Rise From the Humble

Chapter 677: fall down

Chapter 677 fell down

"Hua\'er, you\'ve been busy all day, and you\'ve been on the road for the past few days. I think you\'re all exhausted, so I don\'t need you to stay on duty today. Tell Qin\'er and the others that you can take a good rest tonight. "

   After the little maid of Baozi brought the tea, Li Shu took the teacup, looked at the little maid of Baozi and said softly.

   "It\'s okay, miss, we\'re not tired." Baozi\'s little maid is a good child who loves work. It\'s touching that the lady cares about herself so much, but she still has to stick to her job.

   "Giggle. Then who dozed off at noon?" Li Shu glanced sideways at Baozi\'s little maid with her watery eyes, and with a sweet smile, the whole study room lit up.

   Baozi’s little girl blushed when she heard the words. She was really sleepy when she was arranging the yard at noon, so she dozed off while standing

   "Okay, go down and rest, so that others won\'t say that I blame you." Li Shuying smiled, her big watery eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, and waved her little hand to let the little maid go down to rest.

   "Thank you, miss." Baozi\'s little maid is an obedient girl, especially to Li Shu\'s words, like an imperial order.

   "If you dare to drink again this time, let\'s see how I deal with you."

After the bun girl left, Li Shu came to Zhu Pingan\'s desk with a teacup again, leaned over and put the teacup in front of Zhu Pingan, pouted and threatened, a strand of rose-scented hair fell on Zhu Pingan forehead.

  This threat is not a bit forceful, but it is a little more cute.

  Of course, when Li Shu leaned over, the happiness burst out again, and Zhu Pingan inspected the two cuties again.

   Hemp eggs

  My nose is itchy, and I feel like I\'m about to bleed.

  In order not to make a fool of himself in front of Li Shu, Zhu Pingan quickly averted his gaze.

  Looking at the nosebleeds seen by girls, this kind of brain-dead setting has no scientific basis at all. It is understandable to be excited to see a beautiful woman in spring, but this short-term increase in blood pressure is not enough to burst the capillaries in the nasal cavity. When Zhu Pingan watched anime or soap operas in modern times, he would always silently scold the screenwriter for being stupid when he saw such scenes.

  However, the last wedding night in the bridal chamber, she had a nosebleed because of looking at Li Shu\'s body. Now because of peeping at Li Shu\'s chest, there was a prelude to nosebleeds.

  Maybe ordinary girls raise people\'s blood pressure to a limited extent, but Li Shu, a goblin, is too hot and makes people\'s blood pressure rise too high.

   "Thank you, I will have a good time this time."

This is the tea cooked by Chen Dew, so it is natural to taste it carefully. Zhu Pingan smiled and thanked Li Shu first, then picked up the teacup and sniffed it close to his nose. .

   Gently scrape the tea soup with a teacup, pieces of plump and round tea leaves dance in the tea water, like elves in the water, and the dense tea fragrance is even more mellow.

Hold the teacup by your lips, take a sip, turn the base of your tongue slightly, and the tea soup will flow slowly between your lips and tongue, but the sweet and mellow tea fragrance will reverberate in your mouth; swallow slowly, aftertaste carefully, the aftertaste is sweet and dense, aftertaste endless.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s level of tea tasting is limited, but he also feels that the tea brewed with dew is better than the tea brewed in well water in terms of aroma, sweetness and freshness.

   "How is it?" Li Shu looked at Zhu Ping\'an expectantly with her dark and bright eyes, her cherry lips were smiling, she was indescribably charming.

   "Good tea, mellow, sweet, fresh, and endless aftertaste." Zhu Pingan praised.

   "For you have vision." Li Shu nodded her head in satisfaction, with bright white teeth and a clever smile, her delicate laughter makes people feel like spring breeze.

   Wash away all the lead and show a plain posture.

  Just now I have been paying attention to Li Shu\'s bursting out of spring, now seeing Li Shu\'s coquettish smile, Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes suddenly light up, the hibiscus comes out of the clear water, and she is naturally carved, this girl is so charming without makeup.

   "What\'s the matter, I have flowers on my face, and I\'ve been staring at him." Li Shu seemed to feel Zhu Pingan\'s gaze, glanced at Zhu Pingan, her big eyes were dark, and she pouted and said angrily.


  Hearing this, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but blushed and coughed, as if he had been caught doing something bad.


   Li Shu gave Zhu Pingan a white look, then sat opposite Zhu Pingan, took a book from the bookshelf at random, put it on the table, and began to read it.


  Zhu Ping\'an had an illusion, as if back in the modern school, Li Shu was like a girl at the same table.


  At this time, the fish in the pool on the window sill flicked its tail, and there was a burst of water splashing. The sound of splashing water broke the tranquility of the study.

   "Is the fish hungry?"

Li Shu heard the sound of the fish flicking her tail, and said with her mouth pouted, as if she was talking to herself, or she seemed to be talking to Zhu Ping\'an. After speaking, she got up and took out a small porcelain bottle from under the bookshelf, and passed by Zhu Ping\'an. , Prepare to throw some bait to the fish.

  Maybe the embroidered shoes are a bit slippery when they get wet, or maybe they didn’t step on it firmly.


  Li Shu just passed by Zhu Ping\'an\'s side, slipped her foot, and lost her balance before Xiaozui let out an exclamation in time.

   heaven and earth turned

Li Shu fell on her back like this, and she was about to fall to the ground. At the very moment, a pair of strong hands behind her stretched out, hugged Li Shu\'s delicate body, and slid back One step, stop firmly.

  Zhu Pingan hugged Li Shu, Li Shu looked up at Zhu Pingan, the two looked at each other, an indescribable feeling permeated the study.

  It’s as if time has stopped, and the picture stops at this moment, as if it will grow old forever.

   one second

   two seconds

  In the next second, the painting style changes!

   "Ah, Zhu Ping\'an, where did you put your hand?!"

  Li Shu gave Zhu Pingan a hard look, her pretty face was flushed, revealing two cute little canine teeth, like a kitten whose tail has been stepped on.


  Zhu Pingan was stunned for a moment, and then felt that his hands were soft like fleshy, eh, fat? Could it be that Li Shu, a slender girl, also had fat on her waist, and subconsciously squeezed it twice.


  Li Shu\'s decibel is higher, her pretty face is redder, and her little tiger teeth are sharper.

   Something seems wrong

  Zhu Pingan realized something was wrong belatedly. He lowered his head and looked, uh, he almost threw Li Shu out, and what he was holding in his hand turned out to be Li Shu\'s flesh.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s brow was sweating, and he was so embarrassed that he quickly let go.

  However, because Li Shu\'s body was at 60 degrees to the ground, Zhu Ping\'an hugged her in mid-air. When Zhu Ping\'an let go, Li Shu immediately began to fall freely again, her pretty face turned pale, and she couldn\'t help but let out another exclamation.

  Zhu Ping\'an also immediately realized that something was wrong, and when Li Shu\'s body was at a 50-degree angle to the ground, he hugged Li Shu in time again.

  However, the soft touch of the flesh came from the hand again, and Zhu Pingan bowed his head stiffly.

   "Zhu Ping\'an, you did it on purpose, right?!" Li Shu\'s voice came out from between her teeth.

  (end of this chapter)