Rise From the Humble

Chapter 758: foodie power max

Chapter 758 Max Food Power

   "I am ashamed, I thank the Lord Long En." Zhu Pingan bent down, pouted his buttocks, and thanked Emperor Jiajing.

   "I\'m ashamed, I\'m ashamed, why didn\'t I see how ashamed you are." Emperor Jiajing glanced at Zhu Ping\'an, and then cursed with a smile, "Okay, get up, lie down there and be an eyesore."

   "I thank the Lord Long En."

  After thanking Zhu Pingan again, he just got up with a look of gratitude.

   "Huang Ban, let someone send this kid\'s clumsy work to Master Tao quickly, and don\'t miss the time of Jianyuan Mountain." Emperor Jiajing turned his head and ordered Huang Jin softly.

"Slave complies." Huang Jin nodded in response, walked up to Zhu Ping\'an, folded the couplet that Zhu Ping\'an had just written, handed it to a young eunuch, whispered a few words in his ear, and then patted him shoulders.

  The little **** took the couplet, lowered his head, bent over and backed out of the inner hall.

"Tell me, why did you come from Taicang to see me?" Emperor Jiajing sat on the dragon chair, waved his sleeves, put half a Taoist robe on the dragon chair, leaned back, looked at Zhu Ping\'an and asked indifferently road.

  "Minister" Zhu Pingan cupped his hands to answer, and after he said a word, his stomach let out an uncontrollable "cuckoo~~cuckoo~~".

   goo goo goo goo

There were not many people in the inner hall, especially when Emperor Jiajing was sitting in town, and the inner hall was even quieter. Even a hair on the pillow can be heard on the ground, so at this moment, the sound of Zhu Pingan\'s stomach growling must be clear in the inner hall. .

   Goo goo, goo goo.

  The unique structure of the inner hall makes the sound of stomach screaming echo.


  At that time, Zhu Ping\'an\'s face turned green. Why didn\'t his stomach live up to expectations, and he didn\'t feel very hungry, so why did he scream.

  Your disrespect, is this? !

   This kind of thing is big if it is big, and small if it is small. It is not impossible if it is on the line. Although Emperor Jiajing certainly would not, Zhu Pingan also felt embarrassed, his face turned green at that time, and he was too hot.

   It was an embarrassing cooing sound to Zhu Pingan, but to Huang Jin, it was nothing less than fairy music. Emperor Jiajing hadn\'t touched water or rice for a whole day, and Huang Jin was worried about how to let Emperor Jiajing eat. Now that he heard Zhu Pingan\'s stomach growling, Huang Jin couldn\'t help showing a smile on his face.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s stomach growls, to Huang Jin\'s ears, it\'s time to send a pillow when he\'s sleepy—just in time.

"Hehehe, my lord, listen to me, Zhuangyuan Lang\'s stomach is rebellious. I am afraid that if I don\'t appease Zhuangyuan Lang\'s stomach, I am afraid that the first Zhuangyuan Lang to be starved to death in Ming Dynasty will appear." Huang Jinhehe He suggested to Emperor Jiajing with a smile.

   "Chen lost appearance"

  Listening to Huang Jin\'s ridicule, Zhu Ping\'an looked embarrassed, and this time he really had the idea of ​​hanging up the southeast branch.

"Hehe. I can\'t be called a fool." Emperor Jiajing shook his head with a smile, and then ordered Huang Jin, "Order to pass on the meal, and give me a seat for the hungry Ai Qing, so let\'s eat here. There are also ministers outside, let the imperial dining room also do it together."


  The ministers waiting in the outer hall heard the little **** in the inner hall pinching his throat and shouting, "There is a decree from the Holy Spirit, pass on the meals", and then the waiting little eunuchs continued to call out to pass on the meals.

what happened?

  How did you pass on the meal?

  Why didn\'t Zhu Ping\'an be punished, just passed on the meal? ! Is there a mistake?

  Yan Maoqing, who was waiting in the outer hall, was dumbfounded when he heard the words, as if he saw the sun coming out from the west, it was completely messed up, it was completely different from what he thought, and he was a little suspicious of life.

The dinner in the imperial dining room had been prepared long ago, and it was simmering over a low fire. As soon as Chuanshan was called here, dozens of neatly dressed young eunuchs lined up in two teams, with white sleeves on their sleeves. Carrying seven dining tables large and small, holding dozens of gold-plated food boxes and lacquer plates, they walked in from the outside, orderly and silent, and each of them was like a master of the inner circle, walking without making a sound .

  Dozens of young eunuchs entered the inner hall neatly, holding food boxes in both hands, and knelt on the side of the dining table in front of Emperor Jiajing.

Emperor Jiajing couldn\'t drink a drop of water for a day, so Huang Jin specially ordered that the dinner passed down today was much richer than usual, with a total of sixty-six delicacies from mountains and seas, thirty-six hot dishes, and sixteen cold dishes. , the rest are pastries, snacks, fruits.

