Rise From the Humble

Chapter 742: Prepare for a rainy day

Chapter 742 Prepare for a rainy day

   "Master Zhu, Master Zhu, wake up..."

  During his sleep, Zhu Pingan vaguely heard a slight cry in his ears, like a ghost, and the screaming was endless.

  I didn\'t sleep well last night, and now I\'m sleeping soundly. When I was woken up by someone, I couldn\'t help but get up angry.

   "Who is it?"

  Zhu Pingan yelled in a daze, impetuously, and then opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, his whole body trembled, and Zhang Guanku, Zhao Langzhong, Jia Langzhong, and two treasurers appeared in his vision.

  Anyone who opened his eyes would be startled by so many people standing at the head of the bed.

  Although Zhu Pingan got up and yelled angrily, Zhang Guanku, Zhao Langzhong and others were not angry at all, and the smiles on their faces became even wider.

  A quarter of an hour ago, after listening to Liu Treasurer\'s report, they came to Zhu Ping\'an\'s room together with great interest, and heard Zhu Ping\'an\'s snoring one after another before entering the door.

   Can\'t help but smile at each other.

   After walking into the room, I saw Zhu Pingan lying on the bed sleeping soundly like a pig, snoring loudly, and the saliva flowed onto the pillow.

There was an account book on the desk, and just turned to the second page. Zhao Langzhong curiously opened the rice paper on the table, and sure enough, he saw a toad lying on the lotus leaf. Not to mention, this toad looked quite like that What happened, I couldn\'t help covering my mouth and smiling, and stretched out my hand to greet Zhang Guanku, Jia Langzhong and the others to come over, and let\'s share the wonderful words.

  After Zhang Guanku, Jia Langzhong and others came over, they also shook their heads and laughed silently when they saw the toad.

  After observing the room for a while, Jia Langzhong carefully checked the ledger, and found nothing wrong.

  After this, they stepped forward to wake up Zhu Pingan.

  Don\'t look at Zhu Pingan getting up and yelling angrily. If the occasion didn\'t allow it, they would definitely laugh out loud.

When Zhu Ping\'an was woken up, his eyes were dull, his shape was like a dead pig, and he yelled impatiently who was it, but the moment he opened his eyes and saw himself waiting for someone, he shivered, and his reaction was nothing more than a shock like a toad.

   "Ahem, cough, Zihou woke up. Lunch is ready. Zihou won\'t be late to sleep after lunch." Zhang Guanku coughed and said with a kind smile.

"Let me tell you, Zihou, today\'s lunch is not to be missed. Mr. Zhang added two meat dishes for us at his own expense. He bought a goose and ten catties of donkey meat from the farmer\'s house. The stewed one is delicious..." Zhao Langzhong patted Zhu Pingan on the shoulder and said loudly.

  Jia Langzhong smiled at the side.


  There are delicious ones.

   "Ahem, I have been waiting for a long time, my lords, safe and guilty, let\'s go now."

  After hearing about the goose and donkey meat, Zhu Ping\'an became energetic all of a sudden. He got up and got out of bed and put on his official uniform, like walking in the clouds and flowing water.

  Zhao Langzhong and the others looked speechless, waiting for a long time, you still get up at a speed that can\'t be described...

  Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground; the donkey meat rolled three times, and the gods couldn\'t stand still.

  Donkey meat deserves so many praises. Today\'s donkey meat has fully exerted its deliciousness in the hands of chefs in Taicang.

  Donkey meat in five-spice sauce, donkey meat on fire, donkey meat soup...

  Especially the donkey broth, Zhu Pingan almost swallowed his tongue. The blood is all red, but the cooked donkey blood is milky white. The donkey blood in the bowl is sliced ​​into thin slices, which is as crystal clear as crystal. Donkey meat slices like cicada wings, served with bright red wolfberry, dotted with green coriander and green onion, a bowl of donkey meat soup is so pleasing to the eye.

   Eat a mouthful of fire, drink a mouthful of broth, mellow and long-lasting...

  The big goose stewed in an iron pot is tender and soft, with a delicate fragrance and not greasy, and the taste is delicious.

  Zhu Ping\'an was naturally not stingy with food and drink, and he did not retain 100% of his combat power at all, and played 110% of it.

   "A donkey eats like that. If he is allowed to taste our dishes, he must not swallow the plate..."


After watching Zhu Pingan return to the room full of food and stomach, Zhang Guanku and others, who hadn’t eaten much, changed the place again, and arrived at the "Late Night Canteen" in Taicang, where they really started their lunch. .

  The outside is like a fire, and no one will interfere. After returning to the room, Zhu Pingan took out the ledger from the box with the earliest time and arranged it. Following the progress in the morning, he continued to organize the ledger with the re-examination ledger sheet.

   In the morning, he was already familiar with the accounting, and in the afternoon, Zhu Pingan sorted out the accounts more than three minutes faster.

  Doing accounts in the scorching heat, the mind is calm and cool naturally, Zhu Pingan, who concentrates on account making, has reached this state. If it weren\'t for the sweat on his body, it would almost make people doubt the weather.

  By around four o\'clock in the afternoon, Zhu Ping\'an had sorted out the ledgers in the first box, and more than twenty books in the second box.

  At about five o\'clock in the afternoon, the second box was one-third finished.

  Zhu Ping\'an put the books back in order, carefully folded the re-examination accounting form and put it in his arms.

  Today is the first day. A total of 1.33 boxes have been sorted. There are obviously more boxes in the afternoon than in the morning. With the improvement of proficiency, the speed can be gradually increased in the future.

  In this way, the books can be sorted out in about five days.

  Neither fast nor slow.

  If Taicang Zhang Guanku and other external factors are not taken into consideration, and if he concentrates on making accounts and adds another shift, Zhu Ping\'an is confident that he will be able to sort out all the books and books within three days.

If you count the time alone, it is not too late to check the accounts in five days. After all, the Ministry of Industry is still rushing to make the warehouse door, and Qin Tianjian has not yet selected a good day to replace the warehouse door. Five days should be too late. .

But if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are just in case. According to the forging level of Ming Dynasty, if the Ministry of Industry works overtime to cast the Kumen, it can be done in a day or two; If it takes too long, it may be a day or two after Kumen is cast.

   In addition, Zhu Ping\'an was worried about Zhang Guanku and the others.

The books and books in Taicang must have come from the hands of the top accountants, and the accounts are impeccable. They are so bold to bring all the books and books like a mountain of books to themselves. I am confident that I, a rookie accountant, will not be able to find out the problem.

   Check the accounts today, I believe they will not doubt their own performance.

  However, if they do this for five consecutive days, they will definitely be suspicious.

   After all, after five consecutive days of checking, even if they believe that they are rookies, they will feel flustered if they are guilty of thieves.

  If they are worried, then it is estimated that their own auditing will not be so smooth. On the surface, they may not do anything, but they don’t know what they will do behind the scenes.

  In order to eradicate the grass, he may attack himself or the ledger. To give a simple example, find a time, burn the account book, burn it clean, and put the **** pot on your head

  When it comes to their vital interests, they will definitely not be soft.

  It seems that I have to prepare early.

  (end of this chapter)