Rise From the Humble

Chapter 806: Fang teeth

Chapter 806 Fang Ya

  Zhu Ping\'an is an official. Can officials do business in the Ming Dynasty?

   The answer is yes.

The "Law of the Ming Dynasty" clearly stipulates that officials above the fourth rank are prohibited from doing business, but Zhu Ping\'an is now from the fifth rank, which is not the category prohibited by the Daming Law. Therefore, if Zhu Ping\'an is doing business now, there is no problem of violating discipline at all, so there is no need to worry was reported.

   Moreover, this kind of legal restraint is becoming less and less effective. In the current Daming, there are many officials of the fourth rank and above doing business, but they are doing business through backdoors, and the people below come forward to manage it.

  Especially when the predecessor of Emperor Jiajing, his cousin Zhu Houzhao, was the emperor, this kind of restraint prohibiting officials from doing business was even more useless.

Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao has three well-known hobbies. The first hobby is fighting. He likes to call himself various towns, mighty generals, and great governors. Zhu Houzhao often likes to make private visits in micro-services, molesting women from good families on the street, and was even sent to the government by a righteous man for molesting women from a good family. You can imagine how shocked and distraught the parents and officials were when they saw that the prisoner was the emperor. The third hobby is doing business. Zhu Houzhao will set up various shops in the palace when he is interested. There are also brothels and restaurants where court ladies and eunuchs act as merchants and customers in the market.

  So, after Zhu Houzhao\'s toss, the ban on officials above the fourth rank from doing business has been greatly reduced, and it is useless.

   Another advantage of doing business in the Ming Dynasty is the low business tax.

  Ming Dynasty’s commercial tax was pitifully low. At the beginning of Hongwu, it was stipulated that “for all commercial tax, one in thirty will be taken, and those who exceed it will be deemed as violating the order.” In the future, it will only be reduced and not increased.

  Of course, Zhu Ping\'an is also facing many problems now.

  The first thing to bear the brunt is the storefront problem. To enter the fast food industry, the first problem to be solved is the storefront. There is no storefront to talk about catering. In ancient times, there was no such thing as Meituan or Ele.me. You can cook and deliver food at home.

  Zhu Ping\'an walked around, but found no sign that the store was about to cash out.

  Zhu Ping\'an also asked a few companies. Some of them had lukewarm business, and some had poor business, but the shop owners didn\'t intend to make a move.

   Forget it, there is no way to continue asking.

   Zhu Pingan walked out under the strange eyes of a boss, turned around and walked out, preparing to find a real estate agency.

   To rent a house and find an intermediary, this sentence was also effective in the Ming Dynasty.

The real estate agency in the Ming Dynasty was called "Fang Ya", which evolved from the word "Ya Shang". The reason why it was called "Ya Shang" was that the original "Ya Shang" was engaged in the intermediary of the livestock market, bringing together the sellers and buyers of livestock to reach a deal. This kind of dentists are masters at identifying the age and health of livestock. Just by looking at the teeth of an animal, one can tell how old the animal is and whether it is healthy or not. Over time, people call them "dentists".

  Renting a house in the Ming Dynasty was different from modern times. In modern times, you can rent a house without going through an intermediary. The landlord and the tenant can directly sign a contract or make an oral agreement, but it was not possible in the Ming Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, if you want to rent a house, you must go through an intermediary, that is, Fang Ya.

The Ming Dynasty had very strict management of real estate transactions, and private sales and leases were not allowed. The buyer and the seller of the house must sign the house sale and lease contract with the official version of the contract, signed by Fang Ya, and the buyer and the seller pay the deed tax. to take effect. Those who do not go through this procedure are illegal, and those who are less serious will be fined, and those who are more serious will be imprisoned.

   Therefore, finding an intermediary for renting a house was not only an advertisement in the Ming Dynasty, but also a system. That\'s why Fang Ya has Daming\'s most accurate and complete housing information.

  Fang Ya, like modern intermediaries, also charges intermediary fees. They are different from modern intermediaries in that they need to urge and supervise both parties to the transaction to pay taxes in the government office according to regulations. If there is any tax evasion in the transaction, then the responsible Fang Ya will be held accountable and will be criminalized by shackles.

  Fang Ya in the Ming Dynasty was divided into official Ya and private Ya. As the name suggests, Fang Ya was an official real estate agent.

   Zhu Ping\'an is looking for this kind of official teeth.

   It is a bit similar to the Housing Authority.

  The Guanya office in charge of the Qihuamen area is nearby, and Zhu Ping\'an will be there in less than ten minutes.

   This is a busy city in a busy city. The office is a bit like a yamen, but it is not that strict.

   On the contrary, it is very lively.

  Many people come to Guanya to seek services.

  From the official institutions, it can be seen that the capitalism of the Ming Dynasty sprouted, and the business of the Ming Dynasty was still quite prosperous.

  Guan Ya has five officials working here. When Zhu Ping\'an arrived, there were already a dozen people in the room surrounding Guan Ya.

  The five officials in the room were all busy, and they had nowhere to do so, and none of the officials could spare a hand to entertain Zhu Pingan.

There are still five or six people in the room waiting and chatting in twos and threes. Some of them come here to register for renting or selling properties, and some are waiting for leasing or buying properties. That\'s it, the efficiency is improved much faster.

   Fortunately, the efficiency of Guan Ya is still very high. After Zhu Pingan waited for a cup of tea, one of Guan Ya was free.

  Guanya learned about Zhu Pingan\'s needs, and at the same time took out a register and asked Zhu Pingan to register.

   "Wait, you are Master Zhu Ping\'an?! Please take your seat."

  After Guan Ya saw the name registered by Zhu Pingan, he looked overwhelmed, as if he had met an idol, and his surprise attracted other nearby Guan Ya.

   What made Zhu Ping\'an\'s menstrual period even more was that after the other officials heard about it, they actually put down the parties in their hands, stood up and surrounded him, and greeted Zhu Ping\'an.

   Uh, am I that famous?

  Zhu Ping\'an was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

   "Come here, pour tea for Master Zhu."

   "Pour good tea"

  The enthusiasm of these five officials was outrageous, which made Zhu Ping\'an completely confused.

How is this going?

   After a while, Zhu Pingan realized that the Taicang bank case broke out because of his own treasury investigation, which led to a large number of officials being ransacked and their properties confiscated or sold off.

   This has injected a lot of fresh water into the capital city where the housing supply is tight.

This has also benefited Fang Ya of Xinghuamen a lot. Originally, they didn\'t have many houses, but now they are well. The Xinghuamen area they are in charge of suddenly has more than a hundred houses, and everyone has a share. And ten or twenty suites.

Make bricks without straw.

  Fang Ya is a smart woman, and the housing stock is the rice for the pot. The house stock means income for Fang Ya.

  That\'s why they were so excited after hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s name, and they felt a strong sense of gratitude to Zhu Ping\'an.

  (end of this chapter)