Rise From the Humble

Chapter 652: fight back

Chapter 652 Counterattack

   "Look, wouldn\'t it be enough to let us in earlier? Now we have to trouble the elder in the hall to send someone to invite us in."

  When Liu Dadao followed the guards to the lobby of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he still turned his head to stimulate the Jin Yiwei who stopped them just now, then patted his buttocks, swaggeringly followed Liu Mu and others.

  You idiot, what are you dragging, do you think the court is so easy to get in, I\'m afraid it\'s easy for you to get in, but hard to get out!

  Jin Yiwei looked at the backs of Liu Dadao and others with disdain, curled his lips in disdain.

   However, Liu Dadao couldn\'t see Jin Yiwei\'s expression, so Liu Dadao walked in feeling good about himself.

  When Liu Dadao and the others entered the Yamen of the Criminal Ministry with the guards, Wang Shizhen and Zhang Siwei were still stopped outside, unable to enter without official letters. In desperation, he had to wait outside for news.

   After Liu Dadao and the others arrived at the court of the Ministry of Punishment, they were a little nervous when they first saw so many officials in official uniforms, as well as guards and guards in brocade clothes all over the courtyard. They are all hunters in the mountains, and they have never seen such a battle before.

   "Don\'t be nervous. If your lord asks anything, just answer it truthfully." Zhu Pingan walked up to Liu Dadao and the others, patted them on the shoulder, and smiled nonchalantly.

  Yes, there is a son here, why are you so nervous.

  Liu Dadao and the others saw Zhu Pingan\'s confident and calm smile, and they were also infected with confidence and indifference, and the tension in their hearts quickly dissipated.

   "Who is in the hall? Where is the person? What does it have to do with this case?" Wang Xueyi in the courtroom patted the gavel and asked loudly.

"Reporting to Master Qingtian, the younger ones are Liu Mu (Liu Dadao, Liu Dachui). We are hunters in Liujia Village at the foot of Yunmeng Mountain. We are witnesses. The entire village, 59 people, old and young, women and children, were all killed by Zhao Daying." I have lost my head, and I will not rest in peace, please be the master for our Liujia Village."

  Liu Mu led Liu Dadao and they knelt down in the hall. When they talked about the tragedy in Murakami, they couldn\'t help feeling sad, their eyes were tearing apart, and they stared at Zhao Daying.

  After Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others testified against Zhao Daying, there was another round of discussions in the courtroom, and many officials discussed with each other in low voices.

  In ancient times, the judgment of cases paid attention to listening to lawsuits with five tones and observing words and expressions, which is similar to the way of listening, hearing and asking in Chinese medicine. The five-tone hearing refers to speech listening, color listening, air listening, ear listening, and visual listening. These methods are used to carefully observe the parties, so as to achieve the purpose of identifying evidence and judging the facts of the case.

  The officials in the hall and the hall have been observing since Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others came to the hall, carefully watching every move of Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others, and listening carefully to their every word and every sentence.

   "It doesn\'t look like a fake."

   "The eyes are tearing apart, and the crown is full of anger. This kind of grief and anger can\'t be acted out normally, but it doesn\'t have to be."

  Two officials in the auditorium were discussing in a low voice, and another official joined in after a while.

   Listening to the surrounding discussions.

   Zhao Daying, who was in the center of the storm, was surprisingly calm, showing the demeanor of a general, as if Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others were not the ones who testified against him.

  When the discussion in the courtroom was about to ferment, Zhao Daying spoke up, "My lord, can you allow me to ask these witnesses a few questions?"

   "But it doesn\'t hurt to ask."

  For Zhao Daying, the presiding judge in the courtroom has always been good at accepting advice.

   "Thank you, my lord."

Zhao Daying thanked the presiding judge with his hands clasped together, then walked up to Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and the others and asked loudly, "I have a few questions, and you should answer them truthfully. Answer what you ask and don\'t talk nonsense. I\'ll ask you , You said that I, Zhao Daying, borrowed the heads of 59 people, old and young, women and children in your Liujia Village, so let me ask you, were you there at the time?"

   "Uh, not here."

   Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others looked at each other, then shook their heads. When they came down from the battlefield and returned home, the village was already a mess, **** on earth. If they were at home, no matter how hard they tried, this tragedy would not have happened.

   "Then you saw with your own eyes that I, Zhao Daying, borrowed their heads?" Zhao Daying asked again.

  Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others are still shaking their heads. This question is no different from the question just now. How can we see it with our own eyes if we are not there.

   "Then you heard with your own ears that I, Zhao Daying, asked the old and young women and children in your village to borrow heads for use?" Zhao Daying continued to ask.

  Liu Dadao and others still shook their heads, they really didn\'t hear it.

  Everyone in the courtroom looked at Liu Dadao and others and shook their heads, what kind of witnesses are you? How can you be regarded as witnesses, this is not a joke.

   Playing the piano randomly!

  In addition, everyone looked at Zhu Ping\'an with disappointment, sighs or ridicule.

   Now Zhu Ping\'an is finished.

  You are still too young and too impulsive to do things. This painful lesson is enough for you to remember long enough, but you don’t know if you still have a chance. It would be a pity if, like Zhao Jin and Zhou Mian, they were directly sent to jail and lost their official positions and honors, what about the youngest number one scholar in Ming Dynasty, tsk tsk, maybe he would be the shortest-lived number one scholar in Ming Dynasty.

  Nice counterattack.

  The overall situation has been decided.

  The military officers in the auditorium showed celebratory smiles on their faces.

Looking at the reactions of all the officials in the hall, Zhao Daying couldn\'t help but raise the corners of his mouth. He looked at Zhu Ping\'an, Liu Dadao and others, just like looking at a dying person. This is how the winners look down on the losers. attitude.

   "My lord, I don\'t have anything to ask." Zhao Daying looked away from Zhu Ping\'an and bowed to the presiding judge.

   "Did you hear Zhao Daying\'s question just now?" Wang Xueyi asked Liu Dadao and others.

  Liu Dadao and the others nodded.


   "How courageous! One of you was not at the scene, the other didn\'t witness it, and the third didn\'t hear it with your own ears. You still dare to come to testify, but you are playing tricks on this court?! Come, put them in the back prison, and they will be convicted and punished after the case is closed."

  Wang Xueyi first slapped the gavel forcefully, winning the first blow, and then reprimanded him sternly.

   "Huh? Master Qingtian was wronged."

Liu Dadao and others knelt on the ground in a daze, looking at Wang Xueyi and other presiding judges in the courtroom like lost lambs. Their eyes were dark. It was obvious that their parents, family and folks were killed by Zhao Daying, and they were clearly victims. Just based on Zhao Daying\'s two questions, they were convicted.

  I thought their county was so dark because the sky was high and the emperor was far away.

did not expect

  The same is true at the feet of the Son of Heaven.

  It turns out that crows are always black no matter where they are.

   "As ordered."

  The officers of the criminal department on both sides came over holding their killing sticks when they heard the sound, and when they were about to walk in front of Liu Dadao and others, they suddenly heard a dumbfounding voice from the side, which was unusually clear in the silent lobby.


   This is a young voice. Hearing the sound, the officer of the Ministry of Punishment subconsciously stopped in his tracks and looked up at the speaker.

  Zhu Ping\'an appeared in front of them, with the corners of his mouth raised, like the sun shining through dark clouds.

  (end of this chapter)