Rise From the Humble

Chapter 766: routine touching

Chapter 766 The practice is touching

Zhu Ping\'an\'s refusal without hesitation caught Zhang Guanku and the others a little off guard. When they heard Zhu Ping\'s tongue smacking ten thousand taels of silver just now, they thought that Zhu Ping\'an was shocked by the huge sum of ten thousand taels of silver. Zhu Ping\'an has been bought.

  However, Zhu Ping\'an\'s solemn and unhesitating refusal caught them off guard and made them stare blankly.

Especially Langzhong Zhao, who was still aggrieved about giving Zhu Pingan 10,000 taels of silver just now, but now, he heard Zhu Pingan say that he must never accept it. Out.

   Shall the pen!

   Not even ten thousand taels of silver!

  Zhao Langzhong\'s eyes widened, he looked at Zhu Ping\'an like an idiot, and then he became happy again. Zhu Ping\'an did not want this ten thousand taels, so it meant that he could divide a thousand taels of silver again.

   After Liu Siku and the others were surprised, they couldn\'t help becoming anxious. If Zhu Pingan received the money, everything would be fine.

  If Zhu Ping\'an collects the money, he will be in the same boat as himself and others. No, we are on the same boat, so naturally we don\'t have to worry about auditing or anything. After collecting the money, how can he check the account?

  However, now that Zhu Pingan refused solemnly, and put on a look of "clear breeze in his sleeves", Liu Siku and others naturally became anxious.

   Could it be that the bait is not enough? !

   It seems that Zhu Ping\'an has a big appetite.

"Ahem, apart from the \'four-two balance\', we in Taicang have many other practices, such as the \'Appointment Ceremony\'." Jia Langzhong coughed, smiled slightly, and then continued to tell Zhu Pingan the next thing. Item routine, test Zhu Pingan.

   "Ascension Ceremony" Zhu Ping\'an\'s face remained unchanged.

"Well, this \'Appointment Ceremony\' is not only the ceremony of appointment, but also includes the etiquette. Every new official in Taicang, including Zi Houru and other inspectors, as well as me and other Taicang officials, have an arrival ceremony. The silver below No. 7,000 taels of silver will be given to each new official who arrives in Taicang, and 7,000 taels of silver will be given to each festival during the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival within a year. Eight thousand taels."

  Jia Langzhong said slowly with a smile on the corner of his mouth. He made it very clear that he didn\'t have to do anything if he wanted Zhu Ping\'an to nod. Zhu Ping\'an could collect 80,000 taels of silver a year just for the arrival ceremony.

  Why? !

   Zhao Langzhong, who was on the side, was breathing heavily again, his hands were clenched tightly, and his veins were all exposed. Twenty-eight thousand taels, and he lost a few thousand taels of silver! As long as you don\'t give him the money from the bank, Zhu Ping\'an said, we can share it.

  With these 28,000 taels of silver, I can find someone to kill Zhu Ping\'an seven or eight times!

   Twenty-eight thousand taels!

   The equivalent of RMB is close to more than 20 million yuan. In modern times, the amount involved in many high-ranking corrupt officials is probably about this amount.

   What a great deal!

  Zhu Ping\'an listened, squinted his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up with a touch of disgust, and he had a deeper understanding of the filth in Taicang.

  The appointment ceremony is filial piety from the following banks, why did the following banks bleed a lot to give the appointment ceremony? The bankers are not stupid, on the contrary, these businessmen are very smart, they generously give Taicang officials such generous gifts, and they will naturally get several times the benefits from Taicang.

  Local tax payment, commercial tax, deed tax, salt tax, water discount, etc., many of which are collected through the bank account and then sent to the bank. The following bankers are making huge profits here. The silver taels they send are "do more with less, and the silver is low." As good quality, for example, use silver with only 90% silver content to serve as pure silver with 99% silver content. In this way, the bank can save the 9% of the silver, and it will accumulate over time. However, the income obtained by the bank account is more than ten times richer than the arrival gift paid.

  The officials of the treasury received a generous "appointment gift", so naturally they turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye. In the end, it was only the treasury that suffered.

   "I\'m just inspecting Taicang, and it has nothing to do with their bank account. If you don\'t get paid for nothing, I can\'t accept this money."

  Zhu Pingan shook his head, and once again refused without hesitation. This kind of money is obviously not on the table. It is a secret operation that harms the people and the country. In the end, it is the country and the people who suffer, so how can he accept it.

   Still the same sentence, if the money is collected, how can I check the Taicang Bank.

  Zhu Ping\'an is not a saint, nor is he a stubborn person, but some money can be collected, and some money cannot be collected.

  Min Zhi Min Ointment, I can\'t even eat a bite, and I can\'t even lick it.

  A gentleman loves money and gets it in the way.

  Zhu Ping\'an once again refused solemnly, which made the officials in Taicang very anxious. This time even the greedy Zhao Langzhong was a little anxious.

   Twenty-eight thousand taels of silver, plus the 10,000 taels just now, this is almost forty thousand taels of silver.

   Definitely a lot.

   Not too much for anyone.

Zhao Langzhong doesn\'t think that Zhu Ping\'an is too little. The money, let alone Zhu Ping\'an, who came from the countryside and settled down, is a large amount of money even for Yan Shifan, Mr. Yan Xiaoxiang. This amount is enough for Yan Xiaoxiang I bought a very fat and fat one from my father and it\'s missing.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s posture of "strengthening the iron requires one\'s own strength" made Zhao Langzhong inexplicably guilty and worried.

Jia Langzhong, who had been smiling all the time, couldn\'t hold back the smile on his face, coughed and continued to seduce: "Ahem, Zihou, it\'s like this, we still have a few \'conventions\' in Taicang, such as \'kubing\' Filial piety\', \'meal supplement\', \'family supplement\'."

   "It\'s getting late, and you should worry if you don\'t go away. These \'conventions\', Ping An will ask you adults for advice in another day. Then, Ping An will leave first, and you adults, please stay."

  Zhu Ping\'an didn\'t wait for Jia Langzhong to finish speaking, he got up and said goodbye to Zhang Guanku and others with apologetic hands, bowed deeply, then turned and left.

  Everyone in the room looked gloomy, watching Zhu Ping\'an\'s back as he left.


   "Damn it! Shame on your face! Damn it, I found someone to make this ignorant son of a bitch!" After Zhu Ping\'an walked away, Zhao Langzhong slapped the table vigorously, cursing bitterly.

   "Why are you shouting, are you afraid that the people in Dongchang will not hear you?!" Zhang Guanku glared at Zhao Langzhong with a gloomy face.

   "Zhu Ping\'an is shameless!" Zhao Langzhong muttered bitterly.

   "Zhu Ping\'an didn\'t really find out anything, did he?" Liu Siku was worried about this issue again.

"Don\'t mess yourself up. I don\'t believe that someone who doesn\'t even know how to calculate can find out what \'Ghost Hand Zhang\' did. He is just bluffing and intending to sell it for a price." Zhao Langzhong pretended to be calm Said.

   "Well, Mr. Zhao is right."

   "When I saw Mr. Zhao say 28,000 taels of silver, Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes lit up."

   "This guy surnamed Zhu is really greedy, he has a really big appetite."

  Other officials nodded in agreement.

  (end of this chapter)