Rise From the Humble

Chapter 762: with full force

Chapter 762 Full Firepower

   "What is Zhu Ping\'an\'s grandson going to do? Why did he call the killing star from Dongchang to **** him? Do you think he found something?"

The Taicang group were stricken at the Dripping Blood Sword, and they didn\'t even see Zhu Ping\'an\'s face, so they had to return to Zhang Guanku\'s office room. As soon as they entered the room, Liu Siku couldn\'t help but look solemn and worried. stand up.

"Liu Siku, why are you worrying about it again? Since you haven\'t come to the inspector for a year, who has found out the problem? You should drink alcohol, and you should eat meat. Stop being suspicious here." Langzhong Zhao stretched out his hand. He patted Liu Siku on the shoulder a few times, with an expression of indifference.

   "But, don\'t you think it\'s strange for a few years? People from Dongchang don\'t come here for no reason, right? They must have found something..."

Despite Zhao Langzhong\'s consolation, the worries on Liu Siku\'s face continued unabated, and he was circling around like a headless chicken. Whenever he thought of Dripping Blood Sword\'s soft and sneering appearance, Liu Siku felt like a thorn in his back, and his whole body felt unreasonable. A burst of goosebumps.

"I said, Mr. Liu, you are worrying too much. It\'s not like you don\'t know who is responsible for our Taicang account. It\'s the famous \'Ghost Hand Zhang\' in the accountant circle. All the books and books that pass through his hands are never Nothing went wrong, not even one of them. Even if he called all the accountants in the capital to check carefully for any of the books and books that he had handled, for ten and a half months, he would never find any problems. "Qian Siku shook his head with a smile, and sneered at Liu Siku\'s worries.

"That\'s right, Mr. Liu, you praised Zhu Ping\'an too much. Didn\'t you go to see it yesterday? The abacus has never been fiddled with. He Zhu Ping\'an can\'t even make an abacus. You still expect him to check the accounts. Haha, don’t talk about checking the accounts, I’m afraid Zhu Pingan can’t even understand the account books, otherwise he wouldn’t have checked the accounts all day yesterday and only left a picture of ***.” Another treasurer also disagreed.

   "That\'s true."

   When talking about ***, there was a burst of brisk laughter in the room, and the worry on Liu Siku\'s face gradually dissipated under their persuasion.

   "Although this is the case, you can\'t take it lightly. Jia Langzhong, you are well-informed. Go and find out what is going on with the people in Dongchang."

  Zhang Guanku leaned back on the chair, and after everyone stopped laughing, he softly ordered Jia Langzhong to go outside to find out why the people from the East Factory suddenly came to Taicang. The blood-dropping sword had such a vicious reputation that Zhang Guanku couldn\'t help but be a bit more cautious.

  Jia Langzhong is sociable, good at dancing with long sleeves, and a member of the strict party. He can also talk to Yan Shifan. He has many familiar officials in the court, and his connections extend in all directions. Taicang is the most well-informed.

   "I guess it\'s because too many people from the inspection team ran away, and Zhu Ping\'an is the only one left. The higher-ups are afraid that Zhu Ping\'an will also drop the pick." Zhao Langzhong said with a smile.

   "Hehe, Mr. Zhao is right. I guess the people from Dongchang are here to monitor Zhu Ping\'an, fearing that he might as well run away."

   "Yeah, it makes sense, I\'m here to monitor Zhu Ping\'an."

After Zhao Langzhong finished speaking, the Treasurer Qian and others in the room responded with smiles. In their opinion, the reason why the National People\'s Congress of Dongchang took so much trouble to come to Taicang must be because the Taicang inspection team had just been established a few days ago, and the five inspectors were only Ding You. , Apoplexy, those who were hit by the court stick, and those who fell off the horse, only Zhu Ping\'an was left. The higher-ups were worried that Zhu Ping\'an would also drop the pick, so they sent people from Dongchang to frighten Zhu Ping\'an.

