Rise From the Humble

Chapter 789: Zhu Ping'an should be severely punished for bullying others

Chapter 789 Zhu Ping\'an\'s bullying should be severely punished

"Bullying monks, smashing temple gates, throwing excrement on temple walls, and painting ink on the Daxiong Palace Hehe, Zhu Ping\'an is really majestic. He has only entered the officialdom for a short time. This bureaucrat\'s bad habits of bullying others have learned to be better than blue. , made such a good and clean place of Buddhism so embarrassing, as if he didn\'t pay attention to the court regulations at all." Wang Yushi sneered, shook his head, reached out and patted the table vigorously, bullying Zhu Pingan The behavior of Baiyun Temple expressed indignation and disappointment.

   "Amitabha, what Lord Wang said is very true, he Zhu Ping\'an is too deceitful." A deacon of Baiyun Temple nodded vigorously, as if he had been greatly wronged.

"Those minions of Zhu Ping\'an were vicious, and the poor monk persuaded them to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately, but they were pushed to the ground by them. I\'m so scared, I can\'t explain it in words." Another deacon of Baiyun Temple sighed, with an aggrieved look of being bullied but helpless.

"Hehe, masters, please don\'t worry, the sun is shining brightly in broad daylight, Zhu Ping\'an is bullying others, and we are responsible for monitoring all officials. Now that we know about this, how can we sit idly by?" Wang Yushi comforted the monks of Baiyun Temple with a slight smile. Like a wise man who is decisively winning thousands of miles away in the planning curtain, he said softly: "Brother Liu was filled with righteous indignation when he heard about this in the afternoon. He raised his pen and drew up an impeachment paper. Arrived at Xiyuan. Presumably by now, it has already reached the case of the Holy One."

  Hearing this, the two deacon monks of Baiyun Temple beamed with joy, and looked at Liu Yushi opposite him in surprise.

  Even the presiding abbot of Baiyun Temple and the eminent monk Master Manjusri, who looked like an expert, twitched his brows, and looked at Liu Yushi on the opposite side with a slight smile like a Buddha smiling.

Liu Yushi, who was in the center of his line of sight, nodded with a slight smile, then lightly picked up the teacup, sipped the teacup twice, took a sip, closed his eyes and aftertaste for a while, opened them, and lightly He said softly, "Good tea."

  A celebrity demeanor, with a refined air.

   "Amitabha, find good tea for tea drinkers, find tea drinkers for good tea. This tea is worthy of Mr. Liu, and Mr. Liu is also worthy of this tea." The presiding officer of Baiyun Temple gave a Buddhist name and praised it full of Zen.

   "Oh, may I ask you, master, what is so special about this tea?" Liu Yushi put down his teacup and humbly asked for advice.

"This tea is produced in Wuyi Mountain. There are thirty-six peaks and ninety-nine famous rocks in Wuyi Mountain. There are rocks in the peaks, and tea in the rocks. The tea is named after the rocks, and the rocks are distinguished by tea. According to the classics, the soil where tea trees grow is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. The upper one is made of rotten rocks, the middle one is made of gravel soil, and the lower one is made of loess. This tea is produced from the highest peak of Wuyi Mountain, one of the rotten rocks on the cliffs. Here, it\'s called West Wind Rotten Stone Tea." The abbot of Baiyun Temple said slowly.

   "Oh, it\'s so impressive." Liu Yushi smiled slightly.

   "No, no, this tea is not so good." The abbot of Baiyun Temple clasped his hands together, smiled and shook his head slowly.

   "Master, please clarify." Liu Yushi cupped his hands.

"Master Liu does not know that the beauty of this tea lies in the water used to make it. The so-called tea makes water, and water makes tea. The water used to make tea is Prajna Spring. At the foot of Mount Wutai, a holy place of coolness, there is a clear spring named Prajna, the water of this spring is sweet and clear, cool and refreshing, and it flows endlessly. It is the famous holy water in my Buddhism. Take the Prajna spring water, and cook it in the Daxiong Palace, and then you can get this tea." The abbot of Baiyun Temple replied with a smile .

   "It really is good tea." Liu Yushi was full of praise.

   "Good, good!" Master Manjusri, the eminent monk, could not help nodding his head in praise after hearing the origin of the tea from the table mountain.

   "Tea is good, people are better." The abbot of Baiyun Temple smiled and clasped his palms together.

   "Haha, I shouldn\'t, I shouldn\'t." Everyone present humbly said that they shouldn\'t, but there was a smile on their faces.

  In fact, it’s not just tea. In order to entertain Liu Yushi and Wang Yushi, Baiyun Temple has put in a lot of effort. Any fast food on the table is as good as the tea on the table.

