Rise From the Humble

Chapter 764: Taicang practice

Chapter 764 Taicang Practice

  In the afternoon, Jia Langzhong, Liu Siku and others from Taicang had been wandering outside the yard where Zhu Pingan checked accounts, keeping an eye on the movement in the yard from time to time to ensure that they would know as soon as Zhu Pingan came out.

  They also tried to enter the yard, but the people in Dongchang were too conscientious on duty, let alone them, even a bird would not even want to fly into the yard, so they could only wait outside, waiting for Zhu Pingan to come out.

   Wait and wait.

  The sun gradually set in the west, and the setting sun slowly dyed most of the sky red. Ku Bing and others were released from the Yamen and returned home one after another. There was still no movement in the courtyard where Zhu Pingan checked the accounts, and Zhu Pingan showed no sign of returning home from the Yamen.

   After another half an hour, the last ray of sunset reluctantly disappeared on the horizon, and the gloomy dusk gradually filled the earth.

"It\'s getting dark, Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes are so hot, can you still see it? Could it be that he fell asleep in the room again?" Zhao Langzhong stomped his feet, squinted his eyes and glanced at the twilight. The courtyard, pursed his lips, cursed in a low voice.

   "It\'s possible. When we went to see him yesterday, he was sleeping like a pig on that little bed, drooling a lot." The treasurer who was close to Zhao Langzhong also laughed softly.

  But just as they finished speaking, they saw in the courtyard, the room where Zhu Pingan checked the accounts, lit up suddenly, and dim candlelight shone through the window.

   "Why did you light the candles this **** day?" Zhao Langzhong said with his eyes widened, rubbing his hands, and gnashing his teeth resentfully.

After the sun set, the sky quickly darkened. By this time, Zhu Ping\'an had almost finished checking the books of the fifth box, and there were only a dozen or so books left, so Zhu Ping\'an lit two candles and prepared to put them away. After checking these more than ten ledgers, I will go home.

  More than half an hour later, the sky became darker and darker, as if half a bottle of ink had been splashed on a basin of clear water.

When Zhao Langzhong and the others were waiting impatiently, they heard a "squeak" sound of the door opening, and then looked into the courtyard, and then saw Zhu Pingan walking from the room to the courtyard, and asked the blood-dropping sword on duty, etc. Thank you.

   "Lord Zhu, don\'t worry, I\'ll stay here tonight, and I will ensure that the books are safe and sound." Dripping Blood Sword Zhang Gu said as he cupped his hands.

  The Dongchang fanzi who were on duty in the courtyard also clasped their fists to salute Zhu Pingan. Today, Zhu Pingan\'s figure of diligently checking the accounts without leaving the house left a deep impression on them. They are responsible for monitoring officials, celebrities, and scholars in the capital. Officials who are as dedicated as Zhu Ping\'an are really rare.

   "Thank you Zhang Baihu and you for your work. When the inspection in Taicang is completed, Ping An will ask for credit for Zhang Baihu and you."

  Zhu Ping\'an thanked Zhang Guyi and the Dongchang Fanzi who were on duty in the courtyard one by one, and promised to report the credit for their duty after the inspection was over, and give them credit.

  As long as the ledgers are successfully checked, this inspection is half successful, and if the ledgers are checked smoothly, it is inseparable from the staff of the East Factory to guard and protect the ledgers.

  Zhu Ping\'an is not a greedy person, and reporting their merits on duty is a matter of convenience.

  You can do favors easily, why not do them.

  Besides, in this way, the people in Dongchang can also be more dedicated, and serve multiple purposes, so why not do it.

   Zhu Ping\'an\'s words are effective.

  Zhang Baihu didn\'t care about this little credit, but when the other Dongchang fans heard Zhu Ping\'an said to ask for credit for them, their eyes lit up, and they couldn\'t help but look forward to it.

They are now the lowest-level fan servants in Dongchang, also known as Fanzi. Although they usually have a lot of means of making money in private when they are handling cases outside, there is a saying that "soldiers who don\'t want to be generals Not a good soldier", in the same way, a fan who doesn\'t want to be promoted is not a good fan. They want to be promoted more, they want to be promoted from fan service to chief of service, which is the so-called "stall head". After the promotion, they will have more power and more money.

  Think about it, although it is only a meritorious service on duty, but it is a great achievement to be involved in inspecting Taicang.

  With this kind of credit, if you spend some money to find connections, promotion is not a matter of smooth sailing.

  Thus, the Dongchang fanzi on duty warmed up, and became more attentive to the duty, his eyes were piercing, and each of them seemed to have a radar, ensuring that even an ant would never get close to the room where the ledger was located.

  After Zhu Pingan and Zhang Baihu said goodbye, they walked out of the yard.

"Oh, my Master Zhu, you have worked too **** checking the accounts. You are really a role model for my generation from early in the morning to late at night. I see it in my eyes, and it hurts in my heart. I wish I could help you. Master Zhu is checking the accounts."

   "That\'s right, Mr. Zhu is so conscientious, he is really a role model for me and others in Taicang to learn from."

   "This is really a long-awaited sleepover."

  Jia Langzhong, Zhao Langzhong and others who had been waiting outside the yard for a long time greeted them immediately, and they were all very friendly. Even Zhao Langzhong, who was scolding his mother just now, was smiling like a sunflower at this time.

   "Where is it, my lords praise it, I am ashamed of Ping An." Zhu Pingan knew the enthusiasm of the people in Taicang, and replied politely.

"Zihou doesn\'t need to be modest. If all the officials of my Ming Dynasty are as dedicated as Zihou, then the people of my Ming Dynasty will be blessed." Jia Langzhong said with a smile, and after speaking, he tugged at Zhu Ping\'an\'s sleeve and warmly invited, "Zihou checked our accounts in Taicang for a day. We are very grateful. We prepared a little wine and side dishes. Zihou must not refuse."

   "You don\'t get rewarded for meritorious deeds. Lord Jia, Lord Zhao, and all other lords, you are too polite. Ping An is just doing your job." Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly and declined.

   Just kidding, a gentleman does not build a dangerous wall. Judging from your anomalies today, you must be suspicious. Who knows if you have tampered with the food, I don\'t want to take the risk.

   "Zi Hou refuses so much, but does he look down on us?" Zhao Langzhong glared and looked angry.

   "Master Zhao, what did you say? How could Zihou look down on us, is he Zihou?" Jia Langzhong scolded Zhao Langzhong, and then looked at Zhu Pingan, his eyes full of expectation.

  One with a white face and one with a red face, the two cooperated seamlessly.

"Ahem, what Mr. Zhao said is true. But when I was looking through the account book just now, I was a little hungry, so I ate dinner in the room. It\'s a pity that Ping An only has one stomach, and I really can\'t eat it. Otherwise, Ping An How could you refuse?" Zhu Pingan coughed and explained to Jia Langzhong and others apologetically.

  The devil is one foot high, and the Tao is one foot high, ha ha, sorry, I have already eaten.

  After Zhu Pingan finished explaining, he looked at Jia Langzhong and the others frankly, as if I wanted to but couldn\'t.

"It\'s okay, then next time." Jia Langzhong seemed to have thought of it a long time ago, smiled indifferently, and continued to pull Zhu Ping\'an\'s sleeve and said, "I also forgot, and we only remembered when Zihou checked the accounts today. , there are still some Taicang \'conventions\' that have not been disclosed to Zihou, and these \'conventions\' are related to Taicang\'s daily income and expenditure, so it is necessary to explain it to Zihou in detail."

  (end of this chapter)