Rise From the Humble

Chapter 791: Yan Song trial

Chapter 791 Yan Song Trial

   "The lower officials were wronged."

   "I was wronged."

  As soon as Yan Song\'s voice fell, the previous officials of Taicang, the imperial censor of Chaku who were interrogated in the lobby, and the soldiers, accountants, cooks and others who were kneeling on the ground shouted their injustice.

"Injustice?! You still have the face to cry out for injustice! This old man is so angry! According to the records in the Taicang bank account, the Taicang bank should have 2,127,200 taels of silver and 7,000 taels of gold. One hundred and twenty thousand taels; why did the Taicang silver warehouse only have 1,237,250 taels of silver and 316,500 taels of gold in the inventory yesterday? How to deposit silver and gold Can’t match up with the big account? Where did the 889,950 taels of silver and 400,000 taels of gold go?! It wasn’t you, could it be that they ran away with their own legs?!”

Yan Song\'s face was ashen, with a stern face, and he stared directly at the officials in the hall with angry eyes. human heart.

   "That\'s Zhu Ping\'an\'s deliberate small amount of gold and silver to frame us." Taicang Zhao Langzhong said, poking his neck.

   "Elder Ge clearly sees that it was Zhu Ping\'an who framed us." Several people in the hall followed closely.

"Presumptuous!" Yan Song became even more angry when he heard the words, and furious, pointed at Zhao Langzhong and the others and scolded angrily, "I still want to sophistry when it comes to this! I really don\'t know what to do! At that time, not only did Zhu Pingan, the inspector, take inventory The officials of Ru Taicang, and the people from Dongchang are on the sidelines to monitor. Every box of gold and silver has been verified and recorded. When the final statistics are made, your accountant in Taicang also participated in the statistics. Such facts , how could it be Erxin\'s eloquence!"

   "Elder Ge calm down."

   Zhao Langzhong and the others felt like thunder, and with a thud, they knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Please calm down, old man. There may be something hidden in this inventory. Please give the next official a day. The next official will ask someone to check again immediately. I believe we can find out the reason." Zhang Guanku in Taicang lifted his official trousers Kneeling on the ground, he cupped his hands and begged.

   "Why did you go so early?! The warehouse was sold out yesterday, and the deficit has been proven. There is no need for you to take off your pants and fart." Yan Song glanced at Zhang Guanku, sneered and said ironically.

   "The lower officials are terrified." Zhang Guanku and others bowed their heads.

"Fear?! Oh, you should be terrified, you cannot escape the blame! Thinking of me, Ming, how difficult these years have been, natural disasters and man-made disasters, continuous, floods in the south today, drought in the north tomorrow, and the barbarians from the north the day after tomorrow. On my border, the Japanese pirates from the southeast of the day after tomorrow jumped to attack again. One by one, they helped the people, resisted the barbarians, and wiped out the Japanese pirates. It didn’t cost money! My Ming Dynasty, how can there be any big things in these years? Your income has long been stretched and you can’t make ends meet, relying on the family property accumulated in Taicang over the years. In the end, you are lucky, and ruined my life-saving family property! Even if you have ten heads, it’s not enough to cut it off!” Yan Song pointed out Looking at Zhang Guanku and others in the hall, they gritted their teeth and spoke out in pain.

  Zhang Guanku and others knelt on the ground with their heads down, without saying a word.

"Not only that, but the remaining gold and silver in Taicang. Among them, 903,800 taels of silver are not pure silver, and 125,500 taels of gold are not pure gold. The craftsmen who built the silver house have bought it from them. One thousand taels of silver and one thousand taels of gold were extracted for inspection. Most of them contained less than 90% of silver and gold, and the remaining 10% were either lead or copper. Fly with wings! How courageous you are!" Yan Song was so angry that his whole body trembled.

   "Sir, calm down!"

   Zhang Guanku and the others knelt on the ground, lowered their heads and said.

"How do you let the old man calm down!" Yan Song almost spat at them, and then reached out and nodded Liu Yushi in the hall and asked, "Liu Yushi, the interrogation of the Taicang Bank is carried out once a year. Last year When the old man remembered that you were in charge of checking Taicang, why? Could it be that you didn’t check Liu Yushi? Why didn’t you find out that the bank was short of money?”

Liu Yushi knelt on the ground and looked up at Yan Song, as if he was looking at Yan Song\'s words, but he didn\'t get what he wanted to see on Yan Song\'s face, only anger and accountability, so he quickly lowered his head and said in reply: : "My lord, when the next official took stock of the treasury, he actually found a deficit."

   "It\'s nonsense, since you discovered the deficit, why didn\'t you report it to the court?" Yan Song asked.

   "That\'s right. Although the lower officials discovered the deficit, the deficit is not big, it\'s just a small one. Moreover, Zhang Guanku has been looking for the reason. It\'s the lower officials who didn\'t report it." Liu Yushi bowed his head and replied.

"Hehe, a small loss? In one year, a small loss has turned into a huge loss? In addition, how do you explain the shortfall and false accounts in the Taicang account? This is not a year or two, but a full three years, every year. !" Yan Song patted the table vigorously and questioned loudly.

   Liu Yushi, who was kneeling on the ground, almost dropped his head to the ground.

"As a censor, your crime is especially serious! My Ming Dynasty has a law first, \'Any censor commits a crime, the crime will be added to the third class, and the crime will be punished\'. You should know this law, Liu Yushi, right?" Yan Song looked directly at Liu Yushi asked in a cold voice.

   "I understand." Liu Yushi knocked his head on the ground.

"Huh, it\'s good to understand. You are too. "Shangshu·Kang Hao": There is a serious crime, but it is not the end, but the green disaster is suitable for you. Since the way is extremely innocent, it is not time to kill. My "Daming Law" - "Famous Cases" There is also a provision in the "Law" that "anyone who commits a crime and surrenders before committing a crime will be exempted from the crime, and he will send someone to take the place of the leader. Before committing treason, treason, or treason, if the relatives first sue or arrest the official, the principal offenders will all surrender themselves to the law and be exempted from crime. At this point, you should quickly surrender yourself and return the gold and silver you have coveted, and I will also ask the Holy One to give you a lighter sentence." Yan Song snorted coldly, and his eyes wandered over the people in the hall. , and then sighed, as if he had aged several decades all of a sudden, "As the chief assistant, the old man did not discover the problem in time. The old man is also responsible. The old man is ashamed of the Holy Majesty. Please resign from this position as chief assistant."

   "The old man can\'t do it."

   "My lord can\'t."

  As soon as Yan Song\'s voice fell, many civil and military officials who were watching stood up one after another, persuading them hard.

Xu Jie beside Yan Song was even more emotionally "excited" and pulled Yan Song\'s sleeve, earnestly and persuasively, "Master Yan, why are you bothering, this is not your old fault. Do you always have to take responsibility for the procuratorate, the Hanlin Academy, or the local government? In our Daming, you are the only one who can always help the Holy Majesty to support the court. If you keep resigning, don’t you just add to the trouble of the Holy Majesty.”

Li Mo on the presiding judge\'s seat listened to Yan Song\'s resignation, and glanced at Yan Song with a sarcasm, at Xu Jie with a look of contempt, and with contempt at the many observers who got up, and said disdainfully. made a nasal sound.

  (end of this chapter)