Rise From the Humble

Chapter 843: Discordant Zhu Pingan

Chapter 843 Disharmonious Zhu Pingan

  The wind of the king? !

  The virtue of concubines? !

  Dr. Yang\'s theory of "Guan Ju" was like a thunderclap in the clear sky, which exploded in everyone\'s minds. Even though he had finished speaking, the lingering sound still lingered in everyone\'s minds and could not be stopped for a long time.

   "Guan Ju" can still be interpreted in this way? !

  Dr. Yang\'s theory of "Guan Ju" seems to open the door to another world for everyone, which makes people suddenly enlightened and refreshing.

  For a while, everyone was immersed in Dr. Yang\'s lingering sound, and they were stunned.

  The place where the scriptures were taught was quiet, and the needles could be heard.

   "Suck slip..."

  The sound of drinking tea broke the silence of the room.

  Dr. Yang on the podium followed the sound, and found something different in the lecture room—the kid surnamed Zhu sitting in the corner was drinking tea with his head down.

   It\'s really rotten wood that can\'t be carved!

  Others were overwhelmed by the thesis he threw out and fell into deep thought, but this rotten tree was still drinking tea!

   How thirsty can you be, and you will die if you drink less? !

  Dr. Yang gave Zhu Pingan a disdainful look, let him slowly understand, but unfortunately, Luo Hua deliberately flowed water ruthlessly, someone lowered his head and drank seriously, and did not see Dr. Yang\'s emotional glance at all.

   Next, Dr. Yang didn\'t have time to pay attention to Zhu Pingan, a latecomer, because the others had already recovered.

"it is good!"

   "Wonderful, really wonderful!"

  After Zhu Ping\'an drank tea, a shout of applause suddenly exploded in the lecture hall, and then quickly became a prairie fire.

"Great kindness! What a king! What a concubine! Dr. Yang\'s interpretation of "Guanju" can be called the finishing touch. Every word is a classic, and every sentence is a legend. Hehe, since Dr. Yang, I\'m afraid no one will dare to lightly discuss "Guan Ju" any more."

After listening to Dr. Yang Guanju\'s theory, Master Zhang, the chief lecturer of Jingwang Mansion, couldn\'t help standing up, and praised Dr. Yang on the podium. The rating is very high.

  Boss Zhang is rather old-fashioned, and Dr. Yang\'s theory of the style of a king and the virtue of a concubine almost speaks to his heart.

"One conversation with you is better than reading ten years of books. Dr. Yang has this theory, and he has already reached the peak of "Book of Songs". Hehehe, if there is an opportunity to work with Dr. Yang in King Jing\'s Mansion in the future, I will be blessed. "

   Ma Huating highly admired Dr. Yang, and slightly winked at Dr. Yang on the podium, as if hinting at something in his words.

"Well, yes, Dr. Yang\'s more than a month of effort was not in vain, and it is worth the money. This interpretation of "the style of the king, the virtue of the concubine" can be regarded as the most comprehensive interpretation of "Guan Ju" in the past hundred years. Innovative and highly interpreted."

  Master Liu squinted his eyes and smiled slightly, looked at Yang Guoliang and nodded twice in succession, applauding him endlessly.

   "The style of the king, the virtue of the concubine is interesting."

  Gao Gong repeated in a soft voice, and looked up at Yang Guoliang on the stage. This was the first time he looked at Yang Guoliang with straight eyes, and he seemed a little impressed.

  In other words, if Yang Guoliang knew that this was the first time Gao Gong looked at him, I don\'t know how he would feel.

   "Yang Shi Dacai."

   King Yu looked up at Yang Guoliang, his eyes full of admiration.

