Rise From the Humble

Chapter 813: Concubine Dukang

Chapter 813 Concubine Du Kang

   "Emperor Brother, Ning An will go to Rongfu Palace to greet Du Niangniang later, don\'t rush to leave." When parting in front of Changchun Palace, Princess Ning An waved her little hand and specially warned King Yu.

Changchun Palace is the palace where the noble concubine Shen lived. When Princess Ning\'an was 3 years old, her mother concubine Cao Duan was involved in the "Renyin Palace Incident" and was executed by Queen Fang. After that, Princess Ning\'an was adopted by the noble concubine Shen and has been living in the In Changchun Palace.

   "Well, go back quickly, don\'t forget to say hello to the imperial concubine for me." King Yu nodded, and then watched Princess Ning\'an and her party enter Changchun Palace.

  After Princess Ning\'an entered Changchun Palace, King Yu and his party continued to move forward, passing through a garden and arriving at Rongfu Palace.

   "His Royal Highness King Yu is here, hurry up and report to your empress."

  Rongfu Palace was originally quiet, but when the maids and eunuchs of Rongfu Palace saw Queen Yu, they were all overjoyed and rushed to tell each other, Rongfu Palace became lively.

  Corridor, flower garden, rockery, screen.

  Wang Yu stood at the gate of the palace, looking at the familiar but unfamiliar plants and trees in Rongfu Palace, he couldn\'t help but stunned.

  The sunny corridor was my favorite place to read when I was a child, because the sun there is the best, and the body is warmed. I remember once when I was young, when I was reading in the corridor, I was praised by my father who came to see my mother and concubine. What was the praise at that time? Ten driving, hard work.

  The old tree root on the rockery is still there. When I was a child, I climbed the rockery by myself, slipped and fell off the rockery. Thanks to the old tree root in the middle, I didn’t break my head

   There is also a flower garden. When I was young, I played hide-and-seek with Brother Zhen and Ning An very much.

  However, the plants and trees here look familiar, but they are also very strange.

  For example, in the flower garden, I remember that there used to be the most peonies planted in the flower garden, and my concubine loved peonies the most. Every summer, the flower garden was full of red, purple, and pink, and the garden was full of colorful peonies.

  During the flowering season, the father came to Rongfu Palace more often, and there were often empresses and nobles who came to Rongfu Palace to ask for flowers.

  It can be said that "the peonies are in spring and are in full bloom, and there is a decree not to enjoy the flowers this year. Three hundred gold plates are cut off, and the internal batches are distributed to the families of the near ministers".

  But now, why are there no peonies in the garden, but so many chrysanthemums instead?

   It\'s not that chrysanthemums are preferred among flowers, this flower has no flowers even if it blooms. Although chrysanthemums are also good, when did the concubine change her preferences?

   "His Royal Highness King Yu is here, please come with your servants, the empress was still talking about His Highness just now."

When King Yu\'s thoughts were fluttering, a woman in a blue palace dress walked over quickly. She was about 20 years old, gentle and capable, and she walked in front of King Yu and gave a blessing, with an excited face Said.

   "Thank you, Aunt Jinyu." King Yu couldn\'t help smiling when he saw the person coming, and bowed his hands.

   "Your Highness has broken your slave." Jin Yu\'s court lady turned her body to avoid it.

"When I was young, my king made troubles. Many times it was Aunt Jinyu who covered it up for me and took it on my behalf. Others can\'t bear it, but Aunt Jinyu can bear it. Oh, by the way, auntie, mother and concubine love peonies the most. When will I change the planting?" Chrysanthemums?" King Yu has been close to Jinyu\'s court ladies since he was a child, and when he speaks, his tone is much more affectionate than that of other people.

"It\'s all Lu Jing." Hearing this, Jinyu frowned slightly thinking of the reason why the flower garden was replanted with chrysanthemums, and was about to explain the reason when she heard Concubine Du Kang\'s voice behind her, so she swallowed her words again went back.

