Rise From the Humble

Chapter 841: Theory of the Book of Songs

Chapter 841 Theory of the Book of Songs

   Huh, wait.

When Zhu Ping recalled the history, his eyes glanced at King Yu\'s back inadvertently, his eyelids jumped suddenly, and an inexplicable thought flashed in his mind, as if a lightning bolt pierced the night, and then recovered again in an instant As dark as it is.

  I feel like I have seen King Yu somewhere? !

   This inexplicable thought made Zhu Pingan frown and think.

Logically speaking, this should be the first time I have seen King Yu. After all, I have only been in the capital for half a year. The mansion was established, and he did not live in Xiyuan, so he had no chance to see King Yu and King Jing in these places.

  But why do I always feel like I have seen King Yu somewhere?

   Could it be because modern times have seen the portrait of King Yu?

  Zhu Ping\'an thought about it for a while, and decisively denied this guess.

  In modern times, there are only two portraits of King Yu on Baidu Encyclopedia, but they are both "Portraits of Ming Mu Zong and Zhu Zaihou" left by the painter after King Yu became emperor.

  You know the ancient painters, the level of portraiture is mediocre, especially the paintings of emperors are much more distorted.

The two portraits of King Yu on Baidu Encyclopedia are contradictory. It seems that the painting is not the same person, and the two portraits are about 30-year-old King Yu, which is basically the same as the current King Yu himself. No matter how similar, the most similar one is only a dozen percent similar.

  So, Zhu Pingan is sure that it is not because he has seen the portrait of King Yu in modern times that he feels that he has seen King Yu somewhere.

   It feels like I have seen it in the past few days? !

it\'s wired.

  But why can’t I remember it.

  Zhu Ping\'an was thinking while walking, and before he knew it, he had arrived at the lecture hall of the main hall. After arriving at the preaching place, Zhu Ping\'an no longer attached to it. Forget it, since I can\'t remember it, then I don\'t want to. There are many people who look similar in the world. It is possible that a passer-by who looks similar to King Yu has met once.

  There are only ten tables and chairs and a podium in the lecture room, and there is nothing else, which is almost simple, in sharp contrast to the splendor of the main hall.

  The only advantage is that the windows are clear and clean.

   It is estimated that Emperor Jiajing deliberately used the simple environment to remind his princes not to pamper them and forget the purpose of coming to the main hall.

  Emperor Jiajing\'s oral instruction was to lecture on the scriptures, so the topic of today\'s lecture is naturally the Five Classics.

   Liu Boqing, Mr. Liu, is a leading figure in the literary circle. Today\'s lecture is hosted by Mr. Liu.

"Four Books and Five Classics, the Four Books are the first and the Five Classics are the last, but the name of the Four Books began in the Song Dynasty, and the name of the Five Classics was earlier than the Four Books, and its name began in the Han Dynasty. The Five Classics refer to "Book of Songs", "Shangshu", "Book of Rites", " The five volumes of Zhouyi and Spring and Autumn were all edited and revised by Confucius. There was originally the "Book of Music", but it was a pity that Emperor Qin "burned books to bury Confucianism". It’s a pity to stay in vain for thousands of years. Of course, these are commonplaces, so I won’t say much, let’s start to talk about the scriptures. In terms of the Five Classics, Dr. Yang is everyone. , Dr. Yang\'s theories often make the old man suddenly enlightened. I heard that Dr. Yang happened to be investigating the "Book of Songs" recently, and we can just enjoy it."

Like the old professor who presided over the lecture in modern times, Mr. Liu first traced the origin of the Four Books and Five Classics, and then lamented the regret of the "Le Jing", and then transitioned to the main topic, inviting Yang Guoliang, a doctor of the Five Classics of the Imperial College, to share the recent Gewu " Thoughts from The Book of Songs.

   "Boss Liu has praised you, Liang is really ashamed." Yang Guoliang got up and shook his head humbly, but the smile on his face could not be concealed.

