Rise From the Humble

Chapter 828: Invite to taste

Chapter 828 Invitation to taste

   "But can you clean up the pig offal? If the pig offal could be cleaned up, it would have been cleaned up long ago, and it wouldn\'t be until today..."

"That\'s right, my little shopkeeper. The pig offal is not the same as the offal on cattle and sheep. It\'s not clean. Once at home, I did it cheaply. I washed it by the river for a whole morning. It couldn\'t be more clean, but the pig The water still smells bad, and after cooking in a pot, it poured it all down, and I really can’t eat it. Not to mention the waste of a lot of firewood, the pot still smells bad after three days of washing.”

   "Clean it up? Hehe, the upper lip is on the sky, the lower lip is on the ground—the little shopkeeper has such a big mouth."

  After being stunned for a moment, everyone shook their heads again. If the pig\'s offal can be cleaned up, they will naturally eat it. However, the problem is that they don\'t believe what Zhu Ping\'an said, that they can clean up the pigs.

In their view, this pork has been eaten for hundreds of years. If pig offal can be cleaned up like cattle and sheep offal, it would have been cleaned up long ago. Do people dislike it and throw it away?

  Everyone\'s reaction was within Zhu Ping\'s expectations.

  The concept of hundreds of years cannot be changed by just saying a few words, but this situation is also what Zhu Pingan wants.

  If you want to promote, suppress first.

  Now people are more skeptical and less convinced, and when the delicious pork offal and braised pork are presented in front of them in the future, the impact will be greater and more sensational.

  This contrast effect will be the best advertisement for Zhuji Fast Food.

  How could this opportunity not be grasped?

   As for the pig offal that is not clean or delicious, Zhu Ping\'an has absolutely no worries about it.

  In modern times, there are mobile vendors selling boiled pigs at the gates of many communities, and there are restaurants selling mixed liver soup near many schools.

   Not to mention the famous Beijing stew.

  Cooked pork offal, stewed pork, mixed liver soup, etc., which became popular in the middle and late Qing Dynasty and have been tested in modern times, are easy to cook and delicious, which is Zhu Pingan\'s confidence.

   Now, the more skeptical people are, the better.

Zhu Pingan hooked the corners of his lips slightly, cupped his hands and faced the crowd, and said solemnly, "Our store can clean pigs\' offal. If we didn\'t have this diamond, we wouldn\'t dare to take on this porcelain work. To be honest, this is an inheritance from our family. craftsmanship."

"real or fake?"

   "Impossible, I haven\'t heard of anyone who cleans pigs from the water."

   "It is impossible to clean up pig offal. After many years, no one can do it. Don\'t listen to the tricks of the little shopkeeper."

   "If it is a secret recipe handed down from the ancestors, it is possible. Generally, the secret recipes passed down from the ancestors are very effective. Maybe the little shopkeeper can really clean up the pigs."

  After hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s words, everyone was dubious.

  When it comes to ancestral craftsmanship, everyone will think of secret recipes, because ancestral craftsmanship is generally kept secret, and it makes sense that it has not been spread.

  However, can pig offal be cleaned up? !

  For hundreds of years, no one has ever heard of anyone who can clean up pigs. This is an indestructible fact.

  So, on the whole, most people are still skeptical, and they don\'t really believe the secret recipe Zhu Pingan said.

"It just so happens that the shop is being renovated today, and lunch is also prepared for the masters who are working, and there are enough ingredients bought today. If you folks don\'t dislike it, you can come and taste it at noon. Of course, today must be It\'s free. At that time, you folks will know whether the pig\'s offal water can be cleaned and whether it tastes good or not. If it tastes good, you folks will eat more. If it\'s not delicious, you folks will also eat it. Nothing to lose, is there?"

  Zhu Ping\'an cupped his hands and extended an invitation to everyone. He slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and a simple and honest smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. A pair of small but dark eyes were full of enthusiasm like burning flames.


  Try it?

  Should I agree, or agree, or agree. Why refuse this kind of thing, why refuse, there is no reason to refuse.

   "I still don\'t believe that pig offal can be cleaned, so I\'m counted in for this lunch. I want to see if the little shopkeeper can clean up pig offal."

   "Count me in, I want to see the ancestral craftsmanship of the little shopkeeper."

   "I promise not for the face, but for the truth."

   "Count me in, but, is it really all free? You won\'t finish eating, then tell us that the food is free, and there are charges for steamed buns and tea, right?"

  Hearing that Zhu Ping’an said that he would cook pigs in the water at noon and invite everyone to try them for free, everyone rushed to express their hospitality. Since you, Zhu Ping’an, invited everyone so sincerely, then we reluctantly agreed.

  Even people who firmly believe that it is impossible to clean up the pig\'s sewage, at this time, expressed their hospitality.

  People passing by, as well as people nearby, also flocked after hearing that Zhu\'s fast food provides free lunch at noon.

   For a while, Zhuji Fast Food was full of people outside.

  This kind of scene made Princess Ning\'an, the hostess of Meimeiju, opposite Zhuji Fast Food, so angry that her lungs were about to explode.

   "A bunch of worthless pariahs!"

   "Isn\'t it just a lunch? As for it, don\'t you believe that pig offal can be cleaned up? Don\'t you despise the smelly pig offal? How come you can forget what you said when you hear that it\'s free."

   "It\'s worthless, eat it, eat it all, a pot of stinky pigs in the water won\'t kill you, and you will be disgusted to death."

Princess Ning\'an sulked angrily, and saw Zhu Ping\'an\'s simple and honest smiling face from a distance, and she was even more angry, slandering and slandering in her heart, Zhu Ping\'an, what are you proud of, huh, wait until noon, Let\'s see how you end up.

   From time to time, I sketched a scene in my heart: At noon, Zhu Pingan cooked a pot of stinky pig offal for everyone. The people who were greedy for cheap ate a mouthful, then vomited all over the floor, and then they smashed Zhu Pingan\'s shop in a fit of anger.


  It was only half of the decoration, and then it was smashed, and the decoration was useless.

  The store turned yellow before it opened.


  It must be like this.

   As a result, Princess Ning\'an couldn\'t help feeling a little better.

Hearing Zhu Pingan\'s vague voice from the opposite side: "Don\'t worry, fellow folks, everything provided at noon is free, but the quantity is limited, and everyone is first come, first served. If you still want to eat after eating, you can only eat it." I can wait until the small shop opens in a few days. Of course, there will be a fee at that time, but it must be as the sign says, six Wen is full, ten Wen is good. At that time, there will be more discounts.”

  Princess Ning\'an rolled her eyes and sneered, this exhibitionist still thinks about opening in a few days, giggling, I\'m afraid you are thinking too much, at noon today, your unopened store is probably going to die.

  What kind of ancestral secret recipe, who can you fool, you can only fool those low-sighted untouchables now.

   Wait until noon to make a pot of stinky pigs into the water, and see how you end up

  (end of this chapter)