Rise From the Humble

Chapter 739: confident accountant

Chapter 739 Confident accountant

   "Come here, please, Zihou. It\'s relatively quiet here, and no one disturbs you. It\'s convenient for Zihou to check the books and books."

  Jia Langzhong of the Taicang Bank led the way from the front and led Zhu Pingan to a row of low rooms in the back of the bank, opened a door, and stretched out his hand to invite Zhu Pingan in.

This is a row of old houses, not too high, maybe two or three centimeters higher than Wuyi Zun\'s value house. It looks like an abandoned warehouse. It must have been unoccupied for a long time. Standing in front of the house is like There is an eerie feeling.

   "Master Lao Jia is bothering you." It was indeed secluded enough, Zhu Pingan glanced at it, slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and cupped his hands to thank Jia Langzhong.

"Why are Zihou being polite to us? Come in and see if the room is suitable. If not, I\'ll change another place with you. If it\'s suitable, I\'ll ask you to bring all our books and books from Taicang for the past three years to you. " Jia Langzhong said with a smile.

Zhu Pingan also smiled, and followed Jia Langzhong into the room. The room was not small, about forty square meters. It should have been cleaned up yesterday. The inside was fairly clean, but the light was not very good. Laiping\'s room has only one window, although the outside is sunny, the inside of the room is not very bright.

  The room was relatively empty, with no extra decorations, only a table by the window, two chairs, and a small bed with a new set of thin quilts and mats.

"The mat and quilt were specially brought from home by Zhang Guanku. I was worried that Zihou would not be able to rest when he was tired from checking the books and books. With this mat and quilt, Zihou can squint for a while when he is tired..." Jia Langzhong Standing in front of the bed, said so.

   "Master Jia, please thank Master Zhang on my behalf." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands again.

   "Look, Zihou is being polite to us again. Then I\'ll have someone bring over the books and books?" Jia Langzhong shook his head and smiled, then looked at Zhu Ping\'an and asked.

  Zhu Ping\'an will naturally not object.

   "Waiting for a while, my son, I will send someone to deliver the books and books, and then send some tea and snacks."

  Jia Langzhong had a smile on his face when he saw this, and he turned and left after speaking, with a smile still on the corner of his mouth when he went out.

This house was "carefully" selected by them. They chose this place yesterday. Apart from the advantage of being secluded, other aspects such as lighting, comfort, ventilation, heat dissipation, etc. are all poor. .

The room is okay now, but when the sun rises again, the room will be as hot as a boiler room, and there is no ventilation. Staying in it is suffering, sweating profusely after a while, even if it is put in an ice basin, it will not hold up. Use it, it\'s like a year in it.

  In the afternoon, the sun had finally slanted to the west, and the room was not so hot. However, the lighting in the room was not good. The sun slanted to the west, and the room was even darker.

  Did you choose this room to punish Zhu Pingan?

   Not really.

  The reason why they chose this house was just to make Zhu Pingan unable to stay in this room, and subtly influence Zhu Pingan, so that Zhu Pingan would quickly check the books, put on a show, and go through the process quickly, so as to save extra trouble.

After all, Taicang belongs to the national treasury, which bears more than 80% of Ming\'s fiscal revenue and expenditure, and the books and books are simply vast. If it is carefully inspected, let alone Zhu Ping\'an, it will take several days to transfer a few accountants. to finish.

  That\'s why they came up with such a method, urging Zhu Pingan to quickly inspect from the side, just go through the formalities.

   Come to think of it, so many books, such a crappy house.

   "Master Zhu, please use it slowly."

  Not long after Jia Langzhong left, someone brought tea, fruit, and snacks, and placed them on the table one by one.

  Zhu Pingan nodded his thanks, poured himself a cup of tea, and observed the room while tasting the tea.

  Secluded is secluded, but the room is low, the light is not good, the ventilation is not smooth, and there are no trees outside. I think the sun will rise, and the room will be very stuffy.

  Jia Langzhong and the others have a heart.

   But what does it matter.

When I was young, the house in Xiahe Old House was not as good as it was, and when my family was separated from the old house, I lived in a thatched cottage for a while. In addition, when I left Xiahe Village to start the imperial examination, I lived in a firewood house. Through the attic. In comparison, the environment of this house is not bad.

  "Therefore, when heaven will send a great mission to the people, they must first suffer from their will, starve their muscles and bones, work their bodies and skins, and benefit what they cannot"

  Zhu Pingan meditated while drinking tea.

Just after drinking half a cup of tea, Jia Langzhong came in with four treasury officials. The treasury officials worked in pairs to lift a large box with a thick stick. Box ledger books.

   This box is very big. When it was put down, the ground trembled for a while. The two boxes were put together like a bed.

"so much"

  Zhu Ping\'an put down his cup and let out a sound of surprise.

   "Hehe, these, plus a box from Zhang Guanku, are only from this year. Later, Zhao Langzhong and the others are packing up last year and the year before, and they will be delivered soon." Zhao Langzhong explained with a smile.

   "Only this year" Zhu Ping\'an seemed to be stunned.

"Oh, this is a bead plate. It\'s convenient for Zihou to use for your inspection." Zhao Langzhong nodded with a smile, and then handed the abacus in his hand to Zhu Pingan, "I just asked for it from the accountant. You can see if it\'s useful." .”

  Zhu Pingan took the abacus, reached out and tried to fiddle with it.

  Zhao Langzhong watched Zhu Pingan fiddle without blinking, and the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger. He could tell at a glance that Zhu Pingan didn\'t know how to use an abacus.

   "You need to check that guy first, I\'ll go see how Langzhong Zhao and the others are doing." Langzhong Zhao said with a smile.

   "Yes" Zhu Ping\'an nodded, still studying the abacus, competing with the abacus.

   Seeing this, Zhao Langzhong left with a smile.

  Zhao Langzhong left the room, went all the way west, turned two corners, and arrived at the stall about 150 meters away from the room where Zhu Ping\'an was. There were a lot of people in the stall, Zhang Guanku, Zhao Langzhong, five treasurers were all there, and there were several accountants gathered together, the atmosphere was generally relaxed but somewhat serious.

   "You are all the most senior accountants in Taicang, and these books and books are also in your hands. Tell me, can people see problems with these books and books?" Zhang Guanku looked at several accountants and asked.

"No problem, absolutely no problem, don\'t worry, Mr. Zhang. Hearing the truth has a priority, and there is a specialization in the art. We have dealt with the ledger for half our lives. We still have this confidence. As long as it comes from our hands, we will never get out of it." There\'s something wrong." A cashier in his forties patted his chest and assured the ticket.

  Zhang Guanku nodded when he heard the words, and looked at the accountant with the most seniority and the oldest grade in the accountant.

This grey-haired accountant is the most famous accountant in the capital, and he is the famous "ghost hand Zhang" in the accountant circle. exist.

Seeing Zhang Guanku\'s gaze, "Ghost Hand Zhang" stroked his gray beard and smiled proudly, "Hehe, I dare not say anything else, just talking about these books and books, even the entire capital city can see the problem .”

  With the guarantee of the ghost hand Zhang, Zhang Guanku and others were completely relieved, and the atmosphere was even more relaxed.

  When Jia Langzhong mentioned that Zhu Pingan couldn\'t even make an abacus, everyone in the room couldn\'t help laughing.

"After Zhang accountant and the account books in our hands, even if we invite the other most famous accountants in the capital, and give them a month, we can guarantee that there will be no problems, let alone he can\'t even make an abacus. I\'m a layman, hehehe." The accountant in the room laughed even more.

  (end of this chapter)