Rise From the Humble

Chapter 496: Repent to teach the pig to find the Marquis

Chapter 496 Repenting to teach the pig to find a Marquis

  The **** of joy is at the door, and all evils are avoided.

This is the reason why people "chongxi" is a superstitious custom of the ancients. When someone in the family is critically ill or in danger, the family tries to drive away all evils and bad luck through weddings, hoping that "the **** of joy will come to the door and all evils will be avoided". In order to turn the crisis into safety.

  For Chongxi, rich man Li is also full of support. Li Shu is the most precious jewel in the palm of rich man Li. As long as there is a little bit of hope, rich man Li will not let it go. In fact, if Mrs. Chen didn\'t mention Chongxi, rich man Li would also mention it.

  But at this moment, Mr. Li is not at the wedding scene, nor is Zhu Pingan\'s elder brother. They are all at sea at the moment

   Before the person sent by Marquis Linhuai to deliver the bad news arrived, rich man Li had already heard the news. His identity and status had better means for news. In this regard, Marquis Linhuai was not as good.

  After hearing the news, rich man Li lost his composure on the spot. According to the people present, rich man Li excitedly greeted his elder brother Linhuai Hou!

  In addition to questioning Linhuai Hou Xingshi, it is to arrange rescue. Even if you turn the sea over, you have to find them!

As for the one-day search and rescue that Marquis Linhuai said, without a trace, the youngest of the Li family beat the person who sent the message to death on the spot. The person who sent the message to death was all Li Laosan, a sophomore in middle school, who had done good for his sister.

   If you can’t find it in one day, why not in two days? If you can’t find it in two days, it will be three days, and if you can’t find it in three days, it will be a year! If one hundred ships are not enough, then there are two hundred ships; if two hundred ships are not enough, there are three hundred ships; if three hundred ships are not enough, there are no hundred ships; where? !

   Don\'t make excuses, these uncles and brothers and sisters in the capital are already upset! Poor jingle, with no ability at all, and always seems to be superior to others!

   "There is a thief sneaking into the sea, and there is no delay in apprehending the murderer!" The rich man Li issued a secret security letter, and then he cut it first and then played it, and recruited the coastal guards to enter the sea.

  At this time, the sea ban was temporarily lifted, allowing fishing boats to enter the sea. In addition to the navy of the guard, the Li family also spent a lot of money to mobilize hundreds of fishing boats to search and rescue in the sea. There are three portraits on each boat, namely Li Shu, Zhu Ping\'an and Baozi\'s little maid.

  Zhu Pingchuan also went into the sea with the Li family members. When he learned that the Li family members were going to search and rescue at sea, he followed without saying a word.

   Several young and strong people from Xiahe Village went with Zhu Pingchuan.

Zhu Pingjun from the uncle\'s family also went with him. Apart from doing his best to find Zhu Ping\'an, he was really fed up with the one-eyed daughter-in-law at home. Zhu Pingjun hasn\'t lived a day of comfort since he got married. After hearing the news that Zhu Pingchuan was going to search and rescue with Li\'s family, Zhu Pingjun followed him as if he had escaped from a prison.

A wedding without a bride and groom has a lot less cumbersome procedures. The rooster and the hen are put together in a cage and placed in a new house to enter the bridal chamber. The cumbersome procedures are subtracted, and the wedding banquet that is set up is open to entertain people who come to join in the fun .

  In the backyard of Zhu’s mansion, mother Chen sat on the bed with a frowning and sick face.

"Second sister-in-law, don\'t worry about it. I\'m sure that auspicious people have their own destiny." The fourth aunt reflexively stared at the dowry gifts in the room, while sitting on a chair with her big belly to comfort her, frowning. Exhibition of Chen.

"It\'s the second sister-in-law. You are blessed by God. When you were a child, you couldn\'t see it. If you are still doing well, it will be the same this time. You are smart and capable. So many people are fine at sea, you are fine. It\'s definitely okay." The third aunt also comforted Chen Shi, and finally took the decoction on the side and blew it in her hand, and said to Chen Shi, "Drink the medicine while it\'s hot, and drink some porridge after drinking the medicine. , you haven’t eaten anything for two days. Ping An Lang is the most filial, if Ping An Lang finally came back and saw you like this, wouldn’t he be sad to death.”

   Mrs. Chen shook her head, "I can\'t eat it"

"Mother, listen to my aunt and take the medicine. Dachuan and the Li family went out to sea to find the second brother and younger siblings. There are hundreds of ships, and they will definitely be found. You should take the medicine quickly, mother. They are still pointing at you, we will only have strength when we are healthy, mother." Zhu Pingchuan\'s daughter-in-law Juan\'er also advised Chen to take the medicine first.

Ever since she married into Zhu\'s family, Zhu Pingchuan\'s daughter-in-law, Juan\'er, feels that she has lived a fairy life. She used to be unable to eat enough to wear in her natal family\'s house, but now she not only eats enough but also eats well. Silver, it\'s old time to go back to my mother\'s house.

  Mother-in-law Chen’s personality is pungent, but she is good to the outside world, and she is good to herself at the inside;

  This kind of life is something Dachuan’s daughter-in-law never dreamed of before. Therefore, Dachuan’s daughter-in-law has always cherished it. She is diligent, active, and filial.

  She also knew that this kind of life was all thanks to her brother-in-law Zhu Ping\'an, so when Dachuan wanted to go to sea with Li\'s family to search and rescue, she not only didn\'t stop him, but also asked Dachuan to serve more snacks.

Mrs. Chen has always been the master of the family. Ever since she heard the news of her uncle\'s accident at sea, she seemed to have lost her soul. She didn\'t think about food and drink, and washed her face with tears. Many times, but it still didn\'t work. When I saw my third aunt and fourth aunt came to persuade me, I also tried to persuade her again, hoping from the bottom of my heart that Mrs. Chen would get better.

   "No, I want my pig." Chen shook her head, tears streaming down again.

   "Second sister-in-law/mother." Several people persuaded again.

"I eat and drink here, but what about the pig, there is nothing to eat and drink on the sea, the pig doesn\'t even have a bite to eat or drink, the pig is the most greedy, but he can\'t eat anything. As long as I think that my son is still hungry, and now I see that there is food and drink, my heart hurts." The tears in Chen\'s eyes could not be stopped, and the more she talked, the more tears flowed.

   "I regret it so much. It would have been better if I hadn\'t let Xi\'er go to the capital to rush for the exam. It\'s good enough to be safe at home. Farming the fields and driving the car."

   "I don\'t want any house, any house, I want my pig"

The more Mrs. Chen talked, the more sad she was. She regretted letting Zhu Pingan go to the capital to take the imperial examination. If time could be turned back, she would definitely not let Zhu Pingan go to the capital to take the imperial examination. All the honor money now, even her life, is exchanged for Zhu Ping\'an\'s safe return.

   "Mother" Dachuan\'s daughter-in-law Juan\'er couldn\'t help but shed tears along with her.

  (end of this chapter)