Rise From the Humble

Chapter 687: rewards and punishments

Chapter 687 Merit rewards and punishments

  In the alley not far from Jianwei General\'s Mansion, a group of Jin Yiwei also visited the mansion of Zhao Qiu, the former left servant of the Ministry of War, and handed over an official document to Zhao Qiu.

   "As a minister, Zhao Qiu, the left servant of the Ministry of War, not only does not blame his nephew for taking credit for his fault, but instead covers up and deceives his superiors everywhere. He has no ministerial status. He is arrested by the guards in brocade and demoted to the people. The court sticks outside the Meridian Gate to warn others."

  Zhao Qiu took the official document and glanced at it, his head hummed. After reading it once, his face was covered with blue veins. He stared angrily at the official document, and read it carefully again.

"Oh well…"

   A few seconds later, Zhao Qiu laughed angrily, and the voice seemed to come from Jiuyou, and he threw the official document on the table.

   "My lord Zhao, I also acted according to orders, and I offended you." Jin Yiwei Qianhu walked up to Zhao Qiu and cupped his hands.


  The former left servant of the Ministry of War, Zhao Qiu, was kidnapped by Jin Yiwei and taken outside the Meridian Gate.

  Such a scene has already happened in the homes of Zhang Xiche, the official minister of the Ministry of War, Zhao Guangming, and Wang Dalu.

   "After investigation, Zhang Xiche, the official secretary of the Ministry of War and Treasury, and Zhao Guangming and Wang Dalu, who were in charge, abused their power and neglected their duties.

   Jin Yiwei also read the official document in front of them, and then bound them to the Meridian Gate to execute the imperial staff according to the order.

   "Injustice, injustice, it was Zhao Shilang who forced him to step down, and the lower officials are inferior to others, so there is no other choice."

   "I regret it, I regret it!"

   "Thief Zhao misled me!"

All of a sudden, these people\'s houses were full of mourners, Zhang Xiche, Zhao Guangming, Wang Dalu and others were either complaining, regretting, or cursing. Of course, no matter what they did, it was too late, and they would all be kidnapped one by one by Jin Yiwei. Arrived outside the Meridian Gate.

  Forbidden City, outside the Meridian Gate.

The eunuchs who were imprisoned had already taken their positions. The leader was a white-faced, beardless middle-aged **** from the Inner Court of the Ming Dynasty. figure eight. Dozens of young eunuchs stood behind the middle-aged eunuch.

  Thirty Jinyiwei in bright armor, holding wooden sticks in left and right rows.

The wooden sticks in their hands are not ordinary wooden sticks, they are all made of century-old chestnut wood, with one end cut into a mallet shape, wrapped with iron sheets, with barbed iron hoops wrapped around the iron sheets, and mottled iron hoops on them. The blood stains looked very hideous.

  There are nearly a hundred school lieutenants outside the Meridian Gate, and they are all chanting. It was the Jinyiwei who executed the execution, and they were responsible for yelling loudly to convey the orders of the eunuchs, and they shouted loudly at the execution of the Jinyiwei to strengthen their momentum.

At this time, there was another official document, which was being sent by Ti to Yunmeng County, a hundred miles away, to Yunmeng County, a hundred miles away, with an unexpected "surprise": Ding Wei, the magistrate of Yunmeng County, as a parent, did not think Be the master for the people, criminalize the old people, make the wronged people go to prison, and make the fifty-nine people in the Lijia Village under the rule die in peace. Their crimes cannot be redeemed. The people of Lijia Village who were wronged.

  Zhao Qiu and others were tied to the designated location outside the Meridian Gate, lying face down on the ground, lifted their jackets, and took off their pants.


  The eunuch, the supervisor of ceremonies, held the official document, and after reading it, he stood on the spot with his toes out, and ordered lightly.

  Nearly a hundred school captains echoed and shouted: "Put the stick!"

  Jin Yiwei, who was in charge of the execution, glanced at the horoscope standing posture of the **** in charge of rites without any trace, understood, walked out of the queue holding the court staff, came to Zhao Qiu and others, and placed the court staff on Zhao Qiu and others\' laps.

   "Fight." The eunuch, the supervisor of ceremonies, ordered again.

   "Fight!" Nearly a hundred school lieutenants yelled loudly, and for a while there was a thunderstorm outside the Meridian Gate, which made people tremble.

  Hearing the sound, Jin Yiwei, who was executing the execution, raised the court stick in his hand high to the sky, and then dropped it heavily, blood-red flowers bloomed on his buttocks and legs in an instant.


   There was a scream outside the Meridian Gate, which went straight to the sky.


  When Zhao Qiu and the others were **** to the court staff at the Meridian Gate, there was also a sound from Yuxuan in Linhuai Hou Mansion, and the cicadas outside the courtyard were startled and quiet by the sound.

   Zhu Pingan, who finished bathing, changing clothes, washing hands and burning incense, was looking at the official document through gritted teeth. It seemed that he was the one who yelled just now.

   "Why, why."

   Zhu Pingan held the official document, pointed at a line of words in the official document, and gritted his teeth. The line of official documents under Zhu Ping\'an is as follows: If the meritorious service is not rewarded and punished, Zhu Ping\'an will be read by the Hanlin Academy, and he will be fined for one year.

   "As for it, I was taken aback."

  Li Shu rolled her lovely white eyes, her eyes were as clear as crystals immersed in water, her rosy lips pursed slightly, and she let out a coquettish cry.

   "As for what? Uh, wait, have you read the official document?"

  After Zhu Pingan said half a sentence, he suddenly paused, hearing the implication in Li Shu\'s voice, and couldn\'t help but look up at Li Shu.

   As for the well, the subtext of these three words is clearly that Li Shu knows the content of the official document, otherwise why would she use the three words for evaluation. Only after reading the content of the memorial will you say these three words.

   "Yeah, while you\'re in the shower."

  Li Shu blinked her watery eyes, nodded her head very calmly, smiled sweetly, and her cherry lips raised a sweet arc.

   "Why don\'t you take a bath, change clothes, wash your hands and burn incense?" A black line appeared on Zhu Ping\'an\'s face.

"I have a bath in the morning, and it\'s quick to change clothes, wash my hands and burn incense. There is nothing left and right, so I will look at it for you first." Li Shu looked at Zhu Ping\'an with a virtuous look, with two dimples looming on her pretty face. , and delicate and pretty and demon.

   This goblin.

  Zhu Ping\'an was speechless for a moment.

   "Isn\'t it just a one-year salary penalty?" Li Shu curled her lips indifferently.

   Nope. You said it lightly, Zhu Pingan shook his head speechlessly, one year\'s fine, and he had to work for the court for nothing for a whole year. A melody inexplicably popped up in my mind: I don’t have any grudges against you, I don’t give me a hundred dollars, and I have more than two thousand necklaces

  If you are an official in the court, you don\'t need to give gifts to the leaders, but how can you avoid the exchange of favors and follow the gifts with the members?

  Looks like making money has to be put on the agenda, I don’t want to be a badass,

   "Besides, I also want to congratulate my husband for joining the cabinet." Li Shu approached Zhu Pingan charmingly again, blinking her watery eyes, and cupped her slender white hands like a boy, and said charmingly.

   "It\'s just a cabinet secretary. He doesn\'t belong to the cabinet. He just pours tea and runs errands for the elders of the cabinet." Zhu Pingan shook his head speechlessly and smiled wryly.

  (end of this chapter)