Rise From the Humble

Chapter 838: 箲经大本堂

Chapter 838 Lecture on the main hall

  Bounded by the Qianqing Gate, Xiyuan is divided into the outer court and the inner court. Outside the Qianqing gate is the outer court, and inside is the inner court.

There is a majestic and tall palace on the central axis outside Xiyuan. The golden glazed tiles on the top of the palace are shining golden in the sun. There are several red pillars in the palace. Armor, Claw Yu Xiangyun, is lifelike, as if it is really flying around the column.

  Phoebe tables and chairs, blue sky and warm jade floor, crystal jade lamps. The hall is resplendent and resplendent.

  The name of the hall is: Daben Hall.

  The Daben Hall was built in Xiyuan after Emperor Jiajing welcomed the first prince, imitating the Daben Hall of Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang.

  In the first year when Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, he built the main hall in the palace, as a place for the prince and prince to study and study, to make up for the regret that he had not received a good education when he was young. . When building the Dabentang, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered people to collect pictures of past dynasties, and at the same time announced it to the world, and hired famous teachers and scholars from all over the world to explain the Four Books and Five Classics to the prince. It can be said that the Dahondo played an important leading role in the princes\' subsequent governance of the country and the world.

It is a pity that Dabentang was in the battle of imperial power in the later battle of Jingnan. As Ming Chengzu\'s troops approached the city of Nanjing, the king of Gu Zhu Wei and Cao Guogong Li Jinglong opened the Jinchuan Gate to welcome the surrender. After the capital was destroyed, a fire broke out in the palace. , Emperor Jianwen disappeared in the fire, and the Dahontang, which Taizu painstakingly managed for more than ten years, was also reduced to ruins in the fire.

  After the arrival of the first prince, in order to strengthen the education of the prince, Emperor Jiajing built the main hall with Taizu\'s main hall as a backboard.

The main hall is taller, bigger and more magnificent than the main hall. However, because Emperor Jiajing’s heirs are thin and many died young, there were only three princes studying and studying in such a tall and splendid main hall. The next two princes.

  As the two princes opened their own mansions and mansions, the main lecturers came to the palace to teach and study.

  Only when Emperor Jiajing had a whim, would he occasionally summon the two princes to attend lectures in the main hall.

  Last night, Emperor Jiajing had a dream about Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang studied his scriptures in his dream.

   After Tao Zhongwen made calculations, he said that the dream should belong to the prince. The Taizu was concerned about the cultivation of the emperor\'s heir.

  Therefore, shortly after Zhu Ping\'an went to work, a servant came to read out the oral order of Emperor Jiajing, and ordered Zhu Ping\'an to give lectures in the main hall.

  Teaching scriptures for the prince?

   is a heavy responsibility, but also a great honor.

  This kind of honor is 10,000 times more powerful than modern Peking University professors and Tsinghua professors. Peking University professors and Tsinghua professors are even lower than those of Guozijian\'s Five Classics doctors, let alone compared with imperial teachers.

  Guozijian is the highest institution of learning in the Ming Dynasty, and it is not one of them. In addition, it is also an educational management agency, which is equivalent to the Education Bureau and the highest institution of learning. Therefore, the status of modern Tsinghua University and Peking University cannot be compared with that of Guozijian in Ming Dynasty.

   Give lectures to the prince.

  This can be called the emperor teacher.

  Being able to play for a lifetime, in Zhu Pingan\'s impression, this is only a well-known teacher and a great scholar who can take on this important task.

   No matter how bad it is, you have to have senior qualifications like Gao Gong.

  So, when Zhu Pingan heard it on the first day of the junior high school, he was still very surprised. Is he qualified to teach the prince, is he wrong? Or did the waiter make a mistake?

   "Pass down the sage\'s oral instructions, and Zhu Ping\'an, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, will immediately go to the main hall to give lectures."

   It was not until the servant repeated Emperor Jiajing’s oral instructions again that Zhu Ping’an was finally sure that he heard correctly and the servant did not misinterpret. Emperor Jiajing asked him to go to the main hall to give lectures to the two princes.

   "The Holy Majesty has issued a decree for people to go to the main hall to give lectures!" Before the servant who passed the decree came out of Zhu Ping\'an\'s room, someone in Wuyi Hall got the news.

   "There is another chance, this time we must grasp it." Everyone was very excited when they heard the news, and they were all eager to try.

   Can you not be excited, this is going to the Dahonden to give lectures. Everyone knows what the Dahonden does.

   Going to the Daihonden to lecture on the scriptures is to lecture on the scriptures to the prince.

   This is His Majesty\'s affirmation and great honor, this is an opportunity to be the emperor\'s teacher. Not to mention how awesome it is to say it out in the future, how much halo it will add to the body, just being able to build a good relationship with the future emperor is enough for them to grab their heads.

   Now there are only two princes left. To teach them is to be their teacher. At least you can get to know each other well and establish a good relationship in advance. No matter which prince wins the throne, it will be more beneficial to be a teacher in the future.

   "There is no chance. It has already been settled. The servant who just walked over is the one who ordered Zhu Pingan to go to the main hall to give lectures."

  Knowing the inside story, the officer shook his head and sighed.



   Actually asked Zhu Pingan to go to the main hall to give lectures? !

For a while, after hearing the news, everyone in Wuyi Hall stared at each other like they were struck by lightning. They were stunned for a long time and couldn\'t accept the news. Afterwards, they were filled with grief, with painful expressions as if they had missed a hundred million yuan. It seemed that the envious eyes of Zhu Ping\'an were red.

  Everyone is jealous like a rabbit.

  This is going to the main hall to give lectures! !

How could this be?

  How could it be Zhu Pingan? !

  Everyone couldn\'t help shaking their heads and sighing again and again.

   "How could Zhu Ping\'an go to the main hall to give lectures? He is only very old, not as old as the prince, and his **** are still wet. How could he go to lecture the prince?"

   "What is Zhu Ping\'an? What qualifications does he have to give lectures to the prince?!"

"Zhu Ping\'an is still tossing pigs into the water, my lord, what qualifications does he have to give a lecture to the prince who is full of copper and pigs\' smell, my lord, you are killed by Zhu Ping\'an!" Deceived. He went to preach to the prince, what scripture to teach, what to do when a pig goes into the water?! This is pushing the prince into the fire pit, my lord."

   "Nonsense, who recommended Zhu Ping\'an to the Holy Majesty, isn\'t this pushing the prince into the fire pit?"

   "The prince will not accept people who are similar to them or younger than them to give them lectures?!"

  Waiting in Wuyi hall, disbelief, dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction

   But helpless.

  The sage said that it is a done deal, they can\'t change anything, they can only complain, and express their envy and jealousy to Zhu Pingan, a man who got lucky with shit.

   When Zhu Pingan went to the main hall and came out of the Wuyi Hall under the order, he fully felt the eyes of everyone in the Wuyi Hall.

  That look made Zhu Ping\'an feel like a monkey who was crowned with a monkey, like a villain who picked their peaches by despicable means.

   "It seems that I have become the target of criticism."

  Zhu Pingan shrugged indifferently, and whispered to himself.

  (end of this chapter)