   Master Liu, the leading figure in the literary circle, praised himself so much, Yang Guoliang\'s heart seemed as sweet as honey.

  Wine is not intoxicating, everyone is drunk.

  The whole person is a little bit flustered.

  Hmph, we rely on real strength, unlike some people who rely on flattery and opportunism to come here to pretend to be fake.

  The fluttering Yang Guoliang glanced at Zhu Pingan who was sitting in the corner from the corner of his eyes, and raised his chin involuntarily.


  Why do you suddenly look at me like this, and you raise your head so high, aren\'t you afraid that your neck will flicker? Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly.

The ancients were like this. After Yang Guoliang humbled himself, Mr. Liu persuaded him again, and Yang Guoliang walked up to the podium as if he was too kind, and bowed to everyone, "Mr. Liu is too kind, Then Yang has no choice but to make a fool of himself."

"My life has a limit, but my knowledge has no limit. If there is a limit, follow the limitless, it\'s over! Yang Mou Gewu\'s "Book of Songs" for several months, and his feelings for Confucius\' words have become more and more deep. Guan Guan Jujiu, in the river continent A fair lady, a gentleman is so good..."Guo Feng Zhou Nan Guan Ju", the opening chapter of the Book of Songs, I think you are familiar with it for a long time. But this short "Guan Ju" alone has made Yang feel full More than a month."

  Yang Guoliang coughed lightly and began to sigh.

"What is "Guanju" talking about? It is about a gentleman\'s pursuit of a lady, and when he fails to find a lady, he feels distressed, tossing and turning, and can\'t sleep; Congratulations, with this "friend" and "happy" lady. This is a poem that celebrates marriage with a very simple meaning."

  Yang Guoliang turned to the first page of "The Book of Songs", pointed to the opening work "Guan Ju", and said to everyone.

  Where is the simplicity, this Guan Guan Jujiu is the culprit that made me have unreasonable thoughts about girls when I was young...Zhu Pingan lowered his head and slandered, no matter how you look at it, it is a folk love poem.

  However, it is also possible to understand this "Guanju" as a marriage poem that starts with love and ends with ritual.

  Happy but not lewd, sad but not sad, Confucius commented.

  Singing this song "Guan Ju" at a wedding is quite suitable, Zhu Ping\'an slightly twitched the corners of his mouth.

""Yi" is based on Qiankun, "Book" is beautiful, and "Poetry" begins with "Guanju". I have been thinking about why Confucius only took the short poem "Guanju" as the beginning of "Book of Songs" What is the intention of Confucius?"

  Yang Guoliang said, glanced at the crowd, and asked a question.

  Why did Kong Sheng use Guanju, a romantic poem about love between a man and a woman, as the opening chapter of The Book of Songs?

   King Yu fell into deep thought, frowned and thought about it, feeling that he had caught something, and was about to ask everyone for advice when he heard King Jing\'s voice.

"When a husband and wife are married, the great relationship of humanity is also. When they are married, it is the beginning of life and people, and the source of all blessings. The etiquette of marriage is right, and then the goods are complete, and the fate of heaven is complete. The head of this discipline is the end of the king\'s teaching. "Guanju" , the beginning of "Wind", so the wind is the world and the couple is also. Therefore, it is used for the people of the country, and it is used for the country."

   King Jing got up and said in a loud voice, his voice was deep and deep, full of magnetism, his speech was clear, logical, and thought-provoking.

What King Jing means is that the marriage of husband and wife is the beginning of human relations, and the morality of the world is based on the virtue of husband and wife. Guanju is used as the first chapter of "The Book of Songs and National Style", which can be used to influence the world and educate the people. Consolidate state rule.

  When King Yu heard this, his face darkened suddenly.

  Ji Shengyu He Shengliang.

  My fourth brother has already said what I thought, and what I didn’t expect, my fourth brother also said it. The fourth brother is indeed much better than me...

  (end of this chapter)