Rise From the Humble

Chapter 713: Xu Jie villain

Chapter 713 Xu Jie villain

   This is a game of political wisdom.

  Yan Song served as the first assistant in his sixties, and it has been more than ten years now. Don\'t look at him as an old man, but he gets hotter with age. Since beating Xu Jie, in the past six months, Xu Jie has become more and more obedient, especially since entering the cabinet, Xu Jie has never argued with him, and everything is based on his own words, which makes the cabinet his own. Jie was rude to test, but Xu Jie was not angry, and also married his niece from his clan to Donglou as a concubine, which made Yan Song more and more relieved, and all the beatings and movements aimed at Xu Jie stopped. .

   But even so, Yan Song was still a little wary of Xu Jie in his heart.

the reason is simple.

  Xia Yan is Xu Jie\'s teacher, the two are both teachers and friends, they have a close relationship, and Xia Yan even recommended Xu Jie.

   And Xia Yan was killed by himself and Lu Bing in a joint fight.

  So, following the opportunity of the Jiajing imperial court meeting, Yan Song tried Xu Jie again to see Xu Jie\'s reaction.

  Xu Jie was as obedient as ever, and his answer was also in line with himself, which made Yan Song very satisfied, and he let down his guard against Xu Jie again.

  What Xu Jie said is very reasonable. The treasury is empty, why is it empty, and how is it empty? No one has more say than the Ministry of Accounting, so everyone turned their attention to Sun Yingkui, Minister of the Ministry of Accounting.

  Including on the dragon chair, Emperor Jiajing closed his eyes and meditated. He also opened his long eyes, and his eyes fell on Sun Yingkui.

Faced with Xu Jie\'s question, Sun Yingkui, who was in the center of his line of sight, was not surprised at all. He calmly and calmly took a step forward to Emperor Jiajing on the dragon chair and the three elders in the hall, and then he took it out of his sleeve and listed The good Taicang income and expenditure items are described with reason and evidence: "Report to the Holy Majesty, and all the ministers, since I entered the capital, the total annual income of Taicang is more than five million taels after tax, tax and surplus salt. In addition to silver, there are more than 4 million taels of miscellaneous taxes collected in other places, of which more than 2 million taels of silver have been collected in Taicang this year. In terms of expenditure, in addition to the annual 2.8 million taels of Zhubian, a new increase of 2.45 million taels There are more than 10,000 taels, and more than 8 million taels will be used to repair the border and revitalize the economy. Because the border situation is particularly bad, and the cost of the various borders needs to increase to more than 6 million taels, the Taicang is empty, which is the truth."

  After Sun Yingkui finished speaking, there was a burst of discussion in the hall. Obviously, the real situation in Taicang was worse than everyone expected.

   "It costs so much"

   "The balance of payments deficit is so large."

   "Taicang\'s income this year is only more than two million taels, which is beyond our means."

  Zhu Ping\'an knew about Ming Dynasty\'s tax situation in modern times, but after hearing more accurate information from Sun Yingkui, he was even more shocked.

  Of course, what Sun Yingkui was talking about was the Taicang bank, which was used to store silver, and there was another granary for the expropriated grain.

Emperor Jiajing on the dragon chair couldn\'t help frowning after hearing Sun Yingkui\'s report. The cost of Taicang was so huge, which made the already suspicious Emperor Jiajing even more suspicious. He suspected that there was an infringement and counterfeiting. He didn\'t speak, and he, who is good at maneuvering, just narrowed his eyes slightly and scanned the crowd.

   "Taicang is my money bag of Ming Dynasty, and the Ministry of Household Affairs is the steward of the money bag. Now that the money bag is deflated, can Sun Shangshu have a good plan?" Yan Song glanced at Sun Yingkui after scanning the crowd, and asked slowly.

"The lower officials suggest additional tax collection. Judging from the taxation situation in various places in the past, the northern provinces, Guangxi, and Guizhou are fine. The land in these places does not produce much food, and other places can increase the tax collection according to the rich and poor of the land, especially in the Jiangnan area. As the proverb goes, "Taihu Lake is cooked, the world is full." These major grain-producing areas can be apportioned more. According to the preliminary estimates of the officials, in this way, there will be more than 1.5 million taels of silver every year." Sun Yingkui clasped his hands and replied.

   Tax increase?

  Zhu Ping\'an frowned when he heard the words, and the influence on Sun Yingkui suddenly became bad.

  Jiangnan is being ravaged by Japanese pirates, you have to pay more taxes!

  Originally, there were many Ming people among the Japanese pirates. If we impose additional taxes on Jiangnan, wouldn’t it force some farmers who can’t survive to take risks and join the ranks of Japanese pirates!

   Isn\'t this government forcing the people to rebel?

   Still think the Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River are not chaotic enough? If you raise taxes in the south of the Yangtze River, don’t you add fuel to the Japanese love in the south of the Yangtze River?

Penny wise and pound-foolish!

  This is Zhu Pingan\'s opinion on Sun Yingkui\'s suggestion. It seems that everyone\'s eyes are sharp. Although Sun Yingkui\'s talent has not diminished in the past, the original high morals and integrity have long since disappeared.

   "Sun Shangshu\'s words, I am sorry that the officials do not agree." At this time, a censor stood up and said impassionedly.

  Seeing the shortcomings of Sun Yingkui\'s suggestion, and daring to stand up, Zhu Pingan gave him a thumbs up in his heart.

  But the next second, Zhu Ping\'an was in a mess, and the corners of his mouth trembled a little.

"As the saying goes, don\'t worry about scarcity but inequality. The northern provinces, Guangxi, and Guizhou don\'t levy more taxes, but the south of the Yangtze River distributes taxes as much as Taihu Lake. How fair is this? The world will not criticize our actions. In this way, If it’s not shared equally, all the prefectures in the world will be equally taxed.” The censor who stood up continued.

"Hehe, if I remember correctly, Guo Yushi\'s family is from Taihu Lake in Wudi, Jiangnan. Guo Yushi said I was unfair. I think Guo Yushi\'s statement of equal sharing is false, and the tax reduction for his hometown is true. "

  Sun Yingkui smiled slightly, defending himself while mocking Guo Yushi.

   "You, spout blood." Guo Yushi blushed.

  Then the officials who made good friends with each other also stood up and spoke for them. For a while, everyone at the court meeting disagreed and argued.


  After listening to the meeting, Zhu Ping\'an was speechless about the imperial court\'s arrogance.

  Zhu Ping\'an is a non-staff observer of Tingyi, and his position is very far away. If he is not paying attention, he will not notice it at all.

   About two minutes later, Zhu Pingan\'s distracted eyes fell on a pillar of the main hall not far away, and found a line of inscriptions on it. It has been a long time, and if you don\'t look carefully, you can\'t find it.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes were much better than ordinary people\'s. He squinted his eyes slightly, and then he saw the inscription on the pillar clearly: "Xu Jie\'s villain, never use it."

  Zhu Ping\'an became energetic all of a sudden.

  The font of this line is very similar to the font on the note that Emperor Jiajing passed to him at the beginning. It is a little green, but basically the same. Obviously, the engraving on this pillar is the handwriting of Emperor Jiajing when he was young.

  The font is hooked and undulating violently.

  From the font, it seems that you can see the scene when Emperor Jiajing was furious and writing these eight characters.

  (end of this chapter)