   After much deliberation, everyone also felt that this reason was reliable.

   "Don\'t take it lightly. The so-called: know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you don\'t know the enemy but know yourself, you will win and lose once; if you don\'t know the enemy and yourself, you will be imperiled in every battle." Zhang Guanku shook his head slightly, took a sip, and recited softly.

  Zhang Guanku is quite cautious, and he was worried about Dongchang\'s sudden visit to Taicang. Although I saw the results of Zhu Pingan\'s audit yesterday, I felt a lot more relaxed, but I still felt a little uneasy, and I couldn\'t explain why.

   "Don\'t worry, my lord, I\'ll go and find out." Jia Langzhong nodded, then bowed his hands to everyone, then turned and walked out.

  After Jia Langzhong walked out, Zhang Guanku ordered Qian Treasurer to call the accountant "Ghost Hand Zhang" and others to confirm the account book again.

   Then he ordered Liu Siku and others to pay close attention to Zhu Pingan\'s movements. Although they couldn\'t get close to the courtyard, they could get a general look at it from a distance.

  After Zhang Guanku gave the order, everyone acted according to the order. It was a matter of their vital interests, and everyone was very caring.

  Looking at everyone\'s hard work, Zhang Guanku nodded in satisfaction, feeling much more at ease in his heart.

  When everyone in Taicang split up, Zhu Ping\'an\'s auditing was getting better and better. With people from the East Factory on duty outside, Zhu Ping\'an let go of his hands and feet, opened up all his firepower, and tried his best.

   Zhu Pingan, who was fully armed, checked the accounts faster than yesterday by more than 30%.

  There is already a thick stack of ledgers on the table, and there are only a dozen or so ledgers left in the second box.

  Under the double-entry bookkeeping table, the tricks in the books can\'t be hidden, and the tails of foxes are exposed one by one.

  The ledgers checked today, there are many more problematic ledgers than those checked yesterday.

   After a rough estimate, Zhu Pingan found out a shortfall of more than three thousand taels of silver in this morning alone.

   "This group of moths. Guard and steal"

  Every time Zhu Pingan found out a deficit, he couldn\'t help cursing in a low voice. It seems that whether it is modern or ancient, corruption is an unavoidable problem.

   Greed defeats the law, and there is no redemption!

  The overthrow of the Ming Dynasty was inseparably related to these moths!

  As time went by, Zhu Ping\'an checked the accounts more and more quickly. By noon, Zhu Pingan had already checked nearly one-third of the account books in the third box.

  Dongchang Dripping Blood Sword and others who were on duty outside also silently watched Zhu Pingan check the accounts through the window when they were on duty outside.

   Slowly, looking at Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes, he also respected him from the bottom of his heart.

After they arrived in Taicang in the morning, they saw Zhu Pingan checking the accounts. Until now, Zhu Pingan has not even had a moment\'s rest. On a piece of scrap paper, there are some calculation formulas that they can\'t understand, as if they are calculating.

   However, Zhu Pingan never used the abacus when checking the accounts, which made them a little confused.

  In the middle of the account check, Liu Siku and others from Taicang sent tea, snacks and snacks to the yard several times, and entrusted Dongchang Fanzi to bring them to Zhu Pingan.

  The fans of Dongchang did not let Liu Saku and others come in, but they still brought tea, snacks and snacks to Zhu Pingan. After all, people are iron and rice is steel, how can anyone not eat or drink.

  However, Zhu Pingan did not take a sip of the tea, snacks and snacks sent by Taicang.

  When he was thirsty, Zhu Pingan took out a gourd from the cloth bag he carried with him. The gourd contained water from home, and he drank the water in the gourd.

   At noon, Zhu Ping\'an also took out two oil cakes from the cloth bag and put a stack of pickled pickles.

  Do not have the heart to harm others, nor do you have the heart to guard against others.

  In history, there are many examples of officials who audited accounts being poisoned and assassinated. Zhu Pingan didn\'t want to be "silenced".

  (end of this chapter)