Rise From the Humble

Chapter 756: warm tea composition

Chapter 756 Warm Tea Composition

  Yan Maoqing has been paying attention to the movement of the inner hall. Compared with ordinary people, Yan Maoqing\'s hearing is much better, which is a bit abnormal, about one-third better than normal people. The average person\'s normal hearing is 5 meters, but Yan Maoqing can hear movement six or seven meters away. Yan Maoqing never told anyone about this.

  Yan Maoqing couldn\'t hear the general sounds and movements in the inner hall, but he could also feel a little vaguely about the high-decibel sounds and movements.

  Yan Maoqing held his ears, but didn\'t hear anything at first.

Hard work pays off.

   After a while, Yan Maoqing vaguely heard the laughter of Emperor Jiajing.

   Your Majesty laughed? ! Well, this is good news. The reason why I and others were proclaimed to the Longevity Palace is because of the Holy Majesty\'s smile. I don\'t have to worry that the Holy Majesty will be in a bad mood and take it out on others because someone "kneeled before the Buddha for three thousand years".

  Yan Maoqing touched his chin and smiled.

Next, Yan Maoqing continued to pay attention to the movement of the inner hall with his ears, but he couldn\'t hear any movement. Well, after a while, he heard it again. It seemed that His Majesty was talking to Eunuch Huang, but he couldn\'t make out a single word, although Yan Maoqing\'s hearing is better than normal people\'s, but it\'s not dog ears after all, not that good.

   After a few more breaths, Yan Maoqing faintly heard the laughter of Emperor Jiajing again. It seemed that there was more than one laugh, and I couldn\'t hear clearly, but Shaoqing, Emperor Jiajing sneered, Yan Maoqing still heard it quite clearly.

  Because the decibel of sneering is louder than the dialogue, Yan Maoqing can hear it.

  Hearing this sneer, Yan Maoqing immediately thought of Zhu Ping\'an\'s "Three Thousand Years of Kneeling Before the Buddha", and couldn\'t help leaning his body towards the inner hall, with his ears raised even higher

  After the laughter, the inner hall became quiet again, which made Yan Maoqing a little disappointed, and a little uncertain. Could it be that it wasn\'t Zhu Ping\'an\'s article? Yan Maoqing has been with the emperor for many years, and he also has a good understanding of Emperor Jiajing\'s temperament. If it is Zhu Pingan\'s article, with Emperor Jiajing\'s temper, he will definitely not just sneer.

   Not fast enough, the corners of Yan Maoqing\'s mouth curled up again, vaguely hearing the words "bold enough" in the inner hall.

   In this way

  Yan Maoqing confirmed that it was Zhu Ping\'an\'s article.

   Speaking of boldness, at this juncture, who else is more daring than Zhu Pingan who "kneeled before the Buddha for three thousand years".

   Did Zhu Pingan get kicked in the head by a donkey, and he actually wanted to use this to attract the attention of the Holy One, to be different? Hehe, I\'m afraid that you can attract the attention of the Holy Majesty, but you can\'t bear the anger of the Holy Majesty...

   "Blah blah blah blah..."

After about a few minutes, I heard a noise in the inner hall, followed by a series of dense and small footsteps, and then a little **** hurried out from the inner hall with dense small steps, the little **** looked anxious expression.

  Seeing the little **** come out, Yan Song, Xu Jie and everyone in the outer hall all focused their eyes on the little eunuch.

  When they saw the anxious expression on the little father-in-law\'s face, and then thought of the noisy voice in the inner hall just now, everyone couldn\'t help but thump in their hearts. Could it be that this article is not called the Sacred Heart again? !

   "Ahem, what is little Eunuch Zhang doing in such a hurry?" Yan Song got up and asked, with a concerned and worried expression on his face.

"Reporting to the old man, I have summoned Zhu Ping\'an to meet you, please forgive me" Little Eunuch Zhang hurriedly stopped and bowed to Yan Song, and then hurriedly walked away in small steps, as if there was something urgent something like that.

   Call Zhu Ping\'an? !

  Yan Song was at a loss when he heard the words, why did the Holy Majesty call Zhu Pingan in such a hurry?

  Xu Jie on the side was also slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then stroked his chin and fell into deep thought. Isn\'t Zhu Ping\'an inspecting the Taicang Bank? Why did the Holy Majesty call Zhu Pingan in such a hurry? Could it be that something major happened to the Taicang Bank? Or is it that Zhu Ping\'an came here today and contributed all his articles?

   Well, with Zhu Ping\'an\'s talent and learning, it is not impossible if Lai Wuyi also contributes articles. Xu Jie is still very optimistic about Zhu Ping\'an.

However, Eunuch Zhang’s anxious and serious expression made Xu Jie a little uncertain. Logically speaking, if the article Zhu Ping’an contributed was appreciated by the Holy Majesty and the Majesty wanted to reward Zhu Ping’an, Eunuch Zhang shouldn’t be so anxious what.

  Except for Yan Song and Xu Jie, everyone else in the outer hall looked puzzled.

But there is one exception, that is Yan Maoqing. From what he has heard and seen, Yan Maoqing is extremely sure that Zhu Ping\'an\'s "Kneeling Before the Buddha for Three Thousand Years" caused a catastrophe. .

Ha ha

   Self-defeating, deserve it!

  You Shi released the time for the Yamen, and there was no complete supply, and there was no order to be on duty at night. Except for the officials who were full-time Qingci and articles, the other officials on duty in Wu Yixun all got off work one after another.

Zhu Pingan didn\'t get off work. After he submitted the article to Yulan through Eunuch Li, he found a conspicuous place to sit in the Wuyi Hall. He didn\'t leave the palace, and he didn\'t go back to his office room, as if he was waiting for someone. of.

