Rise From the Humble

Chapter 718: Seven hundred and fourteenth, those things with my sister-in-law (on)

Chapter 718 Chapter 714 and those things with my sister-in-law (Part 1)

  Looking at the gloomy weather last night, I thought it would rain today, but I didn’t expect it to be a sunny day after noon. The sun was high in the sky, and the temperature rose again.

After lunch, Zhu Pingan went into the study, sat in front of the desk, stretched his waist, casually scattered a pinch of bait in the fish pond built by the window, and soon saw a few koi waving in the fish pond Tail snatches food.

Not far from the window is the rockery in the courtyard. Green and swaying vines are climbing on the rockery, covering the rockery with verdant greenery. Flowers and trees are planted at the foot of the rockery. There are many small red or blue flowers, which render the window full of wildness. It also brings some shade to the study.

   After a while, Li Shu led a few girls in, and the little girls were holding an ice basin and snacks and fruits.

  Li Shu asked the girl to add six ice basins in the study, and put them in the four corners and the middle of the study, so as to cool down without catching cold.

   A light fragrance hits.

  Li Shu personally put a glass of iced sour plum soup in front of Zhu Pingan, and then sat opposite Zhu Pingan, looking at Zhu Pingan with watery eyes.

  In summer, there is a glass of iced sour plum soup, which is perfect, refreshing, refreshing, and quenching thirst.

   "Why don\'t you drink it? Sour plum soup is the most suitable for drinking in summer." Zhu Pingan picked up the cup and was about to take a sip, but found that there was no sour plum soup in Li Shu\'s hand, so he handed the cup of sour plum soup to Li Shu without thinking.

  Li Shu glanced at Zhu Pingan shyly and angrily with watery eyes, shook her head, her pretty face was slightly red.

   "Don\'t you like to drink sour plum soup?" Zhu Pingan asked again with a puzzled look on his face, and shook his head quickly after asking, "No, I saw you drink it last time?"

  Li Shuqiao\'s face turned even redder, as if water was about to drip out.

  Seeing this, Zhu Ping\'an put a question mark on his forehead, played his good habit of asking when he didn\'t understand, and asked again.

   "Who\'s here, you can\'t drink it cold." Li Shu glared at Zhu Pingan in embarrassment, her pretty face blushing fiercely.

   cough cough

  Zhu Pingan was stunned for a moment, and then coughed awkwardly. No matter what the girl said, Zhu Pingan knew what it meant no matter how dull it was. Girls are not allowed to touch cold things during menstruation, and there are many taboos.

   "Let Hua\'er accompany you tonight, it\'s not convenient for me." Li Shu put the sour plum soup in front of Zhu Ping\'an with her slender hands, and said with a nonchalant face, but her dark eyes secretly glanced at Zhu Ping\'an\'s expression.

  The little bun girl beside her had a round face, her face turned red all of a sudden, her head was so shy that it was almost buried in her big chest.

   "What, I\'m not a child, and I need someone to accompany me to sleep." Zhu Ping\'an was speechless, "Besides, we don\'t do either, and it won\'t affect sleep."

   The little girl with buns on the side lowered her head, and upon hearing this, she glanced resentfully at the tips of my uncle\'s toes.


  Li Shu rolled her eyes at Zhu Ping\'an, and said something coquettishly, but her small cherry mouth curved into a charming arc.

  At this time, a little maid outside came into the study and told Li Shu, "Miss, Second Miss is here."

   "The second sister is here, I\'ll go take a look."

   Li Shu got up when she heard the words, said something to Zhu Pingan, and went out with Baozi and the little maid.

  In ancient times, it was important for men and women not to get close, and the second lady came to talk to Li Shu privately, so Zhu Pingan didn\'t bother himself, and stayed in the study.

   Soon, Zhu Pingan heard the voices of Li Shu and the second lady of the Linhuai Hou Mansion talking, and also heard the voices of Xiongzi and Little Lolita Niuniu. It was obvious that the two of them came with the second lady.

