Rise From the Humble

Chapter 770: Return to Taicang

Chapter 770 Return to Taicang

  June 20th is an auspicious day when the door is bright and the stars are shining.

On this day, the first ray of morning light faintly pierced through the horizon, and a trace of coolness descended on the world with the dawn. Summer mornings always make people feel refreshed. Zhu Pingan took Liu Mu with him early. Liu Dadao and Liu Dadao left the Linhuaihou Mansion and came all the way to the Qintianjian Yamen.

  The sun is rising, and the horseshoes are brisk.

  Grey courtyards, curved stone streets, mossy brick walls, rouge and gouache shops open for business, and breakfast shops with people coming and going.

  The morning in the capital gradually woke up, and the leaves of the willow trees beside the road began to stretch under the light of the morning light.

  When the three of Zhu Pingan arrived at the Qin Tianjian, the Qin Tianjian had not yet opened, so Zhu Pingan, Liu Mu, and Liu Dadao had breakfast at a nearby breakfast shop.

  The shop waiter with a white towel warmly welcomed them into the shop. Zhu Pingan and the others ordered three bowls of sweetened soybean juice, a dish of side dishes, and a basket of deep-fried dough sticks, and they ate them on the table by the road.

   A mouthful of deep-fried dough sticks, a mouthful of side dishes, and a mouthful of soybean juice, the sense of happiness explodes the moment the stomach is full.

   Coincidentally, after breakfast, I left the shop on the front foot, and saw Qin Tianjian slowly opened the door on the back foot.

   Liu Mu and Liu Dadao were waiting outside. Zhu Pingan entered the Qin Tianjian alone and registered his signature. The gatekeeper led Zhu Pingan to see Zhang Siming.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, if you count your fingers, the champion should come." Zhang Siming, who is fat and big-eared like a Maitreya Buddha, and dressed in a gray Taoist robe, greeted him with a smile on his face, and pinched a seal with his fingers. .

  Nonsense, today is the day to replace the Kumen, so I will come naturally, Zhu Pingan cursed in his heart, walked two steps quickly with a smile on his face, and said with arched hands: "Hehe, the next official is here again to cause trouble for Mr. Zhang."

   "No trouble, no trouble, Zhuangyuan Lang sit down for a while, and I will go to Taicang after I arrange someone to pack up the magic weapon." Zhang Siku shook his head with a smile.

   "Thank you Mr. Zhang." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands in thanks.

"Why are you being so polite? I haven\'t thanked Zhuangyuan Lang for the article "Kneeling Before the Buddha for Three Thousand Years" the day before yesterday. Once this article is published, it will sweep away the haze of Taoism, and let us Taoists also feel proud. Stop this article." , It is better than thousands of Taoist priests in preaching and evangelizing." Zhang Treasurer waved his hand and said with a smile.

   "Master Zhang has won the award. Ping An is really ashamed. I still know how much Ping An has." Zhu Ping shook his head solemnly.

"Hehe, Zhuangyuan Lang should not be modest. This is not what I said alone, and it\'s more than that. Many people think that Zhuangyuan Lang\'s "Three Thousand Years of Kneeling Before the Buddha" is better than Yuan Maozhong\'s "Luoshui Xuan" It\'s the beginning of the tortoise." Zhang Siming looked at Zhu Ping\'an and said with a smile.


   Not so.

  Zhu Pingan shook his head with a wry smile. Yuan Wei\'s couplet is very popular, and everyone knows that the flattery has reached its peak.

   "That\'s true, even in Wuyi Hall, several adults said so." Zhang Siming looked at Zhu Ping\'an again with a smile.


   Zhu Pingan shook his head when he heard it.

  Yuan Wei is a conceited person, and he doesn\'t like himself at first. If he comes back from patrolling the border and hears this kind of statement, wouldn\'t it be even more difficult for him.

