Rise From the Humble

Chapter 657: confident

Chapter 657 Have nothing to fear

   At four o\'clock in the afternoon, around two o\'clock in the afternoon in modern times, the guard who was ordered to go to the Ministry of War to fetch the head finally came back.

   It has been nearly 2 hours since they set off.

The heads were kept in two black lacquered boxes about two meters long and half a meter wide. The black lacquered boxes seemed to be very heavy. There is a seal with the seal of the Ministry of War on the outside.

When the black lacquer box was brought in, Liu Mu and Liu Dadao\'s eyes were red, tears rolled in their eyes, they clenched their fists tightly, and the veins on their necks were exposed. If Zhu Pingan hadn\'t comforted them in time, I\'m afraid they will lose control in the next second.

"Damn little dogs. Don\'t worry, I\'ll take you back to our house soon." Liu Dadao muttered in a low voice, his eyes fixed on the black lacquer box, thinking of his murdered wife and children, his eyes filled with tears. It\'s already wet.

  Liu Mu and other people also stared at the black lacquer box closely, thinking of their parents, family members and fellow villagers, they couldn\'t help themselves, and their eyes were filled with tears.

   Zhu Pingan can understand Liu Mu and the others\' feelings. People are not grass, how can they be ruthless, let alone a dear one.

  The heavy black lacquer boxes were placed side by side on the court, and the ground shook when the heavy boxes were lowered.

   "Why so heavy?"

   "Is this the Tatar head captured by Mr. Zhao?"

  There was a burst of moaning in the courtroom, some people were curious, and some were more reticent to see the head.

"In today\'s case, the inspection of the head is a necessary step. It may cause discomfort to you adults, but as the saying goes, a coffin is a coffin, and you will be promoted and rich. My lords, please forgive me. Come, open the museum .”

  The presiding judge in the court stood up and bowed his hands to the adults in the hall, and then asked people to remove the seal and open the black lacquered wooden box.

   "As ordered."

   Two officials from the Ministry of Punishment were ordered to come to the black lacquered wooden box and remove the seal.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes followed the movements of the two officials, watching them take off the seal without blinking. After they took off the seal, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but shook his head and sighed.

  This seal is wrong!

   Judging by the way they pulled off the seal, it doesn\'t look like it was pasted months ago, but it looks like it was just pasted a few hours ago. The seal was completely removed, the paste was not completely dry, and there were still faint tide marks on the box.

"My lord, the seal has been checked and found to be correct. It is the seal in September of the Gengxu Year of the Ministry of War, and the pen note is the first fifty-nine items presented by Zhao Daying from a hundred households." Court report.

   "Circulate and verify with all the adults." After the chief judge verified in turn, he ordered the seals to be passed on to everyone for verification.

   "Well, that\'s right."

   "That\'s right, it was the head that Zhao Qianhu presented back then. The time, date and seal of the Ministry of War are confirmed."

  All the officials nodded after reviewing the seal.

   "The lower official has one thing that I don\'t understand."

  When the seal was passed to Zhu Ping\'an, Zhu Ping\'an touched the seal with his hand, looked at the paste behind the seal, then took a step forward, raised the seal and said.

   "Huh?" Wang Xueyi, the Minister of Criminal Justice, looked at Zhu Ping\'an.

   "The date of the seal is September of the year of Gengxu. Why has the paste on the seal not dried out after several months?" Zhu Pingan held the seal in his hand, shook it from a high place, and asked loudly while looking at the chief judge.

   Hey, the paste is really not dry yet?

  Under Zhu Ping\'an\'s reminder, the officials in the auditorium also noticed this, twisted the seal with their hands, and rubbed a piece of soft paste on their fingers.

   a time

   Discussions began in the gallery.

The seal is not fully dry. Doesn\'t it mean that the seal was just affixed? If it is said that the seal was just affixed, then the head in the wooden box cannot be guaranteed to be the one presented by Zhao Daying last year. The first batch.

  It is entirely possible to be manipulated.

Seeing signs of doubt in the courtroom, Zhao Qiu, the left servant of the Ministry of Punishment, stood up and explained to everyone: "Let me explain this question to you. My lords, what is stored in this black lacquered wooden box is the Tatar Everyone knows that the heads of tartars will rot after a few days. In order to preserve the heads, the craftsmen of our Ministry of War filled the wooden boxes with stone powder. The wooden boxes of this specification can hold 30 heads. , in order to preserve the head, the stone powder should be replaced regularly to prevent the stone powder from getting wet. According to the system, every time the stone powder is replaced, there must be more than three chief officers of the Ministry of War present, and the scribes will record the replacement situation on the spot. The first level is consistent."

  After Zhao Qiu finished speaking, Zhang Butou in the hall also took out a booklet from his body in time, and handed it over to the clerk to submit to the court.

"My lord, if Master Zhao hadn\'t reminded me, I almost forgot about this matter. This book is the record of the replacement of stone powder by the Ministry of War in the past six months. I was ordered to go to the Ministry of War to inspect and collect the head. Lord Wang, the head of the Treasury Department of the Ministry of War, is worried that the weather will be hot today, which will not be good for the leader. In order to ensure a smooth inspection today, Mr. Wang asked someone to temporarily replace the stone powder. In addition to those who were low-ranking and others, Mr. Wang, Mr. Liu, and Mr. Zhao, the chiefs of the Ministry of War, were all present. After the replacement of the stone powder, the three adults signed and stamped in turn. "

  After Zhang Butou presented the booklet to the court, he first made a high-pitched crime, and then half-kneeled on the ground to report loudly.

   "I don\'t know if Master Zhu has other puzzles, and I will explain to Master Zhu along the way." Zhao Qiu glanced sideways at Zhu Ping\'an, and sneered, seemingly enthusiastic but ironic.

   sing together


   There are sufficient reasons and evidence in place. The doubts that had just sounded from above the courtroom had disappeared at this time.

   It seems that Zhao Qiu thought about this a long time ago, and prepared to deal with it. Seeing this, Zhu Pingan sighed slightly in his heart.

   Yes, Zhao Qiu did a good job of preparing and explaining convincingly. In order to preserve the head, the stone powder should be replaced regularly; according to regulations, more than three principals should be present when replacing the stone powder, and it should be recorded in the book and signed with a seal.

  I also read the replacement record myself just now, the record is detailed, and the signatures of the three principals are attached at the end. From the perspective of form, there is no flaw at all.

   I am most afraid of playing hooligans in the cloak of the system.

No solution! There is no way to take him!

   "Thank you, my lord, I don\'t have any other puzzles." Zhu Pingan looked at Zhao Qiu, cupped his hands and said lightly.

  At this time, Zhao Daying had completely put his heart in his stomach, and looked at Zhu Ping\'an in a leisurely manner, curling his lips in disdain.

  Zhu Ping\'an, don\'t you want a head, so I\'ll give it to you. Anyway, the Ministry of War has plenty, let alone fifty-nine, even a hundred more. Hehe, Zhu Ping\'an, I see what else you have to fight with me. impeach me? Hehe, I let you go around without eating!

  (end of this chapter)