Rise From the Humble

Chapter 659: Identification conclusion

Chapter 659 Identification Conclusion

  When everyone pointed to the heads on the template and supported Zhao Daying, Zhu Pingan was also watching these heads carefully.

   Apparently, all fifty-nine heads have been replaced.

  If it is just a simple change of hairstyle, it is impossible to hide it from the eyes of Liu Mu and Liu Dadao. It is impossible for them to change their hairstyle because of their loved ones, and they will not recognize it. They have lived together for 20 or 30 years. If they are relatives in Liujia Village, no matter how outrageous their hairstyles are, they can be recognized at a glance.

   Sure enough, there are people in the imperial court who are good at being officials, and the archived heads can be changed at any time. No wonder Zhao Daying is so confident. Anyway, someone wiped his **** for fear of an egg.

  Zhu Pingan silently complained while observing the head.

   "Wu Zuo, please inspect the head quickly." Wang Xueyi, the presiding judge, urged Wu Zuo to inspect the head.

   "As ordered."

The two foremen responded, soaked their hands in vinegar water for a while, took out a series of tools such as scissors, candles, silver needles, and tweezers from the toolbox, put them into vinegar water in turn, and then used a series of methods to inspect the first class

  In short, it looks very professional.

  However, Zhu Pingan knew that these two gangsters were just pretending. Just now, Zhu Pingan had seen Zhang Butou and the two gangsters whispering and explaining things.

   Zhang Butou and the others have already paid attention to it. They avoided the crowd when they moved the box wood, and communicated in faint whispers. What Zhang Butou did was indeed very secretive. It is estimated that the two assistants had to listen carefully to understand what Zhang Butou explained. Apart from the three of them, no one else could hear it.


   Zhu Ping\'an is an exception.

  Zhu Ping\'an didn\'t hear it, he saw it. Zhu Ping\'an now feels more and more that it was a wise move for him to learn lip language by himself in the Hanlin Academy Library. Zhang Butou explained what the two gangsters were doing, and Zhu Ping\'an "listened" very closely.

   "Remember what to say and what not to say, carefully examine these Tatar heads, do you understand? After the event is completed, your benefits will be indispensable."

   Except for the sentence that Zhang Butou blocked his mouth when he was speaking, Zhu Pingan didn\'t "hear" it, and Zhu Pingan basically "listened" clearly to other words.

   "Carefully examine these Tatar heads."

  When Zhang Butou said this, he tapped two buttons on his mobile phone twice to emphasize his tone.

   Note that Zhang Butou said it in an affirmative tone, these - some - Tar - tar - head - level. Before the inspection, these heads have been identified as Tatar heads.

  This sentence has a deep meaning, and the two authors understood it.

  Zhu Ping\'an naturally understood it, and a gleam of light suddenly flashed in his pitch-black eyes, and it disappeared in a flash.

  Wu Zuo had a very low status among the officials, except for Song Ci, the criminal-promoting officer in the Song Dynasty. Song Ci was born as a Jinshi. They are called "cheap servants" among the officials, and they belong to a kind of official servants with low status and low wages. Zhang Butou is a celebrity in front of Wang Shilang and their superior. With few benefits, they naturally fell into the trap proactively.

   After about ten minutes of inspection by the two experts, they came to the conclusion of the inspection, and a handwritten copy was submitted to the court.

"Returning to my lord, after our careful inspection, it is certain that the forty-nine heads are all Tatars. First of all, your lords can also see that the hairstyles of these heads are typical of Tatars. It is called Huhele; secondly, please see, my lords, most of these heads wear copper rings on both ears or one ear, which is the practice of barbarians; in addition, although these heads have been processed, they can be seen after wiping the face with warm vinegar. The complexion of the face is yellowish-brown to dark, and most of the Tatars are tanned after grazing grass on a daily basis. These are typical characteristics of the Tatars.”

   "Therefore, we conclude that these forty-nine heads are Tartars."

  Wu Zuo submitted the inspection conclusions to the court, and then briefly stated the identification conclusions. Starting from the hairstyle, earrings, and skin color, he came to the conclusion that these heads were all Tatars.

   "You and others are responsible for criminal investigation, which is the essence of this case, and you must not play tricks." Wang Xueyi, the presiding judge, said seriously.

   "I am willing to guarantee the head of the project." Wu made a vowed guarantee.

   "You are senior officials of the Ministry of Punishment, so I trust you. Do you have any other opinions?" Wang Xueyi nodded in satisfaction.

  Zhao Daying and others wished to raise their hands and feet in favor of the appraisal conclusion. It was too late for them to cheer, so how could they have any opinions.

  Wu Zuo is an expert in this field. What they say is convincing, and the appraisal conclusion is also based on real evidence, which is very convincing.

  Other officials in the court are not professional in appraising heads, so most of their judgments are based on the appraisal conclusions made by Wu. In addition, they also have their own eyes. The hairstyle, earrings, etc. of the head are the characteristics of Tatars.

  So, basically, no one has any objection to Wu Zuo\'s appraisal conclusion.

   "No, they changed the head."

Liu Dadao and the others also reacted at this time, angrily stepped forward and pointed at Zhao Daying and the others, angrily exposing the shady scene in the officialdom. .



  In the courtroom, Wang Xueyi slapped the gavel forcefully and scolded loudly.

  The officials of the Criminal Department and Jin Yiwei, who had been ready to go in the courtroom, all rushed forward at this moment, cut Liu Dadao and others\' arms backwards, kicked them on the knees, forced them to kneel on the ground, and controlled them.

   "They changed the head..."

  Liu Dadao and others struggled violently and shouted angrily.

"Shut up! You are not allowed to make noise in the courtroom. The head is sealed by the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of War is the most important place in the country. The place where the head is sealed is the most important thing. Every detail has been strictly checked, signed and sealed to ensure nothing goes wrong. , How can you and other villagers make arbitrarily low judgments!"

  Wang Xueyi patted the gavel again, looked at Liu Dadao and others in the hall, and reprimanded with a straight face.

  When the officials of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and others heard the words, they lifted Liu Dadao and others up, and were about to detain Liu Dadao and the others. According to the crime of disturbing the court, they would be beaten first before talking.

  Damn it, the one surnamed Wang wants to make use of it.

  Zhu Pingan hurried forward, first stopped the officer of the Ministry of Punishment, and then prepared to argue hard. Liu Dadao and the others were pulled by him to testify, so we can\'t just watch them being slapped.

   "Forget it, since you still have the responsibility of being a witness, and this is your first offense, I will not care about it this time. If you ignore the law and dare to commit another crime, don\'t blame me for being ruthless!"

   Now that he was on the verge of success, Wang Xueyi didn\'t want to cause more troubles and gossip, so he waved his hand and signaled the officers of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to let go of Liu Dadao and the others.

  (end of this chapter)