I know the history. Yuan Weiqing\'s Ci is a masterpiece, and he is very favored by Emperor Jiajing. The speed of this buddy\'s promotion is unprecedented. Don\'t look at him now as a bachelor\'s student. Within ten years, this buddy will be crowned prince. Bao and Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites will quickly enter the cabinet, and together with Li Chunfang, Yan Na, Guo Pu and others, they will be called "Prime Ministers of Qing Ci".

   It is definitely not a good thing to be displeased with such a promising and narrow-minded person.

  After exchanging a few pleasantries, Zhang Si ordered someone to pour Zhu Ping a cup of tea, and asked Zhu Pingan to wait for a while before going out to order someone to prepare the magic weapon.

  After about two cups of tea, Zhang Siming came in and said that the utensils were ready and he could set off for Taicang.

When Zhu Pingan and Zhang Siming went out, they saw the magic tools prepared by Zhang Siming. The so-called magic tools were joss paper money, cinnabar, brushes, Taoist symbols, mahogany swords, bells, black dog blood, sheep blood, and cow blood. Waiting for things.

  In addition to Zhang Siming, Qin Tianjian also went to Taicang with two Taoist priests. These two Taoist priests are much more professional and professional than Zhang Siming, who is fat and big-eared. According to Zhang Siming\'s introduction, these two Taoist priests are also officials of Qintianjian, the five-official supervisor of the ninth rank, and they are "talents" selected from famous Taoist temples.

  Zhang Siming sat in a carriage, and the other two Taoist priests sat in another carriage, looking at the magic weapon by the way.

  Zhu Ping\'an gathered Zhang Siming\'s carriage and was about to go out and ride again.

  As soon as the carriage left the gate of Qin Tianjian, Zhu Ping\'an saw the blood-dropping sword leading more than twenty Dongchang fans, each holding a horse, waiting outside the gate.

  Dripping Blood Sword stood straight in front of the door with no expression on his face, wearing a white official uniform and a black cloak, with a scarlet long sword hanging from his waist, and the "Dongchang" waist badge hanging from his waist.

  Behind him, Dongchang Fanzi also wore a black cloak, divided into two rows, with his right hand resting on his waist knife, and stood silently behind the blood-dropping sword.

   There was no sound at all, like statues, exuding endless coldness.

  The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

   Zhang Siming, who had been smiling all the time, couldn\'t hold back the smile on his face when he saw Dripping Blood Sword waiting for Dongchang fanzi.

  All the people passing by here on the road, all avoiding it from a distance, not daring to breathe, walked quickly around the detour.

   Liu Mu and Liu Dadao, who were waiting outside, were also very fearful. They led the horse and stood opposite them, not daring to look directly at Dripping Blood Sword and other people from Dongchang. When they were in the village, they heard a lot about the murderous names of Dongchang and Jinyiwei, what kind of torture, **** without blinking, killing without breaking the law, etc. It can be said that the factory guards made the people frightened. The existence of Liu Mu and Liu Dadao are considered bold, and ordinary people pee their pants early when they stand there.

   "Morning Zhang Baihu, morning officers." Zhu Pingan got out of the carriage and greeted Dripping Blood Sword and others.

   "Morning, Mr. Zhu, the miscellaneous family came here to wait for Mr. Zhu\'s order by the sage, and everything is under the command of the lord. Don\'t dare to disobey." Zhang Baihu replied with a soft smile.

   "My lord orders, don\'t dare to disobey." The two rows of Dongchang fans shouted in unison.

  This morning, Emperor Jiajing ordered Huang Jin to send a team to wait for Zhu Ping\'an\'s dispatch, and Huang Jin sent the blood-dropping sword.

  Zhu Ping\'an was overjoyed when he heard the words. People from Dongchang were intimidated by him. What he wished for, he cupped his hands and said to Zhang Baihu and the others, "Don\'t dare to order. Today I have to rely more on Zhang Baihu and the officers for help."

  So a group of people went to Taicang in a mighty way.

  (end of this chapter)