   "Gao\'er is here, hurry up, let mother concubine take a good look at my Ge\'er."

  While calling, Concubine Du Kang pushed away the support of the maid, and walked over quickly with a golden phoenix pattern handkerchief in her hand.

Concubine Du Kang was dressed in a luxurious pink palace dress, embroidered with a golden phoenix. The pleats of her skirt were like peony petals blooming on the ground. Shaking, a pair of eyes looked at King Yu full of joy. Although he was very excited, his demeanor was still full of emotions, and his gestures and gestures were filled with a sense of luxury.

  Although she is already over 30 years old, Concubine Du Kang has taken good care of herself. Even if there is not a trace of scratches at the corners of her eyes, she still has the same appearance and beauty.

   "Mother and Concubine." King Yu stepped forward quickly, with a worried face on his face, "Mother and Concubine is not in good health, why don\'t you stay in the house to take care of her? It\'s not good to see the wind."

   "Giggle. My son has grown up, and I know that I love my mother and concubine." Concubine Du Kang laughed and joked.

"Concubine Mother, I have grown up a long time ago." King Yu blushed, and was very embarrassed to be teased by Concubine Du Kang in front of all the court ladies and eunuchs. A court lady said, "How do you take care of your mother and concubine? Why don\'t you persuade me."

   "Your Highness, forgive me." The two maids bowed their heads and apologized.

   "Don\'t do their business. Well, I won\'t tease you anymore. To tell you the truth, Concubine Mu is in good health." Concubine Du Kang waved her hand, smiled slightly, and said softly.

   King Yu was startled when he heard the words, his eyes were full of doubts.

   "My concubine just misses you so much, that\'s why I call it sick. Otherwise, why would your father let you come to see me in the palace." Concubine Du Kang blinked her eyes, her eyes were half clear and bright like amber, and said with a slight smile.

   "If you don\'t believe me, ask Jinyu." Concubine Du Kang pointed to the court lady Jinyu beside her.

  Under the watchful eyes of King Yu and Concubine Du Kang, Jinyu nodded slowly.

"Look, right? Jinyu never lies." Concubine Du Kang smiled sweetly, and then stretched out her hand to grab King Yu\'s wrist, just like she did when she was a toddler when she was a child, pulling King Yu to the palace walk inside.

When passing by the flower garden, Concubine Du Kang stretched out her slender hand, pointed at the chrysanthemums in the flower garden, and introduced them to King Yu one by one, "Look, this cluster of red Ruodan, peony-like chrysanthemums is called Black peony; over there, that clump of pure white and flawless, like an independent fairy, is called white peony; here, even though there is only one plant, it is the most precious, and it is a century-old flower-growing family in south of the Five Ridges. Dedicated to your father, your father gave me no more than a hundred plants in the entire Ming Dynasty. It is called Yaotai Yufeng. Look at the white petals surrounding the yellow flower heart. It has a kind of graceful beauty, just like a Yaotai fairy, so it is called Yaotai Yufengzhen, which really deserves its reputation; and, there.”

After Concubine Du Kang introduced the last kind of chrysanthemum, her eyes shone with gentle light, her face flushed with shyness like that of a newlywed woman, and she said softly to King Yu, "So, the emperor treats me—it is also Shangxin. Well. Geer, you only built the mansion outside, pay more attention to the errands assigned to you by your father, don\'t worry about your mother and concubine."

The palace maid Jinyu who was following Concubine Du Kang and King Yu heard the words of Concubine Du Kang, her eyes turned red, a tear was about to fall, she hurriedly wiped it away with her hand, and with a smile on her face, she agreed, "Yes. Your Highness, the emperor cares about your empress very much."

   "The emperor\'s province." King Yu nodded under the gaze of Concubine Du Kang.

  The smile on Concubine Du Kang\'s face became even more beautiful when she heard the words.

  (end of this chapter)