Rise From the Humble

Chapter 753: Zhu Ping'an is so brave!

Chapter 753 Zhu Ping\'an is brave enough

  How long is it from heaven to hell? For Huang Jin, it was only a few breaths. Just now when Emperor Jiajing read Yan Song\'s title book, he laughed lightly. Huang Jinjue\'s rain was over and the world was so beautiful; but now, Emperor Jiajing looked at Zhu Ping\'an\'s title book and laughed three times, but Huang Jin fell into hell.

  While Huang Jin was tremblingly waiting for the storm to come, the complaints against Zhu Ping\'an in his heart reached the point where he couldn\'t add more.

   Now Huang Jin can\'t wait to open Zhu Ping\'s head to see what Zhu Ping\'an was thinking at the time, how could he give an article like this about kneeling down for three thousand years before the Holy One made offerings to the Buddha!

  I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air...

  Since His Majesty shook his head and sneered, the dormitory became quiet. Huang Jin, who was tremblingly waiting for the storm, trembled every second...

There used to be a story that there were two people living upstairs and downstairs, and the people downstairs had to hear the sound of the people upstairs taking off their boots every night before they could fall asleep peacefully. One night, the people living upstairs only heard one boot fall to the ground The sound of the second boot fell, and he couldn\'t sleep all night, because he waited for the sound of the second boot falling on the ground all night.

  At this time, Huang Jin was like the man downstairs waiting for his boots to drop.

   About a few more seconds passed.


  The second boot that Huang Jin had been waiting for landed.

   "Zhu Ping\'an, you are so courageous..." Emperor Jiajing\'s leisurely words came from above Huang Jin\'s head.

  After listening to Emperor Jiajing’s words, Huang Jinxin had 10,000 approvals, isn’t it? Zhu Pingan who can write "Kneeling in front of the Buddha for three thousand years" is not only bold, but also daring!


  It must be the violent storm of Emperor Jiajing, but I don’t know if Zhu Ping’an can withstand the emperor’s anger.

  Huang Jin, who was familiar with Emperor Jiajing\'s character, thought so.

  However, what happened next was somewhat beyond Huang Jin\'s expectations, and the emperor did not lay down a million corpses in a rage.

   "Zhu Ping\'an\'s previous writing is okay, but the latter is a little bit too hostile, but after all, he is young and frivolous, and he is full of blood, and he needs to be polished or researched in the future..."

  Emperor Jiajing cursed with a smile, and handed Zhu Ping\'an\'s title book to Huang Jin. He was full of energy, sweeping away the haze of sluggishness in the morning and afternoon.

   Is the writing okay?

   Need more polishing in the future?

and many more

  Holy Majesty, are you sure you read Zhu Pingan\'s article title? ! Kneeling in front of the Buddha for three thousand years, is this also called writing? He has been kneeling before the Buddha for 3,000 years. If you polish it a little more, wouldn\'t he be kneeling before the Buddha for 30,000 years? !

  After hearing Emperor Jiajing\'s words, Huang Jin was immediately confused, and his mind was filled with disbelief, as if a flock of crows flew over his head... He even wondered whether Emperor Jiajing was confused by Zhu Pingan\'s article.

   Zhu Ping’an knelt in front of the Buddha for three thousand years, so it’s unreasonable for him to get comments from the Holy One, such as “It’s okay to write”, “It’s a lot of polishing”, and “It’s possible to make it through research”.

  So, when receiving the test book from Emperor Jiajing, Huang Jin boldly raised his head and glanced at Emperor Jiajing.


what happened? !

   What caught Huang Jin\'s eyes was the smiling, energetic and radiant Emperor Jiajing. He completely disappeared from the sluggishness and lethargy in the morning and afternoon, and suddenly became more lively.

  Huang Jin was completely stunned. This scene was so incredible that Huang Jin couldn\'t believe his eyes.

Just now, when the Holy Majesty was reading Yan Song\'s title book, there was only a slight curvature at the corner of his mouth, and the haze on his face was still there, just a little more healthy blood; The arc, the haze disappeared, and the spirit was full of energy.

   Could it be said that the Holy One is like Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms?

During the period of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao suffered from a head wind disease. When he was sick, he read Chen Lin’s call for thieves for three generations of his ancestors, which made Cao Cao feel terrified of being scolded, and broke out in a cold sweat. , I got better all of a sudden, I couldn\'t help but jumped up, and said happily to the left and right: "This heals my illness.".

  Could it be said that Zhu Ping\'an\'s article title book also has this effect, the Holy Spirit is so angry that his whole body is transparent? !

  However, seeing His Majesty\'s smile from the heart and the radiant look on his face, it doesn\'t seem like he was healed.

  Based on Huang Jin\'s understanding of Emperor Jiajing, Emperor Jiajing was not a person like Cao Cao. When Emperor Jiajing was angry, he even beat the queen.

   Not to mention little Zhu Ping\'an.

  Especially after the Holy Majesty took the elixir these years, his temper is much more irritable than before.

   This is not normal!

   Very abnormal!

Full of doubts, Huang Jin was a hundred times more cautious than before, and took Zhu Pingan\'s question book from Emperor Jiajing\'s hand respectfully with both hands, and slowly opened the question book. , Huang Jin\'s hands couldn\'t help shaking.

   "Kneeling in front of the Buddha for three thousand years"

  The first sentence of the test book is the first sentence that Huang Jin just saw. When Huang Jin saw this sentence, his heart couldn\'t help but raised his throat.

   "I don\'t see my Buddha\'s heart pity."


When he saw the second sentence, Huang Jin\'s heart slowly dropped a little in his throat. This sentence had a meaning of turning point, and he made up his mind a little. Huang Jin looked down again. go.

   "It\'s not the dust that covers the Buddha\'s eyes, it\'s the incense money that hasn\'t been offered."

When Huang Jin saw this sentence, Huang Jin\'s heart was completely put back in his stomach. This sentence completely brought a big turning point, and it clarified Zhu Pingan\'s point of view of suppressing Buddha. Suddenly, Buddhism was lifted very high, and then fell down heavily. The so-called higher the lift, the harder the fall.

Ha ha

  Zhu Ping\'an, this boy really deserves to be beaten. It would be great if he wrote this earlier, and the miscellaneous people have been terrified for so long in vain!

   "If the Buddha is not greedy, why should the world worship him? The Buddha does not love vanity, why should the world worship him?"

When I saw this sentence again, Huang Jin couldn\'t help but want to say hello to Zhu Ping\'an loudly. This sentence is really good. He deserves to be the number one scholar. Sword, to the point.

   You are right, if the Buddha is not greedy, why should the world worship it, let people pay incense money, and build a golden body! If the Buddha does not love vanity, why should people bow down to him.

  I have learned a lot since I was a child, and I have high ambition in my life. Others have swords, and I have a pen like a knife. This child prodigy poem really fits Zhu Pingan.

  In the past, Huang Jin didn\'t feel very deeply about the ancient saying that a literati\'s pen is like a knife, but seeing this, Huang Jinjue\'s ancient saying is too correct. The pen of a literati is really like a knife, and it is much more powerful than a knife.

  (end of this chapter)