"Second sister, why didn\'t you tell me earlier, the sister who hurt you has neglected her. Qin\'er, go make tea, Hua\'er, go to the small kitchen and let Liu Momo make some cold drinks to quench your thirst, as well as iced melons and fruits." Li When Shu walked out the door, she saw the second young lady, she smiled coquettishly, and then ordered Qin\'er and Hua\'er to make tea and serve melons and fruits.

  Hua\'er and Qin\'er went forward to salute the second lady, and then went to make tea and the small kitchen as Li Shu instructed.

The second lady of the Marquis of Linhuai took a step forward and took Li Shu\'s hand and said with a smile: "The fifth younger sister still treats her as a guest, so there is no need to be negligent. They are all my own sisters, so why should I be so polite. After the eldest sister left, I haven’t seen my younger sister for several days, and I’m fine today, so I was feeling bored in the room, so I wanted to talk to my younger sister. On the way here, I ran into Brother Rui and Niu Niu. They didn’t know where to hear it. Said that my brother-in-law came back and pestered me to follow, I had no choice but to bring them too."

   "Hello Fifth Sister."

   As soon as the voice fell, two short legs came out from behind the second lady, and said hello to Li Shu obediently.

  Don\'t look at the bear boy who usually has a pair of eyes on his forehead, but when he sees Li Shu, it\'s like a husky seeing a tiger. He suddenly becomes obedient.

This is a painful lesson that the bear child has learned after dozens of struggles. Although the fifth sister is beautiful and smiling, she is more cruel than the bumpkin fifth brother-in-law. No wonder the master always says that only women and villains are difficult to raise also.

  After suffering a few losses, it is difficult for the bear child not to have a long memory.

  Little Lolita Niuniu is as well-behaved as ever, pink and tender, much more lovable than bear children.

   "Brother Rui and Niuniu are so good." Li Shu smiled and patted the heads of Bear Boy and Little Lolita and praised.

   "Tu... No, where is my brother-in-law? Sister Niu Niu and I want to find my brother-in-law to play with." The bear child almost blurted out the bumpkin brother-in-law again.

  This brat...

   "Hehe, go, your brother-in-law is in the study." Li Shu looked at the bear boy, touched his head again, and smiled more gently.

   Ah Choo

The bear child sneezed inexplicably, touched his head, and said to himself, did anyone miss me, then happily took the hand of little Loli Niuniu, and ran around I went to the study.

  Li Shu went to the bedroom with the Second Miss of the Hou Mansion to talk privately.

   "Brother-in-law, Niuniu misses you."

  Little Lolita Niuniu entered the study, broke away from the bear\'s hand, took short legs, stretched her arms, and ran towards Zhu Ping\'an like a fat duck taking off.

   "Sister, slow down..." The bear child followed closely behind.

  Zhu Ping\'an squatted down and stretched out his hands to hug the running little loli Niuniu. The little loli twisted her **** in Zhu Ping\'an\'s arms and found a comfortable position.

  The brat screamed angrily below.

The brat didn\'t turn his attention away until the girl brought three ice bowls of milk, melon and fruit. The brat, who was as fat as a bulldog, was as agile as a fat monkey at this moment. A bowl of the biggest and most delicious one looks like a vicious dog rushing to eat, scaring the little girl who delivered the ice bowl.

   "Sister Niu Niu, this bowl is the best, here it is for you to eat." After the bear child snatched it, he handed the ice bowl in his hand to the little Lolita like a treasure.

   "Thank you, Brother Rui." Little Lolita took the ice bowl and sweetly said thank you to the brat.

  "Sister Niuniu, you\'re welcome." The bear kid was thanked by the little lolita, as if he had received the highest honor in the world, and proudly squinted his small eyes to look at Zhu Ping\'an. Those small eyes seemed to say, can you do it.

  But in the next second, the brat froze as if his computer was stuck.

   "Brother-in-law eat." Little Lolita Niuniu just took the ice bowl, then turned around and handed the ice bowl to Zhu Pingan.

   "Niuniu is so good, um, so sweet and delicious." Zhu Pingan took a sip, looked at the bear boy, gave an exaggerated hum, and praised.

bad boy…

   Have you ever heard the sound of a broken heart?

  (end of this chapter)