  Eunuch Li sent the articles by Zhu Ping\'an and others to the Wanshou Palace for imperial review, and then returned to Wuyi to be on duty, and saw Zhu Ping\'an at a glance.

   "The government has been released, Master Zhu is still not coming back?" Eunuch Li said politely, wondering whether Zhu Ping\'an wanted to wait here for Emperor Jiajing to feel better, and then let him submit the application for the face saint? !

   "Riding around today, I\'m a little tired. I\'ll drink a cup of tea to relieve my fatigue before going home." Zhu Pingan said and raised the teacup in his hand. There was still half a cup of hot tea in the teacup.

   Is this going to wait? ! Don\'t you know how long to wait? !

   Don\'t say a cup of tea?

   Even a pot of tea may not be enough.

  Eunuch Li didn’t believe Zhu Ping’an’s words, and decided that Zhu Ping’an wanted to wait for the Holy Spirit to get better, and then asked himself to send a request for an interview with the Holy Spirit.

But now it\'s almost night, even if the Holy Majesty is in a good mood, he still has to eat and rest, how can he have the time to summon you, a little sixth-rank official, if I send you a note, it will disturb the Holy Majesty\'s rest , Huang Dugong must have peeled off my skin.

  I will never lose the big because of the small.

  Eunuch Li made up his mind, even if the Holy Spirit was in a good mood, even if Zhu Pingan stuffed red envelopes for himself, he would not hand in Zhu Pingan\'s request to meet the Holy Spirit.

   There are still many officials in Wuyi Village who have not left. They are all confident in the articles they contributed and want to wait for the results.

  Thinking that if their article won the Sacred Heart, they would also know immediately, rewards, summons, etc. would be convenient. If it is because they are no longer free, and miss this opportunity to be rewarded and summoned, they will regret it for the rest of their lives.

Mr. Wang, Mr. Zhang and others in the hall are such people. When they were waiting, they saw Zhu Pingan sitting at the next table drinking tea and waiting. This mentality is too greedy.

  They know that Zhu Ping\'an\'s article only took a cup of tea. How can he still want to be rewarded by the emperor for an article written with a cup of tea? ! It\'s better to go home early, wash and go to sleep.

  The two officials in the same office room of Zhu Ping\'an finally finished writing the articles, walked out of the room, went to the lobby, and handed over the articles they had written to Eunuch Li, who then summarized them and sent them to the Royal View of the Longevity Palace.

  Passing by the hall, when they saw Zhu Pingan sitting and drinking tea waiting for you, they looked at Zhu Ping\'an with more speechless and disdainful eyes than Master Wang and Master Zhang.

  Master Wang and Master Zhang did not read Zhu Pingan\'s article, but they both saw Zhu Pingan\'s "kneeling before the Buddha for three thousand years" with their own eyes.

   With regard to this article, are you still looking forward to the reward from the Holy One? !

   The idea is too beautiful!

Just when Eunuch Li compiled the remaining five articles submitted by Wu Yixun and was about to go to the Longevity Palace to submit the imperial review again, he heard a burst of dense and fine footsteps, and then saw the young man who was serving the Holy Majesty in the Longevity Palace. Eunuch Zhang came running in a hurry.

  The eyes of everyone in Wu Yixun suddenly lit up.

   They knew this little Eunuch Zhang, and they knew that he was serving beside Emperor Jiajing. In the past, it was this little Eunuch Zhang who announced rewards and decrees many times.

  Eunuch Zhang came to Wuyixun. Doesn’t this mean that the article about obtaining the Sacred Heart came from Wuyixun? Isn’t it very likely that it came from you and me?

  Master Wang, Master Zhang and the others glanced at each other, couldn\'t help but look happy, stood up excitedly, and greeted little Eunuch Zhang one after another.

   "Master Xiao Zhu, hurry up, hurry up, Your Majesty has called you."

After Little Eunuch Zhang ran over, he saw Zhu Pingan sitting in a conspicuous place at a glance, and his face couldn\'t help being happy. Pingan said, while talking, he pulled Zhu Ping\'an\'s official uniform, and ran towards the Longevity Palace while pulling.

  Zhu Ping\'an? !

   It turned out to be Zhu Pingan? !

When Master Wang and Master Zhang heard the words, their ears buzzed, as if a thunder had exploded above their heads on a sunny day. They couldn\'t believe their ears. Their surprised eyes almost popped out, and their mouths opened and their jaws almost fell to the ground. on the ground.


  He Zhu Pingan just wrote the article with the effort of a cup of tea!


The two officials in the same office room as Zhu Ping\'an were stunned at first, and then thought of Zhu Ping\'an\'s sentence "Kneeling before the Buddha for three thousand years". There is no envy, jealousy or hatred, but a kind of pity.

  Zhu Ping\'an hit the south wall.


  Young man, impatient, look, hit the wall.

  Eunuch Li\'s expression on the side was different from the others. He was shocked, purely shocked, and of course he blushed a little.

  Zhu Ping\'an won the Sacred Heart by writing an article with a cup of tea? !

  Zhu Ping\'an just sat there drinking tea, was he waiting for someone from the Longevity Palace to summon him? The ridiculous thing is that I thought he was waiting for the Holy Spirit to be in a good mood before asking me to submit the request for summoning.

  In ancient times, Guan Yu warmed wine and beheaded Hua Xiong, and the princes of the Eighteenth Route crusade against Dong Zhuo were all shocked.

   Today there is Zhu Pingan\'s warm tea composition.

  As a bystander, Eunuch Li feels a bit like the princes of the Eighteenth Route, and at the same time he is a little glad that he didn\'t speak his mind just now.

  (end of this chapter)