This table of vegetarian food is called "One Bright Lantern Vegetarian Vegetarian", and it is indeed vegetarian, but any of the ingredients is not simple, and all of them are taken from famous mountains and rivers, even the seemingly inconspicuous mushrooms on the table , but it is not simple at all. This is the moss mushroom that grows on the top of five platforms in Wutai Mountain. It is a treasure among mushrooms. It is so unique in the world, the local people say that "one family drinks its soup, and ten families smell its fragrance".

  One Bright Lantern Vegetarian Vegetarian Vegetarian is also known as "Four Four to the End", which means that this table of Vegetarian Dishes consists of four dishes, four cold meats, four stir-fried dishes, and four large dishes, totaling 16 dishes.

  The value is not much worse than that of Man Han Quan Xi.

  So, Baiyun Temple put a lot of effort into it.

  However, the harvest is quite fruitful.

  Baiyun Temple\'s efforts were not in vain, in exchange for a memorial from Liu Yushi, and this memorial was sent to Xiyuan before the curfew.

  The censor has the right to impeach law-breaking and incompetent officials directly to the emperor, and their memorials can be submitted directly to the imperial court without going through the Yintai General Administration Department.

   Liu Yushi, Wang Yushi and the others have this power, so naturally they will not waste it. The memorial to jointly impeach Zhu Ping\'an was sent to Xiyuan before the curfew.

  Good tea, good banquet, good atmosphere.

  The host and guest enjoyed themselves at the table.

  At the request of the deacon of Baiyun Temple, Liu Yushi circulated the draft left by him when he wrote the memorial to impeach Zhu Pingan to all the people in Baiyun Temple.

  Liu Yushi\'s literary talent is excellent, and he has something to say. After watching it, everyone in Baiyun Temple admired it.

For example, Liu Yushi said in the impeachment memorial that Zhu Ping\'an\'s "talent is acceptable, but his knowledge is not good", saying that Zhu Ping\'s knowledge may be passable, but his character is not good. The monks agreed very much.

He also said that Zhu Pingan "keep silent in the imperial court, causing Gangchang to perish, making the rooster wake up in the morning, and the lion roaring in the east of the river. Shameless people, clinging to the branches and leaves, relying on the door wall, are more external and internal, echoing each other. Accumulated prestige, Ignore the king\'s law, smash temples, paint temple walls, harass the people, and destroy the pure land. Zhu Ping\'an\'s deeds are full of evil deeds, which are clearly visible to people\'s eyes and ears. People\'s hearts."

One listed Zhu Pingan\'s several major crimes in the memorial, such as poor character, unable to control his wife, recruiting shameless people, bullying others, ignoring the king\'s law, smashing temples, harassing people, etc. Zhu Ping\'an is just like a wicked official

   All kinds of things in the memorial were mentioned in the hearts of everyone in Baiyun Temple, and they praised them endlessly while reading it.

   Just as everyone in Baiyun Temple had circulated the draft memorial and returned it to Liu Yushi, someone came in in a panic.

   This person is Liu Yushi\'s entourage. Liu Yushi just asked him to go to Xiyuan to deliver the memorial to impeach Zhu Ping\'an.

  The entourage trot in in a panic, breaking the cheerful atmosphere of the banquet.

   "What\'s wrong?" Liu Yushi asked with a displeased expression.

   "My lord, I just heard something after I sent the memorial to Xiyuan," the attendant stammered back.

   "What\'s the matter, let\'s take a breath and say, the sky can still fall down." Liu Yushi said in a deep voice, with the courage of a mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

"Yes, my lord." Liu Yushi\'s composure made the entourage slowly calm down, and he said slowly, "Just now, after I sent the memorial to Xiyuan, when I was about to return, I heard a message that Zhu Ping\'an was here this afternoon. When taking inventory of the Taicang bank, in order to show innocence and stop the malicious slander of political opponents, in front of everyone, he took off his clothes and walked into the bank with bare buttocks to count the silver in the bank, and caught the silverfish in the country in one fell swoop."


  Like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, Liu Yushi was shocked when he heard the words, stood up suddenly, and stepped back two or three steps uncontrollably, his face was pale at first, and soon turned extremely red.

   Chest heaves violently.

  It turned out that the time when I impeached Zhu Pingan for being lax and bullying others was exactly when Zhu Pingan was in Taicang, naked buttocks, checking the bank treasury.

   Think with your ass, you know the consequences!

   Liu Yushi silently tore up the impeachment memorial in his hand that "Zhu Pingan bullied others and should be severely punished".


It\'s too late.

  (end of this chapter)