chuckle attracted everyone\'s attention. He got up and looked at Zhu Ping\'an with a sarcasm on his face, and asked loudly: "Hasn\'t Zhuangyuan Lang heard of the Chunqiu brushwork? What is the Chunqiu brushwork? It\'s concise. This method is often used. What is meant by simplification is that the article does not refer to names and surnames. In the article "Guan Ju", there is no need to use this method to omit the name of King Wen of Zhou, which is also to avoid tabooing the name of the monarch."

  Ma Huating countered Zhu Pingan with two points of view. One is the Chunqiu brushwork. Although the Chunqiu brushwork is famous because of Confucius, some people used it before Confucius, but it got its name because Confucius often wrote "Spring and Autumn" with this technique. Chunqiu\'s brushwork is simplification. It can simplify the name, and can also simplify the views and opinions. "Guanju" may use the Spring and Autumn strokes, simplifying the names of Zhou Wenwang and Zhou Queen, and referring to them as gentlemen and ladies.

  The other is to avoid the name of the monarch. In the feudal period, in order to show majesty, the king or relatives stipulated that people should avoid calling their names directly or writing their names directly in writing, and use other words instead. This is the case in "Guanju", which avoids the names of Zhou Wenwang and Zhou Queen, and replaces them with gentlemen and ladies.

  Spring and Autumn writing style, avoiding the monarch.

Ha ha

  What a reason.

  After Ma Huating finished speaking, he looked at Zhu Pingan triumphantly, as if he was a king of lore.

   "That\'s right. Master Ma is right."

"Master Ma has a great opinion. Isn\'t the Spring and Autumn writing style just to be streamlined? It is normal to omit the names of Zhou Wenwang and Zhou Queen. In addition, avoiding the taboo of the monarch is the same now, and it was the same in ancient times. That\'s why "Guanju" didn\'t write about Zhou Wenwang Ji. Chang, the name of Queen Zhou\'s Tai Si."

   "Yes, yes, that\'s it. Mr. Ma has sharp eyesight, and he immediately discovered the problem."

  Ma Huating\'s words were like seeing the moon through the clouds and giving enlightenment to the top. After he finished speaking, the others suddenly realized, as if waking up from a dream, and they all echoed with emotion.

   "Guoliang is ashamed. Fortunately, Master Ma has a good opinion. After today\'s class, if Master Ma has time, please make tea and discuss "Guanju" together."

  Yang Guoliang saluted Ma Huating earnestly, and invited Ma Huating to cook tea and discuss "Guan Ju" after class.

   "If Mr. Yang is concerned, he will be in chaos. Ma stays on the outside and is a bystander." Ma Huating smiled modestly.

   After exchanging greetings with Ma Huating, Yang Guoliang turned his head and said to Zhu Pingan, "Master Ma\'s words are Yang\'s words."

  At this moment, Yang Guoliang felt his whole body cleared up, as if he had recovered from a serious illness. The cold sweat on his head, palms, and dizziness were all gone.

   "What do you think, Lord Zhu? Are you satisfied with my answer?" Ma Huating looked at Zhu Pingan confidently.


  Zhu Pingan curled his mouth slightly, and shook his head slowly.

   "What? No?"

  Yang Guoliang and Ma Huating were shocked.

   "The number one scholar must respect basic common sense, and don\'t use forceful words." Then, Ma Huating looked at Zhu Ping\'an, slowly shook his head and said sarcastically.

   "Ping\'an is saying nothing because he respects basic common sense." Zhu Ping\'an replied lightly.

   "Please enlighten me." Ma Huating\'s face darkened.

"It\'s not about teaching, it\'s just for learning." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly, arched his hands towards Ma Huating and Yang Guoliang, and continued, "The "Guanju" that Mr. Ma just said used the Spring and Autumn brushwork to omit the names of Zhou Wenwang and Zhou Queen. Please forgive Ping An for disagreeing. The Chunqiu style of writing is subtle and meaningful. Who, where, and what is happening can be covered in one word, but the subject will not be omitted. Confucius wrote "Spring and Autumn" with the Chunqiu style of writing, and never omitted the subject, such as "March , Gong and Zhu Yifu allied with Yu Mie\', \'Chun, Guild Rong Yuqian\' and so on."

   "What about the taboo monarch, how do you explain it?" Ma Huating asked coldly.

""Guan Ju" taboos the monarch? This is even more nonsense. To avoid the monarch is to avoid calling the monarch by his name. If Zhou Wenwang is taboo, the word \'Jichang\' is taboo, not the word \'Zhou Wenwang\'. And In the "Book of Songs", there are two blunt words "Wen Wang", one is "Daya Daming", and the other is "Daya Siqi". This sentence, written in black and white, does refer to King Wen of Zhou. Oh, by the way, these two poems are also about the marriage of King Wen of Zhou and Queen Zhou. Dr. Yang’s two poems, Gewu, may be more in line with the theory of "the style of the king, the virtue of the concubine" .”

  Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his mouth, shook his head slowly, and hit Ma Huating\'s face one by one. Finally, he seriously suggested Yang Guoliang Gewu\'s "Daya·Daming" and "Daya·Siqi" two poems.

   Heartbroken, old man!


  Yang Guoliang coughed, and there was a fishy sweetness in his throat.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s serious appearance, in Yang Guoliang\'s view, is not only dazzling, but also very heart-wrenching

  (end of this chapter)