Rise From the Humble

Chapter 730: First time in Taicang

Chapter 730 Entering Taicang for the first time

   Among all the people present, Liu Treasurer was the one who reacted the most.

  Liu Treasurer was eating perch at the time. When he first heard that Zhu Ping\'an had arrived outside the Taicang Bank, Liu Treasurer was surprised, and suddenly his throat was stuck by a fishbone.

   "Although it\'s a bit unexpected, Liu Treasurer, you are overreacting, right?"

   "Hehehe, he\'s just a brat, what\'s there to worry about, Mr. Liu, you\'re too..."

After being surprised just now, everyone in the room calmed down, and even felt slightly happy. They were worried about how to coax Zhu Pingan to go through the procedure. The one who sent the pillow, I am overjoyed.

  Seeing Liu Siku like this now, everyone couldn\'t help laughing and teasing.

   "I\'m stuck with a fishbone."

   Liu Treasurer couldn\'t help blushing and explained to everyone. Of course, everyone responded to him with another burst of good-natured laughter.

After this interruption, the atmosphere in the room returned to a relaxed and happy one. Zhu Ping\'an\'s arrival seemed to be like a drop of water falling into the ocean. Except for the slight ripple at the beginning, there was no other influence. up.

  However, no matter how much everyone despised Zhu Pingan in their hearts, Zhu Pingan represented the Taicang Bank Inspection Team after all, and came to inspect the Taicang Bank according to the order of the Holy One.

   "I think you are all eating enough. Since the inspector is here, we can\'t be rude."

  Zhang Guanku smiled, put down his chopsticks, stood up and said to everyone.

   "Naturally, naturally." Everyone responded with a smile, got up together, and walked out the door with Zhang Guanku.

  Everyone didn\'t think much of Zhu Ping\'an\'s unexpected arrival. In their view, Zhu Ping\'an was just a newborn calf.

  A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. It knows that there are tigers in the mountains and walks towards them. Courage is commendable, but there is only one result, that is, the tiger can have a full meal again.

  The sun is scorching hot and in full swing.

  Outside the gate of Taicang, a young man in a blue official uniform stood upright in the sun, looking at the Taicang bank in front of him. The sweat on his body had already soaked his official uniform, and sweat flowed from his forehead from time to time.

  However, the young man\'s expression was normal, as if he was enjoying the sunshine somewhere.

   Well, this person is Zhu Pingan.

  Under the scorching sun, Zhu Pingan waited in the Taicang Bank for about half an hour before seeing a group of officials in the Taicang Bank arriving late.

  Headed by an official with a scarlet official uniform and peacock puzi, about forty or fifty years old, with a refined atmosphere, just like a great Confucian.

   There are more than a dozen officials following behind him. Looking at the official uniform Pu Zi, it seems that many of them have higher official positions than Zhu Pingan.

   This should be the management of the Taicang Bank, and the head of the scarlet official uniform should be Mr. Zhang, the treasurer of the Taicang Bank.

After Zhu Pingan received the task of inspecting the Taicang Bank, he got to know the Taicang Bank and knew the official structure of the Taicang Bank, but the name did not match the person. Fortunately, the ancient hierarchy was strict, and the entire Taicang Bank was qualified. Wearing the official uniform of scarlet color and walking in the front, it can only be Mr. Zhang Guanku.

Zhu Pingan saw this group of officials, and this group of officials naturally also saw Zhu Pingan. They dragged on for half an hour before strolling to the gate. The watchdog with Ku sticking out his tongue was even more embarrassed, almost like a dog in the water.

  For the sake of safety, all the trees within a mile radius of the Taicang bank were cut down to prevent people from using the trees to hide or climb into the bank, and to avoid fire hazards and other hidden dangers. Therefore, there was no shade outside the gate of Taicang.

  Seeing Zhu Pingan, who is like a dog in the water, the Taicang bank officials and his party couldn\'t help but feel more contempt for Zhu Pingan in their hearts.

   "My lord, Zhu Ping\'an, I have met Mr. Zhang, I have met all your lords, Ping An came here uninvited, I trouble you all to welcome me personally, Ping An is really ashamed."

  Seeing the officials from Taicang approaching from a distance, Zhu Pingan quickly stepped forward to salute the crowd with a smile on his face.

   "Where is there, Mr. Zhu came to Taicang, I will welcome you if you are far away, forgive me..." Zhang Kuguan, the leader, stepped forward to return the courtesy with a smile, and his eyes swept Zhu Pingan unobtrusively.

   "That\'s right, please trouble Master Zhu to wait for a long time. I really can\'t wait anymore. I hope Master Zhu will forgive you." Doctor Jia Xu also stepped forward and cupped his hands.

   "God doesn\'t care about human beings anymore, Mr. Zhu is too hot outside, please come into Taicang quickly."

   "Master Zhu, please come in quickly."

  The rest of the Taicang officials also warmly greeted them, even though the weather was scorching hot, it seemed that they couldn\'t match the enthusiasm of the Taicang officials.

   "Where is it? It\'s Ping An who came uninvited and caused trouble to you adults." Zhu Pingan rubbed his head in embarrassment and lowered his posture.

"No way, we can\'t wish for Lord Zhu\'s arrival." The officials in Taicang said politely, and they were telling the truth. They really couldn\'t ask for Zhu Ping\'an to come to inspect the Taicang bank. If the inspection team doesn\'t come alone, then how to do it.

   The guests and the host enjoyed themselves for a while, and there was a harmonious and enthusiastic scene outside the Taicang Gate.

  But there are waves in my heart.

  The taste of abalone, the rich aroma of wine, shark fin, and candied deer. Well, the smell of this person seems to be like the bear\'s paw that I was lucky enough to taste in Yange\'s hometown last time

When Zhu Pingan stepped forward to greet everyone, he moved his nose slightly, and smelled a strong smell of corruption from the group of people. The bear\'s paw alone was beyond the scope of their salary. Zhu Pingan knew it well, and his expression was not Change.

  When Zhu Ping\'an was in turmoil, the Taicang officials also had a better understanding of Zhu Ping\'an.

  When he first arrived at the door, Zhu Pingan\'s appearance like a dog in the water made everyone despise him.


  Zhu Ping\'an was so respectful to everyone, his words were so humble, and his attitude of a junior was completely a rookie in the officialdom, which made everyone laugh inwardly. They felt that this year\'s inspection of the Taicang bank should be easier.

   Dough like a noob.

   Don\'t let us knead.

   Still inspecting the treasury like this? Even if there were a hundred such Zhu Pingan, it would not be enough for us to fiddle with alone.

   "You and we were so busy talking that we forgot that Master Zhu had been waiting outside for a long time. It is really a sin. Please, Master Zhu. Just now, Master Zhang has ordered Pao Dingchao to prepare bouillon and side dishes to meet Master Zhu."

  After exchanging pleasantries for a while, the doctor, Jia Xu, seemed to suddenly remember, smiled and apologized to Zhu Pingan, and then stretched out his hand to ask Zhu Pingan to enter the warehouse.

   "Master Zhang please."

   "Master Zhu, please."



  After being courteous to each other, Zhu Pingan followed Zhang Guanku and others into the Taicang bank.

  (end of this chapter)