Rise From the Humble

Chapter 693: Xiyuan's cannon

Chapter 693 The Sound of Cannons in Xiyuan

  After lunch, Zhu Pingan paid the bill, and the shopkeeper came over with a smile, "Hehehe, I wanted to give you zero change, but it happened to be two hundred coins, and I couldn\'t even wipe it off."

  Hearing this, little Lolita Niuniu rolled her big eyes.

   "Hypocrisy!" The brat flicked his fat face, contemptuous of the shopkeeper.

   "It\'s easy, I just haven\'t eaten enough yet, so bring me two more buns, and you can wipe it off."

  Zhu Ping\'an rubbed the bear\'s head, looked up at the shopkeeper, slightly hooked the corners of his lips and smiled brightly, showing the innocent smile of a sunny boy.

   cough cough

  The shopkeeper seemed to be choking on hearing the words, and with a dark face, he ordered the waiter to go to the back kitchen to get two meat buns.

   A moment later, Zhu Pingan led the two little ones out of the restaurant with two meat buns wrapped in mulberry leaf paper.

  In the restaurant at the back, the shopkeeper\'s face was full of black lines.

  After leaving the restaurant, the bear boy admired Zhu Pingan very much, and the little loli girl looked at Zhu Pingan with bright eyes.

"It was they who first used chicken racks to pretend to be chicken, and the store deceived customers. I taught him a little lesson. We can\'t learn from them in doing things. We must pay attention to integrity. People can\'t stand without trust, and stores can\'t thrive without trust. They Sooner or later, the shop will be defeated by dishonesty." Zhu Pingan touched the heads of the two little ones, instilling in them the importance of honesty.

   I don\'t know what to do.

   The two little ones nodded ignorantly.

  After walking for a while, Zhu Pingan gave two meat buns to a child in Lifu\'s arms, and chatted with Lifu by the way.

  I learned that Lifu was from a village ten miles outside the capital, named Zhang Dazhu. Last August, when Alta Khan surrounded the capital with his troops, he destroyed the crops in their village, leaving them homeless. In order to make a living, all the strong laborers in their village came to Qihuamen Wharf to move goods by foot to make a living.

   Tired is a bit tired, but on weekdays, they can earn about a hundred coins a day, and when they catch up with the grain transport, they can earn dozens of coins more than they used to earn when they were farming.

  So since last year, the strong laborers in their village have come to Qihuamen Wharf to earn some extra money during the slack season.

   When talking about diet, Zhang Dazhu felt a little distressed.

  They all had dinner at home early in the morning before coming to work on the pier, and only had lunch here. But even if they only had lunch, it made them feel a little distressed. The prices of the restaurants here are not cheap. In order to spend more time working, they don\'t have time to go far away to eat, so they can only eat here.

If they work hard, they must eat enough, but if they are full, they have to eat at least four or five pancakes to be full, and they can’t do it dry. Just one dish and one bowl of soup will cost about twenty for a meal. arts.

  As for meat and vegetables, they are generally not willing to order. Only when the body is very weak, or the work is too much to bear, and need to supplement nutrition, I have to grit my teeth and order a piece of meat and vegetables to supplement my body.

When Zhang Dazhu mentioned restaurants, he complained a lot. For example, everything in the store cost money, tea also cost money, even garlic cost money, pancakes were cheap and expensive, and the dishes were not very good. Eating, you look down on people with a dog\'s eyes, as if you are chasing and begging them for a meal. The table is not wiped clean, and the floor is not clean

  After saying goodbye to Zhang Dazhu, Zhu Pingan observed other nearby restaurants and listened to other people\'s evaluation of the restaurants.

  In general, the restaurants here seem to be unpopular, and there are more or less problems: expensive, bad taste, problematic service attitude, bad environment, etc.

  There are many problems.

  Zhu Ping\'an glanced at the rows of restaurants and said with emotion.

  Near the city gate of Qihuamen, there was a small stand of sugar blowers, surrounded by many people. After the bear child saw it, his small eyes lit up, and so did the little loli.

   "Let\'s go, take a look."

  Zhu Pingan picked up the little loli with one hand, and led the bear child to the sugar man stand.

The sugar blower is an old man with a white beard. The booth is a rectangular cabinet with shelves. The cabinet has several drawers, which store maltose pieces and reeds respectively. There is a half-meter round hole under the cabinet, and inside the round hole are put There is a small charcoal stove, and there is a shelf on the top of the cabinet. On the shelf, there are various sugar figurines blown by the old man, including chickens, piglets, rabbits, etc., which are very cute and gratifying.

   There were quite a few children around the stall, some of whom were led by adults.

  The children passing by are basically like bear children, and they can’t walk when they see it.

  Even if they didn’t have money to buy, they kept walking around the candy blowing man’s stand. When they didn’t see the old man blowing out a sugar figure, the children cheered in amazement. And the children who bought sugar figurines with money, when they took over the sugar figurines from the old man, it was as if they had received a certificate of merit. They were arrogant and high-spirited, accepting the envy of the children around them.

Zhu Pingan gave the money to the bear boy, and the bear boy took the money and squeezed away the onlookers and dragged him in. Under the envious eyes of the children, he shouted: "Bring me two of the most expensive sugar figures, a boy Yes, a girl\'s."

The old man took the money with a smile, took a piece of warm maltose by the burning charcoal stove, pinched it skillfully with both hands, the maltose turned into a ball, and then the old man pressed a small hole in the ball, With hands close together, pull out a long tube airway. Then he brought it to his lips and blew, and the warm maltose swelled up. While blowing, he skillfully held both hands, and soon the third prince Nezha, who was riding a dragon to make trouble in the sea, appeared alive

   "Sister, here it is."

  The bear child took the third prince Nezha and the birthday gift from Magu from the old man. Under the envious eyes of many children, he dragged him out, and put the birthday gift of Magu among them into the hands of the little girl like a treasure.

   "Thank you brother-in-law."

  After the little Lolita Niuniu took over the sugar figurine, she squinted her big round eyes and thanked Zhu Pingan sweetly. The money for the sugar figurine was paid by her brother-in-law

  The bear boy looked at Zhu Ping\'an with a resentful expression on his face.

   "Thank you, Brother Rui."

  However, in the next second, after hearing the next thank you from Little Lolita Niuniu, Xiongzi\'s chubby face suddenly turned bright, and he laughed so hard that he could hardly find his eyes, and then he played happily.

  Children\'s world is so simple. Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but smile.


   While the two little ones were enjoying the candy man, they suddenly heard a dull thunder coming from a distance. The sound came from the west, which startled the two little ones.

  Zhu Ping\'an subconsciously looked up to the west.

However, the people around seemed to be getting used to the strangeness. Someone explained: "This is the Holy Majesty practicing servants in the training ground in Xiyuan, and he has been firing cannons for several days. Last year, Alta Khan invaded the capital and stimulated the Holy Majesty. The Japanese pirates don\'t stop. The Holy Master trains the servants to guard against the enemy\'s defense of the capital when the capital\'s soldiers are insufficient."

  Zhu Ping\'an remembered that Zhang Siwei had said this when he first arrived in the capital.

  But it is really insecure to practice the servant Jiajing Emperor, Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly. Even if these servants are well trained, how can they guard the capital? They can only give Emperor Jiajing a sense of security, oh, and they can also deter his ministers. But the training of the servants will endanger the future.

  (end of this chapter)