Rise From the Humble

Chapter 821: Preparation for opening (Part 1)

Chapter 821 Preparation for opening (Part 1)

There are still three days left in the holiday that Emperor Jiajing gave himself, and the business of the store has to be stepped up. After staring at the decoration for a long time in the morning, Zhu Pingan left a design drawing for Liu Mu, and said some precautions in the decoration, So Liu Mu stayed here and stared at the decoration.

  Liu Mu is the most careful and safe among Liu Dadao and others, leaving Liu Mu to stare at the decoration, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t be more at ease.

  For the store to open, in addition to decoration, it also needs to recruit people, mainly chefs and waiters.

   As far as the chef is concerned, Liu Mu and Liu Dadao unanimously recommend Uncle Liu, who is their Uncle Liu in Yunmeng Village. Back then, Zhao Daying sent troops to kill the good and pretended to be good, and Uncle Liu escaped by going out to fetch water.

Uncle Liu is a well-known chef in charge of the spoon in his village. He has cooked dishes for half his life. The master chefs who go to the restaurant are full of praise for Uncle Liu\'s craftsmanship. The nearby ten miles and eight villages are proud of inviting old man Liu to hold the spoon for weddings, weddings and banquets. As long as old man Liu holds the spoon, the banquet held here will have noodles.

   Liu Dadao, Liu Dachui and the others took the heads of their fathers and villagers back to Yunmeng Village for burial. When they returned from Yunmeng Village, after consulting Old Man Liu\'s advice, they took Old Man Liu back to the capital together.

  The other five hunters who were imprisoned at the beginning lived in a hut at the foot of the graves of their fathers and villagers in Yunmeng Village.

In order to return to the capital quickly, Liu Dadao and the others worked hard all the way. They are young and strong, and they are fine, but old man Liu is not good enough. He was on the verge of falling apart along the way, and he rested when he returned to Linhuaihou Mansion yesterday. .

  Zhu Pingan went back to see Uncle Liu yesterday. Uncle Liu is in his fifties and in good health, but he is too tired mentally.

  It’s completely dizzy, what are you doing in such a hurry.

  Zhu Ping\'an was moved and speechless to Liu Dadao and his team\'s fast pace.

  Uncle Liu couldn\'t sit still, so he had to come over early this morning to help, but Zhu Pingan insisted on letting Uncle Liu rest in the mansion for one more day.

  So, the chef is old man Liu, plus Liu Daqiang volunteered to help old man Liu, the chef should be fine. When Liu Daqiang was in Yunmeng Village, he often helped Uncle Liu in the kitchen. He was considered to be half of Uncle Liu\'s nominal apprentice. He was affirmed by Uncle Liu for washing and cutting vegetables and cooking simple dishes.

  Of course, if the business is busy, then find a few helpers for Old Man Liu and Liu Daqiang. As for the waiters, Liu Dadao and the others have already volunteered.

  The next step is to customize the equipment.

This piece of Zhu Ping\'an was handed over to Liu Daqiang and Liu Daax. Liu Daqiang is very familiar with pots, pans, dishes and chopping boards. Liu Daqiang is a veteran at the banquet for these guys\' affairs, bargaining and so on.

  So, Zhu Pingan gave Liu Daqiang 15 taels of silver, and asked him to take Liu Daax to purchase these equipments, and by the way, purchase seasonings for cooking, especially emphasizing that they should buy more peppers imported from Nanyang.

  Panjiao is also chili pepper. When chili pepper was first introduced into China, there is no specific record.

However, the earliest recognized record of pepper is "Zunsheng Eight Notes" (1591) written by Gao Lian in the Ming Dynasty. ".

  According to the records in this book, it is generally believed that pepper was introduced into China in the late Ming Dynasty.

At the beginning, Zhu Pingan also thought so, but the fact is not the case. It is now the 30th year of Jiajing (AD 1551), and chili peppers have appeared in the capital city of the Ming Dynasty, which is already a kind of seasoning of the Ming Dynasty. The level of excavation of chili is far less than that of modern times.

  Even when Zhu Pingan was a child, when Zhu Pingan first met Li Shu, who was still a little loli, in the town, there were already chili noodles mixed with vinegar in the bun shop in the town near the south to make sauce.

   Well, when I have time, I need to write some articles like Gao Lian, such as "Ping An Xiaoji" or poems, and leave written records to prove that the consumption of chili peppers was much earlier than the end of Ming Dynasty.

  Well, let’s talk about this later when we have time.

   Now go shopping for ingredients.

  The vegetables and meat in this era are all natural and pollution-free. They are all vegetables grown with soil and fertilizer. Plan to compare and compare prices and quality, and understand the market. If possible, make a long-term supply agreement with the stall owner and let them deliver the goods directly to the store when the time comes.

   After walking for about 20 minutes, I arrived at the vegetable market closest to the store.

The vegetable market is called a "vegetable market", which is somewhat similar to a modern vegetable market, but the management is stricter. There are two small officials sitting at the door of the vegetable market drinking tea, and two whips are placed on the table to maintain the security of the vegetable market. order.

   There are a lot of people who sell and buy vegetables in the vegetable market, but they are very busy, but they are miscellaneous and not chaotic.

  Zhu Ping\'an led Liu Dachui and Liu Dagang into the vegetable store, which was divided into two areas, one area was for selling vegetables, and the other area was for aquatic products and meat.

Zhu Ping\'an and the others first went to the vegetable shopping area. There were radishes, lettuce, cabbage, green onions, garlic, spinach, green vegetables, taro and other common vegetables or expensive vegetables. After asking about the prices, the prices among the various vendors were also different. There is not much difference. If you buy in large quantities, the price per catty can be reduced by one or two pennies, and it can basically be delivered to your door.

  Of course, it seems that there is not much difference between the vendors, but when purchasing in large quantities, the gap is quite large.

  In addition, the vegetables at various vendors seem to be similar, but there are still quite a few differences, such as freshness, quality, origin, etc.

  There are many ways to do this.

  A dish in different restaurants, which one is delicious and which one is not, besides the cooking technique, the key is the ingredients.

  Zhu Ping\'an compared for a long time, couldn\'t help feeling overwhelmed, and still couldn\'t tell the difference between good and bad ingredients. The decision is to bring Old Man Liu and Liu Daqiang over next time and make a final decision. Old Man Liu and Liu Daqiang are more professional in this kind of matter.

  Go to the aquatic meat area.

  Actually, Zhu Ping’an came to the vegetable store just now for aquatic meat, pork to be precise, and pig heart, liver, belly, kidney, large intestine and other offal to be more precise.

  It seems that I often complain about the pigs in the water of some modern time-travel novels. It seems that I should apologize to them.

Ancient people preferred to eat beef and mutton, and less pork, especially before the Song Dynasty. Although pork became popular in the Ming Dynasty, some people still couldn\'t eat noodles. Pigs were meaty and cheap, far inferior to modern .

Pork is only eaten by commoners and poor people, not to mention pigs in the water. Pork heart and liver are better. As for pig intestines and the like, no one cares about them. The price is so cheap that no one buys them. They were all lost.

  Actually, the main reason is that the ancients did not know how to deal with pig offal.

  In modern times, these are all good things. The famous stewed and braised pork are all mouth-watering delicacies.

As a grassroots foodie, when he was shy and greedy, Zhu Pingan would always buy a portion of stewed cucumbers, take a plate of cucumbers by himself, and eat them with a cup of hot tea until he was sweating profusely. , so uncomfortable.

  As the most basic accomplishment of a foodie, Zhu Ping\'an is very clear about the treatment of pig offal and the method of braised pork.

  (end of this chapter)