"It\'s okay to die in the morning and evening. Thank you Master Yang for your teaching. After listening to Master Yang\'s interpretation of "Guanju", it is like enlightenment, and I have benefited a lot. In the past, Confucius said in "Guanju" that "joy is not lewd, sorrow is "Not hurting" is not very clear in Zaizhen. Today, I shared the words of Master Yang to know the true meaning of Confucius. "Happy but not lewd, sad but not hurt" is because Guanju is happy to match a lady with a gentleman, and worry about being a virtuous person and not being lewd "Sorrow the slim, think of the virtuous and talented, without hurting the heart of goodness, this is the original meaning of Guan Ju. Master Yang is a great talent. In the future, there will be confusion in the Five Classics. I must ask Master Yang for advice. I hope Master Yang doesn\'t think Zaizhen is troublesome."

   King Jing smiled and cupped his hands to thank Yang Guoliang on the stage, and his evaluation of Yang Guoliang went up a few steps.

  Yang Guoliang really lived up to his reputation.

  Its talent is better than its name.

  Thinking about the words quietly said to himself when the servant came to King Jing’s mansion to pass on his father’s oral instructions today, a gleam of light flashed in King Jing’s eyes, and when he looked at Yang Guoliang, he became more enthusiastic and sincere.

   "Where is it, these are just some immature views of Yang. You adults praise, Yang is really ashamed."

  Yang Guoliang was full of spring breeze, facing everyone, smiling and shaking his head, repeatedly saying that he didn\'t dare to do it.

   Then, he bowed his hands to King Jing again, "How dare you, as long as His Royal Highness doesn\'t think Guo Liang is stupid, Guo Liang is willing to sweep the bed every day and make tea for His Highness."

   "The style of a king, the virtue of a concubine Ha ha, if Master Yang is also a humble opinion, I am afraid that everyone will have no face to speak in the future." King Jing said with a smile on his face.

   "Ashamed, ashamed" Dr. Yang said with a smile ashamed.

   "Dr. Yang, you don\'t need to be humble anymore. If you continue to be humble, wouldn\'t we be ashamed to see others?"

"hehe yes"

  Ma Huating and others praised Yang Guoliang again.

  The atmosphere is very good.


   At this moment, a discordant voice suddenly came, as if choked by tea.


   It was so disturbing that everyone followed the sound.

   "Ahem. Sorry."

  Zhu Pingan clenched a fist with one hand and put it to his lips, holding a teacup in the other, coughing and apologizing to everyone, as if he accidentally choked on the tea.

   "Hehe, I think Mr. Zhu seems to have different opinions on Dr. Yang\'s "Guanju" theory? Why don\'t you come and listen to me."

   Ma Huating looked at Zhu Ping\'an with a dark smile, twitched the corner of his mouth and said, he has long since looked down on Zhu Ping\'an.

  A junior who relies on youthful words, flattery, and opportunism to gain a position, and is so greedy for money that he doesn\'t hesitate to mess with pigs.

  When you pass the imperial examination this year, you should read the "Four Books Collection" annotated by me.

  Hmph, now you are also qualified to lecture for the prince with us? ! When did the threshold for an emperor become so low? !

  Seeing Zhu Ping\'an\'s appearance at this moment, he frowned even more. You\'re just pretending to be fake, just looking for a corner to get away safely, and you\'re still so embarrassing.

  Everyone is listening to the scriptures and discussing the scriptures carefully, but you are drinking tea on the sidelines. !




  Since you committed the crime yourself, then don\'t blame me for showing your eyes. Ma Huating looked at Zhu Ping\'an with a dark smile, and put Zhu Ping\'an in the center of focus with one sentence.

"Oh, so that\'s the case. I said that when I was discussing "Guanju", Mr. Zhu was absent-minded. Hehe, Mr. Zhu is young and promising, and he must have some high-level remarks. I also ask Mr. Zhu to give me a lesson or two. Yang should listen attentively .”

  Yang Guoliang looked at Zhu Pingan with narrowed eyes, stretched out his right hand, made a gesture of invitation, and said leisurely.

  In the air, there was a faint smell of gunpowder.

  (end of this chapter)