   "Set the meal!" Huang Jin shouted.

  The little **** with white sleeves opened the food boxes one by one, and put plates of delicacies from mountains and seas on the dining table.

   Fragrant delicacies were presented one by one, and each one was placed on the table in front of Emperor Jiajing.

   There is a silver medal on both the dish and the dish, which is set up to prevent poison in the dish.

  When the little **** was setting meals for Emperor Jiajing, Zhu Pingan knelt and sat in front of a table, which was empty.

  In fact, Zhu Pingan didn\'t want to watch it at first, but the imperial meal was too fragrant, and he was really hungry, so when the little **** passed on the meal, Zhu Pingan just looked up a few times.

Spicy live rabbit, live shrimp under ice, fried lamb tripe, goose gizzard, steamed and fried fish, winter bamboo shoots and old duck soup, whitebait and foot sparrow, and many others that are not named, but they look very appetizing The delicacies here are really dazzling, and the eyes are dazzled.

   Then hungrier.

   goo goo

  The fragrance went straight into the nostrils, causing Zhu Ping\'an\'s stomach to growl again.

"Excellence. Don\'t remind me, go, give him a few dishes, so that I won\'t be reprimanded as a starving courtier." Emperor Jiajing glanced at Zhu Pingan, cursed with a smile, waved his hand, and asked The **** who gave food to Zhu Pingan.

   "Sir, thank you Lord Long En." Zhu Ping\'an thanked you.

   Soon, more than a dozen dishes were placed on Zhu Ping\'an\'s table, including eight meat dishes, three vegetables, one soup, one pastry and two fruits.

   This is too rich. Didn’t the Holy Majesty just say a few dishes? There are more than a dozen dishes, right? !

  Zhu Ping\'an was a little surprised, and when he looked up, he saw Huang Jin who was serving beside Emperor Jiajing, and smiled kindly at himself, the admiration in his smile was beyond words.

   "Zhuangyuan Lang is a great hero today, you have to take good care of him." Huang Jin smiled kindly at Zhu Pingan, then bowed his head and whispered instructions to the little **** beside him.

  For Zhu Pingan, who can speak with lips, Huang Jin\'s whisper could not be more clear.

  After the meal was set, Huang Jin squeezed his throat and shouted, "Cover the bowl".

So, the little **** in white sleeves took the silver cover off the dishes, and a little **** was in charge of tasting each dish. This was also to prevent the food from being poisoned. After the little **** tasted the food for two or three minutes, he confirmed that it was all right. , Huang Jincai bowed in front of Emperor Jiajing and said, "The meal is ready, please the Holy Majesty to have a meal."

  After this, we can finally eat.

After Emperor Jiajing sat down, he didn\'t say a word, and glanced at the table. Huang Jin\'s eyesight was sharp, and he quickly and accurately moved the dish that Emperor Jiajing saw to him, and Emperor Jiajing stretched out his chopsticks to pick it up and eat it Take a sip.

Finally you are here.

   Zhu Pingan had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

  If the emperor doesn’t take the first bite, how can I, a courtier, dare to eat it? I just passed the meal and tasted it. After Emperor Jiajing moved the first chopsticks, Zhu Pingan also picked up the chopsticks to deal with the food in front of him.

   Eating without speaking, sleeping without speaking, moving gracefully, tableware and plates making no sound, Zhu Ping\'an did this, but with fast frequency and high efficiency.

   After eating, Zhu Pingan fell into the delicacies and reached the state of ecstasy. Soon, the pile of winter bamboo shoots and deer tendon in front of Zhu Ping\'an bottomed out.

  Emperor Jiajing had just eaten a few mouthfuls. When he looked up, the two plates in front of Zhu Ping\'an had bottomed out. Emperor Jiajing was stunned for a moment with his hand holding on to the chopsticks.

Looking at Zhu Ping\'an again, what he ate was called a devotion, he gorged himself, and there was a little oil dripping from the corner of his mouth. In it, it seems that you can see the moment when the flesh is torn apart by the teeth.

   No matter how this kid eats so deliciously, he seems to have a big appetite. Emperor Jiajing can\'t help but also has a big appetite, and eats a lot more.

   Your Majesty used an extra bowl of rice

Huang Jin, who was serving at the side, was about to burst into tears of joy. My number one scholar, you really did a great job today. He has been serving Emperor Jiajing all the time, so he naturally knows what\'s going on. He looked at Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes. Appreciation is even stronger.

   I was even thinking that I should support Zhu Pingan more in the future, take care of Zhu Pingan more, and speak good things in front of the Holy One.

   From now on, if the Holy Majesty loses his appetite again, calling Zhu Pingan to have a meal will be more effective than any panacea.

  (end of this chapter)