Rise From the Humble

Chapter 661: Beard Secret

Chapter 661 The Secret of the Beard

  What is Zhu Pingan doing?

  Ask Zuo Zuo, is the head from last year? Ask Zhao Daying, did you get the head last year? You don\'t need to think about this question to know that they will definitely answer it in the affirmative.

  People didn\'t understand the significance of these questions Zhu Pingan asked. Not only were they useless, but even these questions were more beneficial to Zhao Daying, which directly proved that Zhao Daying captured these heads last year.

  Zhao Daying and the others laughed disdainfully. In their view, Zhu Ping\'an was like a dying fish on a chopping board, unable to catch any waves.

   Don’t understand, do you?

  No hurry, you will understand soon.

  Zhu Pingan glanced at Zhao Daying and the others, slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

   "Some people say this is the head of a Tatar?"

  Zhu Ping\'an turned his gaze to the heads on display at the side, his voice was soft and magnetic, and with an inexplicable attraction, he attracted people\'s attention.

"Ha ha."

   "Wrong, very wrong."

  Zhu Pingan paused at this point, laughed mockingly, shook his head, and said firmly.


  Zhu Ping\'an means that the author made a mistake? Are you kidding me, can you, Zhu Ping\'an, be more professional than Wu Zuo?

  Everyone was stunned, and there was an uproar in the courtroom. After everyone calmed down, they couldn\'t help shaking their heads, and they were seriously skeptical of what Zhu Pingan said.

   "Zhu Pingan, what nonsense are you talking about?" Zhao Daying and others criticized one after another.

"These heads are good. The hairstyles, earrings, etc. are done well in the post-production. They look like Tatars. They almost fooled me." Standing in front of the heads, Zhu Pingan stretched out his hand and brushed one after another. first level.

   "However, a fake is always a fake, no matter how well done it is, there will be mistakes." Zhu Pingan shook his head and smiled mockingly.


  Zhao Daying was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and sneered disdainfully, these are the heads of Tartars presented from all over the border town, how could there be any mistakes.

"Zhu Ping\'an, it\'s easy to talk about everything. If you don\'t have evidence, don\'t waste my time waiting. Do dozens of adults put down their official duties and listen to your empty words. Do you think this is interesting?" Zhao Qiu stood up in the auditorium Looking at Zhu Pingan gloomyly, he sneered.

  Zhao Daying and others also followed suit, mocking Zhu Ping\'an\'s empty talk, wasting everyone\'s time, and placing Zhu Ping\'an on the opposite side of everyone.

   "Ping An doesn\'t dare to tell the adults if there is no evidence for it." Zhu Pingan curled the corners of his lips and bowed to the adults in the court.

   "Do you still have evidence?"

  Zhao Daying and the others were startled, this was beyond their expectation, but then they shook their heads and laughed, Zhu Pingan couldn\'t have any more evidence. Zhu Ping\'s testimony is useless. Of course, Zhu Ping\'an will be investigated for harboring fugitives later; Zhu Ping\'s physical evidence, hehe, the head has been replaced, what physical evidence can he have.

   "Yes, these are the heads." Zhu Pingan pointed to the heads on display and said lightly.


  Zhao Daying and others couldn\'t help laughing, Zhu Ping\'s brain was kicked by a donkey, and he even said that these heads are evidence. What a joke, if the heads are still those of Liujia Village, Zhu Ping\'an can still say that, but the heads have been replaced, so it\'s funny for Zhu Ping to still say that.

   All the officials couldn\'t help but shook their heads. They were all witnesses to this trial. Judging from the reactions of Liu Dadao and others, it was also confirmed that these heads were not villagers of Liujia Village. Therefore, if Zhu Ping\'an said that these heads are evidence, it would be a bit of a joke.

  Everyone\'s reaction was within Zhu Pingan\'s expectation.

   "I said that these heads are not Tatars, of course there is evidence. My lords, please look at these heads."

Zhu Pingan casually nodded a few heads and said lightly, a gust of wind blew up Zhu Pingan\'s sweat-soaked strands of hair from his temples. His eyes shone with confidence.

  At this time, Zhu Ping\'an\'s voice seemed to be full of magnetism, attracting everyone\'s attention.

   "Please show it to everyone."

  Zhu Pingan glanced at the two men meaningfully, and ordered lightly, his voice unquestionable.

Zhu Ping\'an is a sixth-rank official, and the clerks are just the lowest officials in the yamen. How dare they disobey Zhu Ping\'an\'s orders? The heads of Ping An\'s fingers are displayed on a wooden board to everyone.

   "My lords, please look at these heads. It is not difficult to see that they are probably only eighteen or nine years old."

  Zhu Pingan pointed to the head and said to everyone, and then asked the two masters:

   "You are authores, and you have a better understanding of age. How old do you think these heads are?"

It’s just age, there’s nothing wrong with it, the two heads gave a professional judgment after a little thought, “These heads are indeed at the age of eighteen or nineteen, as the adults said, um, these two heads are slightly older Two years old, should be the weakest age, around 212."

  If you judge your age, everyone can see it.

  The heads shown look relatively young, that is, around eighteen or nineteen years old, and the error is no more than three or four years old.

"Zhu Ping\'an said that you understand the army, but you still don\'t accept it. What\'s wrong with these heads, who are seventeen or eighteen years old? Tatar cubs are proficient in bow and horse at the age of fourteen or fifteen, and they are not weaker than my Han family. Veterans. They have grown up since sixteen or seventeen, and fought with their father and brother. At eighteen or nineteen, they are considered veterans. Not to mention the Tatars, even my Ming Dynasty has many soldiers at the age of eighteen or nineteen.”

   Zhao Daying couldn\'t help but sneered, ironically that Zhu Pingan didn\'t understand the military. Do you think Zhu Pingan can\'t go to the battlefield on the 18th or 19th? It\'s ridiculous.

"Ha ha."

  Zhu Pingan glanced at Zhao Daying like an idiot, and hehe.

"My lord, please look at these heads. Obviously, you can see the beards on their lips, which are kept on purpose." Zhu Pingan ignored Zhao Daying and pointed to these heads to remind everyone to pay attention to the beards on the heads. on the beard.

"Tsk tsk, our champion, you are really ignorant. What\'s wrong with the beard? This is the typical beard of the Tatars. The ends of the beard are slightly turned up. It is called \'tiger beard\' in the Tatars, which means that they are like tigers. Just as brave."

  Zhao Daying was very upset by Zhu Ping\'an\'s sarcasm. At this moment, when he heard Zhu Ping\'an mentioning the beard, he couldn\'t help but sneer again.

   "Hehe, that is, when it comes to understanding the Tatars. Our champion Lang is like a baby sucking in front of General Zhao."

"That\'s right, Zhu Pingan, has he ever seen a live Tatar? Hehe, our General Zhao has been fighting Tatars for more than ten years. We have killed not a thousand, but hundreds. You, Zhu Pingan, are like playing tricks in front of Guan Gong." big knife."

   "This beard is the beard of a Tatar. You can tell it at a glance. We have seen it a lot. You, Zhu Pingan, want to make a fuss about it. It\'s ridiculous and out of control."

  All the military attaches in the courtroom and the officials of the strict party couldn\'t help laughing out loud, speaking in support of Zhao Daying and mocking Zhu Ping\'an.

  (end of this chapter)